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Posts posted by Haruhi-chan

  1. Hm. I don't think I have been for very long. Not like a lot of people have since I know most start at a young age. I also have Dyspraxia, and a lot of other issues. It's really hard for me to improve or get better, but that doesn't stop me from drawing though. :3

    • Brohoof 2
  2. I live in a house, and we also own it as well. ^^ I have lived in apartments before when we moved around some. We even lived in a hotel room for a while when we first moved to Arizona. XD I also grew up in a house as well when I lived in Maine.

  3. I love tons of visual kei stuff, but since I'm sure no one is into that stuff... I'll post one non-VK band that has helped me through a lot since I was just sixteen. They are called Simple Plan.



    This band has a huge spot in my heart. The song itself is pretty much my life song.

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I was just curious if anyone here watches it. I love it, and my favorite characters are Madeline Hatter, Lizzie Hearts, Kitty Cheshire and Raven Queen. ^^ I actually own the doll for Madeline Hatter.


    So, does anyone else like this show?

  5. The 50's. Why? Because those poodle skirts were effing adorable! Plus, I've heard some of the music, and that's also really great as well.


    And let's not forget the beauty of the 90's. I don't know if it counts as a time period in history, but I still miss the old shows from the 90's. I grew up during that era, and it always makes me feel sooooo nostalgic.

    • Brohoof 1
  6. I would have to say getting free tickets to a diamondbacks game from our mascot. All I did was tell him I was a big fan of his and my special needs and such... it wound up being a email about us discussing tickets to his birthday bash! I feel like it was a very nice gesture of him to do that. <3


    Oh and same for me would be also meeting my soulmate as well~

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I do. I take Concerta for my ADHD, abilify for my horrible anxiety. I also take a blood pressure medication because the Concerta has been discovered to cause high blood pressure in me. Then, I take Klonopin as needed for anxiety. I also take vistaril as needed for allergy hives due to anxiety. Oh, and I take Clonidine to help me sleep at night...


    Yeah, my anxiety is hell for me as you can see. It's been known to disrupt my life in certain circumstances.


    On the topic of ADHD, I have the mixed form of it. I had it sooooooo bad as a kid that by second grade, I was put immediately on meds just to calm me down and help me focus. I've gone through almost every one of them and finally settled on Concerta. Ritalin actually made me worse rather than better.

  8. Those worms from the Tremors movies. I was on the couch with my mom, and they thought I was sleeping. Well, they were watching one of the movies, so I kind of watched it as well. I ended up being scared shitless to the point where my parents had to tell me the worms weren't real over and over.

  9. I have a lot of them. So, prepare yourselves for a long list.


    Thunder (the sound of it makes me nervous)

    Spiders (just looking at pictures can cause me huge amounts of anxiety)




    Weird bugs

    The Future

    Getting old


    Other things include the fear of my house catching on fire. Also, I do fear my future because of my special needs. I can't take care of myself when it comes to cleaning, paying bills, holding a job and cooking on my own. So, I'll end up having to live in one of those group homes. I'm terrified of also being alone as well, but I don't have anyone who can be my roommate. It's just... so many issues I can't deal with right now.

  10. I did this test:


    (@, I suggest you to try it also)


    and I got 54 which is kind of a mix. Anything below 50 is introvert and anything above 50 is extrovert. So according to the test I am a liiiiiiiiiittle bit more extrovert but yeah I voted for in between.


    I think I got a ten? O_o This is what my result said:


    "According to your results you appear to be the type of person who doesn't socialize very often. You likely have a limited social network, and possibly aren't really interested in extending it beyond a few close and intimate friendships. Having an active social life doesn't appear to be an important thing to you. Chances are that when the opportunity arises to socialize among a large group of people, you'll most likely turn it down if possible. This doesn't necessarily mean you don't enjoy socializing or being around people. Rather, you tend to prefer spending time with smaller groups of friends. Individuals who score similarly to you typically aren't conversation-starters, especially with people they aren't familiar with. In addition, they aren't known to be exceptionally outgoing, unless among close friends."


    It sounds about right. I'm the type who likes to have a few close friends rather than a bunch of them all at once. I'm not much into socializing unless I want to be (Just yesterday at my Doctor's appointment, I was actually very talkative with a complete stranger, and then to the male nurse there). I do socialize, yes... but it's usually when I WANT to. If people start talking to me first, I often get overwhelmed and have to shy away. Most of it depends on my mood and what the person is talking about too. I think a lot of it comes from me being autistic. I often find myself talking about things that interest me or something rather than what the other person wants to discuss. It's a common trait in autistic people.

  11. I love most of the pokemon, but some of my top favorites are Darkrai, Flygon, Syvleon, Mew, Yveltal, Snivy, Greninja, Pikachu and Espeon. Omg. I can't choose just one. DDDD:

  12. So not watching the reboot. Why? Because fricken Cartoon Network didn't bother getting the previous VAs. Before you say they were all busy, they weren't. All three of them, including Tara Strong who did Bubbles, were awfully disappointed. They weren't even ASKED to return. Sorry, but no one will ever do my Bubbles as good as Tara.

  13. Hm. I'm afraid of growing old. I dread the day when my bones start giving out on me, and I start losing my hearing. I also dread losing what's dear to me at this very moment. :( All because of growing old. I'm also afraid of the future. I fear after my parents are gone, I'll end up in a group home or some other care facility of sorts. I can't take care of myself due to my special needs. :x


    Other fears:





    Thunder (loud and unpredictable)

    • Brohoof 1
  14. I've come to the conclusion that I'm bisexual now. I don't feel that I am asexual, so yes... I am part of the LGB right now. I wanted to update my answer because I'm too lazy to find it through other posts. :x I do lead more towards boys though.

    • Brohoof 3
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