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Jon the VGNerd

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Everything posted by Jon the VGNerd

  1. So Colombia flopped their match right off the bat, and lost to Japan. And Poland is at the mercy at the hands of Senegal, all because of an easily-avoidable own goal, and the goalkeeper not goalkeeping enough. He had one job and screwed it up. Can some make a meme of the Poland-Senegal match when said match ends?
  2. Yep. The Egypt-Uruguay match seemed rather underwhelming in terms of performance. And it seemed the Egypt goalkeeper simply stood there as if letting Uruguay get the lead instead of deflecting it, but oh well.
  3. My guess is that the draw was intentionally fixed instead of computer-generated because they wanted to make the group stages more interesting. Dunno if that was considered a wise move, really.
  4. PlayStation Forums: Not as active as it used to be, as most activities on the forums has diminished greatly. Majority of threads I find have been significantly toned down and none are appealing for me. Even if I were to create threads, they just sit there empty.
  5. Saudi Arabia just got owned by Russia in the opening match 5-0.
  6. Really? Goodness. Seems this version of MLP forums is pretty toxic. Also have another forums I formerly joined back then. Wangan Midnight: Used to be amazing until I ended up making a thread regarding MLP. Everyone started to openly hate it and then called me out by making "distasteful" replies to it. And yes, an admin stepped in to intervene, but even that didn't stopped them from making snide remarks so the end result is that they were either given stern warnings or being banned altogether. Didn't returned either way.
  7. Now, before I proceed any further, please note that if this thread ends up going overboard, I'll understand if a moderator/admin locks this thread because heated arguments are never a good thing, just a heads up is all. What forums have you previously joined before you left for a number of reasons? I had a few number of forums joined prior to leaving: Game Informer: Its one of the biggest forums I had ever joined back in 2006, and despite the ups and downs, still had a good time throughout the years. However, after years went by, at least in 2010, the forums had a huge update which halted all activity altogether, with many older users having left en masse and never returned ever since, moved on as well. I returned and tried to find signs of life in the forums, but it seems that the Game Informer forums have since become a ghost town. Nobody was posting anything at all so it's basically just an empty void. ScrewAttack: I joined there because of Death Battle, obviously. Unfortunately, my activities were sparse over there and it's become a huge request-fest with poor matchups as well, including other people who nitpick at others, even though their suggestions are right. The community itself is rather questionable, in terms of activity, especially since the majority of posts are solely focused on Death Battles; every other thread sections are a total wasteland. I like the forums, but at the same time, I don't like it because of the community environment. SCS Software forums: Notably popular for the games such as Euro Truck Sim 2 and American Truck Sim, though the community itself goes a long way, especially from the lack of adequate moderation (and if there is, it's because they don't like quotes from a previously posted thread and remove them on sight). And then you have plentiful of people who get seriously snippy at others for pointing out flaws, even though users have the right to either criticize or praise one's work yet they clearly start instigating on one another over the smallest mistakes, including mods that were not up to date. I won't lie, there are certain amount of users (who also did their work as well for creating mods) tend to be openly hostile to other users and issues are often never resolved from heated arguments due to nonexistent activity from both moderators and admins who are not always active. There you have it.
  8. The fandom itself isn't dead, but it did left a pretty large gash since the Everfree Network/Canterlot Hill's departure, which had significantly dwindled a large number of fanbases as a result of the livestream show's sudden decline.
  9. Yeah. And sadly, search bar still refuses to function for me, no matter how many times I keep on trying. You'll have to direct me to the specified thread I wanted to check in since the search bar is just simply uncooperative with me. EDIT: It seems to working fine, as there are specified words that can't be retrieved as a result. Go figure. Least the issue's solved, heh. Do lock this thread or delete it, either or.
  10. So apparently, my post is held back by the "Your content will need to be approved by a moderator", but yes,t his is a technical issue from the search bar not working properly.
  11. I have no idea. I suppose it's been that way since the MLPForums got a major upgrade. My broadband has zero issues as I can easily browse other tabs and sites perfectly fine. Yet when it comes to using the search bar on the forums and enter something, it loads for a pretty big amount of seconds before an error message pops up.
  12. So apparently, the forums' search engine is still broken as shown in the attached files. Anyone else getting this kind of issue? Whenever I'm trying to find a specific thread (can't be bothered to keep clicking through each pages), it becomes slow to load and when it does finish loading, the "Something went wrong." image soon appears. I'm surprised that this issue is yet to be fixed so if anyone can resolve this issue would be highly appreciated. Thanks.
  13. I checked the channel listings of Cartoon Network, and while they do have the original Teen Titans, they now air them at 6 AM, which is sketchy and inconsistent, since nobody will be able to wake up early just to see the original Teen Titans. And even then, the shows are completely scarce as they show absolutely zero interest in even giving themselves a massive overhaul to cater veteran fans out there. On the plus side, however, Boomerang has started to bring back classic shows to their channel listing, including Regular Show (except Johnny Test, in which everyone knows that it's a blatant knock-off to Dexter's Lab), but have yet to pull non-classic shows (and I mean current ones from Cartoon Network) from it as well, meaning that classic shows are aired very late at night, and I sure as hell am not pulling off an all-nighter just to see those classic shows again. I'm perfectly fine with watching them during the daytime and in the early evenings, but late at night hampers my sleep schedules. It seems Boomerang is slowly starting to shine, though Cartoon Network is still stuck in the dark ages. And I didn't forget from my post from last year that Cartoon Network pulled the plug on promising shows, including Galactic KND, which is a sequel to Codename KND, but was ultimately denied. I won't lie, but the current president of CN, Christina Miller, is no better than Stuart Snyder, really.
  14. And it seems the UK aired The Mean 6 two days ago, which was three days BEFORE the episode premiere this Saturday. Why can't they just stay on schedule instead of making unnecessary early airings?
  15. The one thing I strongly disapprove regarding the nature of PC gaming are PC elitists that enjoy going all gung-ho on others just by bragging about because they claim to have better budget and money compared to other PC users who have a lousy income or are struggling to get a better pay, just for one PC part to upgrade. No offense, but the sight of those types of PC players sicken me to no end.
  16. Yep, lost my will to draw stuff (not just traditional, but digitally as well, especially that) at all. Wonderful.

  17. Well, for one thing, cows and goats are not insects, unlike cockroaches, which are notorious for infesting houses and spreading diseases by contaminating food. Cows and goats do not do those; at least their milk have acceptable tastes.
  18. This somehow happens to be a new "superfood trend" which, to me, I'm having a difficult time grasping the concept of it. And yes, this is coming from someone who's lactose intolerant and detest in seeing things are are gross and downright unappealing. Cockroach milk seems to become a thing for dairy goodness, just like fidget spinners that are supposedly intended for mental health when it's obviously a distraction (at least in my opinion). What are your thoughts of "cockroach milk" and are they good or just plain disgusting? I myself just find it awful, because I prefer lactose-free almond milk because it has better taste and is good for my stomach. Cockroach milk just looks downright revolting, even if it were to taste good (yet my taste buds will likely disagree on this).
  19. @Lambdadelta If you remember the episode Dragon Quest, his own kind has shunned him and are known to be brash and daring, often in the most reckless and dangerous manner ever, making him unfit to be one of them, especially with Garble often trash-talking Spike most of the time. Also, Dragon Lord Ember is obviously unfit to be with Spike, romance-wise. My only guess is for Discord to ponify Spike, but not permanent however, but rather, temporarily.
  20. Great episode, and want to see more of Skelenor. She deserves more development and screentime; no voice actress is needed. She may be just a cardboard and doesn't normally speak, but to see her show her bashful yet caring nature (even though she wanted Big Mac and the two teleport back) when it comes to Big Mac is amazing in itself, especially when she gave Discord the "help him out" look. Goodness, I wanna see her more!
  21. The thing about airing episodes before the official release means spoilers would spread like wildfire and it creates problems within the community of the show. I've kept a tradition of waiting for new episodes every Saturday (not counting hiatuses), so for streams to air unreleased episodes ahead of time, even all at once, is basically like opening Pandora's box.
  22. Not to mention that its streaming site, Ruusto (I think?) aired four, unreleased episodes all at ONCE from two days ago. It seems this is creating a lot of problems especially for the mainland US that are waiting for every Saturday's new episodes whereas other countries are intentionally airing said unreleased episodes ahead of time, regardless of the consequences they're bringing.
  23. Look, I love Finland a lot, even though I never visited there. However, It seems two days ago it released a number of unreleased episodes all at once, instead of, oh I don't know, keeping a steady schedule for Saturday showings as usual? Even in Canada they released two episodes each day from Season 7, which became a total spoiler-fest. Unless other streams from other countries stop airing unreleased episodes without the risk of spoiling fans from other continents, including the US, those early releases isn't surely gonna win the fans without obvious spoilers raining down. I just wish they could just stick with the normal schedule instead of jumping the gun suddenly, just like in Season 7.
  24. I think countries and streaming services need to learn to stay on schedule and not release episodes too soon and too early. Don't they already realized that this is grounds for spoiling stuff by releasing future episodes without keeping schedule?
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