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Posts posted by Haruhi-chan

  1. Princess Luna for me. I just adore her. I'm obsessed with dark colors, and I find her to be fascinating. XD My second choice would probably be Princess Twilight because Tara Strong ftw.

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Can speak: English


    Want to speak: Japanese, French, Spanish


    Japanese is actually the first one I would wish to learn. If I could, then I'd know exactly what my favorite j-rockers were saying. DX I did TRY to learn french and spanish at one time though. Problem is, at the time, I didn't catch on as well as I wanted to. I know very little Spanish, and I can count to eleven in Spanish as well. XD

  3. I'm grateful for the people in my life. I'm very grateful towards my boyfriend for loving me as I am. He's practically my soulmate, and I can't imagine being without him. Other things I feel grateful of would be my heroes who have always been there for me. ^^

  4. I find most of my hope in my heroes. They give me the inspiration to keep going no matter what. Both Takeru from SuG (in my sig and avvy) and Simple Plan remind me that I'm not alone, especially Simple Plan. A while ago, I went through one of my depressive episodes I had... well, I was on the verge of self-harming. So, I started listening to Simple Plan some for a while. I started to feel better over time, and I've been perfectly fine since then. :3

    • Brohoof 3
  5. "I burn water" :D


    lol yeah. So, I can't cook worth shit. A lot of it is because of a slightly bad experience as a child. My mom told me not to touch the stove when it was hot, and I didn't listen to her. I got burned a little. It wasn't bad, but it was enough to scar me into knowing the stove isn't a play thing, and that I will get burned. The idea of that scares me I guess.

  6. Not really. My parents don't really care. They know I'm below my typical age level, so they just think it's because of that. Plus, they don't know much about bronies and the stigmas of MLP or anything. So yeah... no one really cares, especially those that know me pretty well.

    • Brohoof 1
  7. I used to love the place too. My favorite items were the Kiki and Coco kitties. They were so cute, and I wanted one in real life. ;o; I also had a crush on Liam... until they made him this big jock guy. -___-; There was a time when they had a water balloon fight during summer time as well.


    Also, you do know you can get Gaia cash cards the same as you can iTunes cards, right? You don't actually have to pay with real money by actually giving it with a credit card. I might even consider going back again just because I enjoyed it. My only struggle was finding friends because they seem to frown upon people with special needs. The worst part is the amount of trolls who feel the need to bully others more vulnerable.

  8. Doctor Who


    My Little Pony:FiM

    Littlest Pet Shop

    Sofia the First



    American Dad

    King of the Hill


    There's more, but I can't recall them at the moment. DX

  9. This isn't a debate about whether or not music can save lives.


    Anyway, what bands have saved your life? Are there any that have helped you through a lot of things or reminded you that you aren't alone? What have these bands done for you?


    For me, it would be Simple Plan. Yes, I do love visual kei more than anything. However, Simple Plan has been my muse off and on since I was sixteen. They've always been there to remind me I'm not alone and help me through a lot of my depressive episodes as well. I had one not too long ago, and they were able to pull me out of it without me self-harming this time.

  10. I'm rather an introverted person but I also have a desire to become a bit more outgoing in someways. I know that you cannot simply wait around if you want to meet new people or even make new friends. Although this is something that is hard for me somewhat.

    That's actually how I am. I'm the type who would rather wait than engage. A lot of it is due to major trust issues. I've had a lot of bad friendships in the past I guess, and it's made it even harder for me to make friends. I always worry that the person is going to just shrug me off or be some huge jerk or something.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. 3cd8a33a.png?1306264975


    In all seriousness though, 'natural flavors' usually means something that comes from animals such as urine or something. I actually heard that most spring water or whatever, fish actually pee in that water... let alone die. Nothing you eat or drink is sacred anymore to be honest. We have digested this stuff our whole lives... it's not really that gross.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. I saw a number of people on the forums calling themselves an introvert here. It made me wonder how many people actually are. So, I decided to do a poll. ^^


    In all honesty, I can't really say what I am. I do lean more towards introvert, so I guess that's what I will go with for the moment. However, it depends more on my mood than anything though. There are times when I actually choose not to be social for certain reasons. Other times, it's usually because I'm not able to socialize due to autism of course. I tend to stick to myself rather than attempt to engage with others.


    What about you?

    • Brohoof 3
  13. The only question I had a hard time with was the religion one. I have chosen to not have a religion, and I also don't identify with being agnostic. :x I just put in other that I had no religion. Some of the personality questions were hard because I didn't know what few of the words meant or what they were saying.

  14. My bro has slight Aspergers, so I don't think Twilight/Fluttershy actually have it. If they did....they'd be huge jerks (my bro IS a jerk, not hating on anypony who has this). But I can see if someone might think they have it (in a way).

    I have a form of autism, and I'm not a jerk. I'm one of the greatest people you've ever met. FYI: Having autism, AS or not, doesn't affect one's personality. That's like saying all black people scream at each other and eat nothing but fried chicken. While, some of them might actually do this, not ALL of them actually do it (I'm not trying to be racist here... just trying to make a point). I think you need to learn more about this condition before you start judging others who have it. You're going to offend someone with it one day, just like you have me.


    Anyway, to stay on topic... I did have a thought that Fluttershy was a bit autistic. I do relate to her a lot because I can be pretty shy and timid in certain social situations. However, I don't think she is because autism isn't always just due to social interaction. I do know that it's a spectrum, but from what I've skimmed here, there's only been very few autistic traits for both Twilight and Fluttershy. 


    I agree that Fluttershy seems more like she'd have Social Anxiety. She gets nervous in social situations, and she does constantly worry about being judged by others, sometimes even by the other mane six. As for Twilight, I do see where people are coming from with her. However, she does treat her friends with a lot of respect as well. Most people with AS have a hard time actually maintaining friendships and such. I'm not saying they can't make friends. It's just harder for them to really find people they relate to. Twilight seems to go beyond that whole barrier with her friends, and she does seem willing to help others besides just her friends at times.


    But that's just me...

    • Brohoof 1
  15. The worst would be the multiple head injuries I've gotten in my childhood. The easiest I can remember is being at a ball game when we lived in Maine. I wasn't watching where I was going, and I ran smack into the metal railing with my forehead. Boy, did that hurt like a mofo. I think I actually got sick because my head hurt so badly. x____x


    Other than that, I don't think I've ever really gotten anything too severe compared to most people.

  16. Ya do realize those are two completely different things -.- You have to be one or the other, not both.


    Thins that people dont understand about me.. uh..

    -Why I HATE playing sports

    -Why I HATE running

    -Why I sit in my room on my computer a lot

    -Why I'm drinking coffee at 14.

    -Why I still love Pokemon at 14.

    -Why I'm so good in school. Some people literally DON'T LIKE ME because I do well in class, and apparently I'm a "know it all" because I raise my hand a lot. :L

    Psh... I'm 26... and I STILL play pokemon. There's no age limit to people who play or enjoy it.


    I also agree with the computer thing. A lot of people will jump on me about internet safety and how not everyone I talk to is who they say they are. I have pretty good judge of character, and I can sometimes tell one someone isn't being truthful. When it comes to internet safety, I never give out anything I'm not supposed to. Yet, people have always found out easy to attack me on how long I spend online, who I talk to and whatever. It doesn't happen as much as it used to. When I was younger, I often kept my online life a secret because I was always afraid someone would throw the internet safety shit at me. >_____>


    Also, you can be pansexual AND asexual. I don't see why someone can't be both. It's the same was someone being asexual and gay/lesbian. I'm asexual myself, and I don't even know if I'm straight or not.

    • Brohoof 1
  17. This is going to be another autistic-related thing, but... another thing people don't understand about me is my need for routine. Also that I can't just stop doing something cold turkey. For example, I always have to have my laptop in front of me. I can't turn it off to read a book or 'get away' from said laptop. This is all due to my routine. People don't seem to realize that if anything changes, even the slightest, in my routine, that it can cause me a great deal of overwhelming anxiety until the routine is back in full swing. 


    Yeah, I know it sounds silly to others. Well... how about you try being autistic for a week, and then come talk to me. How's that?


    Oh, and another thing... some people don't understand how I can be a loner, yet still talk to people around me. Being a loner doesn't mean you are some hermit living in a shack all their life or something. I go through moments where I won't socialize at all because I just don't have the energy and stamina to deal with talking to a person I'm not interested in. Other times, I tend to like socializing with other people, especially if I'm close to them.

    • Brohoof 1
  18. Well first, you need to be reading something that you actually have interest in. It's always a grind to read something that bores you.


    Next, you need to roughly know your reading level. If you never did a lot of reading at a younger age, it will be more difficult to get through more advanced texts.


    It helps to know what mood and setting you like to read in. Try reading when you are feeling sad, happy, frustrated, bored, etc., and in different places with different attributes, like noise level, light level, colour saturation, and distracting decorations.


    Go to the library and sample a lot of genres/themes. Read as much as you are comfortable with each one, and gauge your reaction. Try fiction, non-fiction, adventure, fantasy, basically everything and see what is easyest for you. Even try things you think you might not like.


    Finally, just keep doing it. Treat it like exercise or dieting. If you just persevere, you will improve, whether it's in vocabulary, endurance, or plain enjoyment.


    Hope this helps, as I know how frustrating it can be to just not want to read something.

    I think my problem is my reading comprehension. While, I can read really well... I often have a harder time processing what I'm reading at times. I already pretty much know what I like for genres and such. I can read pretty much anything that has to do with disabilities/mental health to fantasy/sci-fi stuff. I got through a couple books in the past without any problem, but... I don't know. Maybe I'm just pushing myself to read too much or something.


    Reading library books is actually harder for me. They only give you a certain amount of time to get through a book, and I've always been the type to pace myself. It also doesn't help that I have autism and ADHD as well. X_x Anyway, I actually knew how to read before I even began talking (I didn't speak until about four or five) or at least before I reached Kindergarten. Something like that. O_o I don't know how it was possible, but that's what my parents told me. *shrug*


    What I'm trying to say is... it's not so much the genre/mood/setting/whatever I struggle with. I don't really know what it is. I mean, if I have music and a book that interests me, I should be able to read without any problem. Ugh. Maybe it's just me.

  19. I do, but if I'm close to them... I have to wear noise-block headphones. I don't like loud noises due to my autism. This year, we actually went to Tempe Town Lake, and boy was I glad I had them. I would have freaked out if I hadn't.

  20. I get my hair cut every month, if not less. My hair grows slowly, so it hardly needs to be cut frequently. I like my hair to be kind of medium short because it's easier for me to care for. It doesn't get tangled as easily as it would if it was longer. The only problem with my hair is that it's kind of thick and ALWAYS really poofy. Nothing I do will fix it, and not even my hairdresser has any idea. D:

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