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Status Updates posted by Flutterbattyyy

  1. Just started a Ponies Around the World Discord server! :squee:

    Seeing as Equestria Daily's big PATW event is just around the corner, I figured it might be a neat idea to start a group for traveling, adventure, exploring, and Ponies Around the World.



    Join Here: https://discord.gg/asYTD4s :P


    Ponies Around the World is an event started by EQD where you bring your favorite pony toy, merch, etc. and take a photo of it at some significant landmark or place, whether it be famous or off-the-beaten track. Each year, hundreds of photos get submitted!




    This group is an experiment, so I'll see how it pans out, lol. :derp: It is affiliated with the Everfree Hikers facebook group.

  2. Just got back from a big 5 day hiking trip with Flutterbat in the eastern Oregon desert! :squee:

    Did 7 day hikes at John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, at the Painted Hills Unit, Foree Area, and the Blue Basin Area. Did a bunch of filming for the 2019 Ponies Around the World film, too. :yay:

    Full gallery here: Ponies Around the World Gallery



    Red Scar Hill

    Painted Hills Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument





    Blue Basin

    Sheep Rock Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument





    Painted Hills Overlook

    Painted Hills Unit, John Day Fossil Beds National Monument



    I have a whole bunch more hikes and backpacking trips planned this year. Last year I got up to 200 miles of hiking; this year, I'm striving for 300 miles! :yay:

  3. I just got another Fluttershy life-size plushie! This time she has faux fur and is 45" long. She is super cute! ^^ I cannot wait to receive her in the spring: http://qtpony.deviantart.com/art/45in-laying-Fluttershy-662384575

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Flutterbattyyy


      Cool! I like the name. :)

    3. Flutterbattyyy


      Best of luck getting over your sickness, btw. Being with a sore throat is no fun.

    4. FizzyGreen
  4. Just posted a new hiking trip report in northern Washington! I brought along Rainbow Dash, Flutterbat, and Daring Do for some #PoniesAroundTheWorld photos. See here: http://www.oregonhikers.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=24855

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Flutterbattyyy
    3. Flutterbattyyy


      Oooh, I just noticed. You like G1? :D I used to loooove that show! So many wonderful memories. My favorite ponies from G1 are Fizzy, Gusty, Galaxy, and Magic Star (in that order). :3

    4. Leave a Whisper

      Leave a Whisper

      Those are some of my favorites too.

  5. Yeaahoooo! I'm a butterfly! Now I'm a part of Fluttershy's cutie mark. yay? xD

  6. Ohmaigosh, your profile pic is so cute!

    1. AuraBlue
    2. Flutterbattyyy


      Your welcome.

      Best poni = cutest poni. :3

  7. Just finishing putting together a short nature film; will be up tomorrow on my channel. Added poni bonus in there. :P

  8. Is that Fizzy as your profile pic? :P

    1. redaxted


      It isn't meant to be, but now that you mention it she really does look like Fizzy! :o I hadn't noticed that before... Maybe that should be her nickname! :3

  9. What an epic conclusion to the 2016 summer! I managed to get in a total of 111 miles, 26,600' of elevation gain, and 19 hikes during the small window of three months this summer, woo! I haven't been posting updates on my hikes since the Ancient Lakes one, tho, so here's a link to one of my most "interesting" and unique backpacking adventures through 6' deep snow and snow-covered-trail navigation. :Phttp://www.oregonhikers.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=24264

    1. Flutterbattyyy


      This summer was super fun! I hope to do even more next year. My plans for next year include summiting Mount Whitney, then backpacking the John Muir Trail to Kearsarge Pass; backpacking the Glacier Peak Wilderness; backpacking to Devils Garden and Avalanche Valley on Mount Adams; and doing a series of day hikes around Mount Baker and Artist Point. A little bit ambitious for the small "summer-window-when-the-snow-melts-up-high" time constraint, but I'll find a way to make it wor...

    2. FizzyGreen


      Wow *o*

      Sounds like you had a great time! :)

    3. Flutterbattyyy


      Yeah, this summer was a blast. Thanks. :)


      Every year I find myself becoming even more addicted to hiking, lol. Now to patiently wait til next year... :3

  10. Just got back from another amazing backpacking trip. Read about it here, if you want: :Dhttp://www.wta.org/go-hiking/trip-reports/trip_report.2016-06-19.3866879296 and (longer trip report) http://www.oregonhikers.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=24098

    1. PiratePony


      That looks like it was so much fun. I love all your pics in the second post. :D it makes me want to go camping.

    2. Flutterbattyyy


      It sure was fun, thank you! :)


      I'll be going again tomorrow, but somewhere else. I'll be staying at Timber Lake and Olallie Lake in Oregon. Can't wait! :D


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