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Posts posted by Haruhi-chan

  1. It varies for me. Like, I'm not the type of person who will burst into tears. I actually have a hard time expressing my pain. I could be sitting at the doctor's office with a broken wrist, and they wouldn't even know it's the case. I think a lot of this has to do with my autism because it's hard for me to express things unless I can write them or use my iPad. I mean it's not a matter of talking that's a problem but just the lack of expression.


    However. if I'm doubled over in pain... I'm most likely to show it by tears or simply complaining about it. It just depends on what sort of pain we are dealing with.

  2. This is probably going to sound stupid but... this guy:




    Mostly because Takeru is everything I want to be. He's got the strength to carry on no matter how shitty he feels. He's always smiling and being confident just so that us fans don't worry about him. He's got a whole lot of kindness, even though he can be quite sadistic at times. He's the greatest hero in the world to me because he's got so much to live for right now, despite the conditions he has. He's got his own clothing line, which he designs his own clothes himself. He's also the vocalist for SuG, which is one of my most favorite bands of all time. He just doesn't like us fans to worry. He tries really hard to be strong, even if it means trying TOO hard. He's just amazing, and I couldn't have asked for a better inspiration than him.


    Anything else that is essential and matters most to me would be: my visual kei music, my friends and my boyfriend. I don't want to leave them out because they really mean a lot to me, even if I don't seem to appreciate them as much. I really do care for them, and that's why when they leave... I get upset. I become emotionally-attached to people.

  3. People often think I'm bratty or misbehaved when I meltdown. What they don't realize is that I'm autistic. Another thing is that people also seem to find me weird, crazy or strange. I guess it's something off-putting for them. I've never been able to make friends on Facebook or anything because of it. It's hard for me to go them too. I'm really not that crazy at all. I might look it, but that's only because I get obsessed over things easily. I actually lost a real life friend over this, I believe. It's hard to say since she never gave a reason why. One day she just decided to block me on Twitter and take me off Facebook. She even knew I was autistic because I told her a dozen times. ._.


    So yeah.

  4. Not sure if I posted or not... lol I don't care. My answer probably needs to be updated, but I don't know where it is. >< Too lazy to try and find the damn thing either.


    Five of my most favorite bands are SuG, Gotcharocka, SCREW, Matenrou Opera and Reign. Sure, I could name a dozen of ones I actually like such as Born, the GazettE, Alice Nine, Diaura, Sadie, Lycaon, RevleZ... the list could go on. However, I really enjoy the top five I listed because they are amazing as fuck. SuG started out kind of child-like and what not, but they are growing up now... so their music is starting to grow up with them too. After all, Takeru was only about 20 to 22 when SuG first came together. Now, he's 27 going on 28 on May 11th.

  5. omg... can i change my answer? ._. Just a warning... this is going to be REALLY long.


    There's only one person I continue to live for. I know I've talked about him a lot, but he really is amazing. He goes by Takeru, and he's from this visual kei band called SuG. If you haven't noticed, he's always happy and always trying to be strong for us (his fans). What you wouldn't know, and this has been confirmed that he said so in his blog, is that Takeru has depersonalization disorder, panic attacks, arrhythmia and autonomic ataxia. Plus, last month, he had chronic tonsillitis and had to have his tonsils removed because he got really sick from pushing himself. He had been sick since last year with asthma-like symptoms, a sore throat and a fever of 104 degrees. He said in an interview that if they hadn't taken out his tonsils, he would have suffered severe complications later on. :(


    Well, you know... despite all he's been through, he's always trying. He doesn't like it when us fans worry about him, so he does his best to stay strong through it all. Even when he probably feels at his worst, he's always smiling and being happy. That takes true strength for anyone right there. Plus, he also owns his own clothing line called 'million$orchestra'. He is the vocalist of SuG, and he can also play guitar & bass as well. I mean this guy is amazing. With all the shit he's been through... he's just... omg. Seeing him the way he is all the time inspires me to overcome my challenges.


    I'll tell you the story of how he came to become my hero. Bare in mind that this comes from a post I wrote on Facebook. I'm too lazy to retype it so yeah. it's based on what I THINK really happened at the time. The details of what happened might be a little off due to my poor memory though, but it's pretty much what I feel occurred.

    So, I remember these fake j-rockers being part of some festival thing or whatever. They were going on about how cocky and rude Takeru was. He did some stupid prank or something that pissed off Tora and Saga. That's when I started hating Takeru (mind you I'm telling the way I remember so it will make them sound real). Later, I think about 2011, they had gotten Takeru to come on Facebook (or sitemodel whatever lol). I got pissed off because I told them I hated him and didn't want anything to do with him. It made me so mad. Well, they had said that he actually wasn't really that bad. So, I gave him a chance. I think... I talked to the fake Takeru. I realized they were right about him not being that bad a person. So, that's when I asked him to be my big brother, and he agreed to it.

    Later, I was forced out of the group. I never had a chance to say goodbye to that fake. Well, skip the two or three year hiatus I had after what they did to me. I started crushing on the real Takeru. At the time, I only knew little about him. It wasn't long until I got curious and decided to look up facts about him. I discovered something about him that would change my life towards him forever and ever. Takeru has depersonalization disorder, arrhythmia and panic attacks. However, this guy is strong as fuck. He's so good at hiding it that you wouldn't even know he has these things. Well, me, I have very severe anxiety. I felt that if he can overcome those sorts of things, then I should be able to overcome having such horrible anxiety.

    That's when he became my hero. I look up to him because he's absolutely amazing. Like omg. This guy is my hero because despite all he's been through in life, he always remains so strong and brave through it all. I feel like if I had never met that fake that I never would have learned to appreciate and adore the real Takeru. I never thought I'd go from completely despising his cocky attitude to actually adoring him as a hero in the future. Words cannot begin to express just how much Takeru really means to me.


    So yeah. Trust me, this isn't like the whole thing with PelleK either. This is different.

  6. New happiest moment of my life was realizing how important Takeru from SuG has been to me all along. I'll tell you the story of how it all happened too. Bare in mind that this comes from a post I wrote on Facebook. I'm too lazy to retype it so yeah. it's based on what I THINK really happened at the time. The details of what happened might be a little off due to my poor memory though, but it's pretty much what I feel occurred.


    So, I remember these fake j-rockers being part of some festival thing or whatever. They were going on about how cocky and rude Takeru was. He did some stupid prank or something that pissed off Tora and Saga. That's when I started hating Takeru (mind you I'm telling the way I remember so it will make them sound real). Later, I think about late 2011, they had gotten Takeru to come on Facebook (or sitemodel whatever lol). I got pissed off because I told them I hated him and didn't want anything to do with him. It made me so mad. Well, they had said that he actually wasn't really that bad. So, I gave him a chance. I think... I talked to the fake Takeru. I realized they were right about him not being that bad a person. So, that's when I asked him to be my big brother, and he agreed to it.


    Later, I was forced out of the group. I never had a chance to say goodbye to that fake. Well, skip the two or three year hiatus I had after what they did to me. I started crushing on the real Takeru. At the time, I only knew little about him. It wasn't long until I got curious and decided to look up facts about him. I discovered something about him that would change my life towards him forever and ever. Takeru has depersonalization disorder, arrhythmia and panic attacks. However, this guy is strong as ****. He's so good at hiding it that you wouldn't even know he has these things. Well, me, I have very severe anxiety. I felt that if he can overcome those sorts of things, then I should be able to overcome having such horrible anxiety.


    That's when he became my hero. I look up to him because he's absolutely amazing. Like omg. This guy is the vocalist for a very popular visual kei band called SuG. He's also been an actor when he was about 22 years old as well. He owns his own clothing line too and can even play bass & guitar too. This guy is my hero because despite all he's been through in life, he always remains so strong and brave through it all. I feel like if I had never met that fake that I never would have learned to appreciate and adore the real Takeru. I never thought I'd go from completely despising his cocky attitude to actually adoring him as a hero in the future. Words cannot begin to express just how much Takeru really means to me.


    My only issue is that... I wish he knew how I felt. :'(


    So, that's pretty much the happiest moment of my life right there.



    • Brohoof 1
  7. My home is a place called Pokecommunity. I've been there for ten years, almost eleven. Well, I came and went but... this time I've stayed. It's taught me a lot, and I owe those forums a lot for helping me grow. Of course, they don't mean as much to me as my hero Takeru does but... still. PC is my home, and I think it always will be.

  8. Beatrock love - although, I haven't quite finished it yet. It's a movie that Takeru is in. it's a really cute movie, and it's definitely one I wouldn't mind watching over a dozen times. This is rare for me because the only other japanese drama I like is 1 litre of tears. Takeru was only 22 when he made this movie. He was so cute like omfg. <3


    Here's a picture from the movie:




    Takeru is the one with the hat on. <3

  9. I can't stop thinking about what an amazing person Takeru from SuG is. I mean, this guy owns and designs his own clothing line, sings in the most popular visual kei band known as SuG, can play both bass & guitar as well... yet one thing not many people know about him is that he was diagnosed with depersonalization disorder, arrhythmia and panic attacks. Plus, just recently he had to have surgery to get his tonsils removed. Last month, he got really sick with a sore throat, a fever of 104 degrees and asthma-like symptoms. This guy has been through hell and back. It's no wonder why he considers himself the vocalist from hell. But seriously... he's just so amazing because despite all his been through and still goes through, he always remains so strong, confident and positive through it all. That's what makes this guy my hero. <3


    I mean look at this guy and how strong he is:



  10. Well, I just learned yesterday or last night that Takeru from SuG has depersonalization disorder, arrhythmia and panic attacks. Yet, through it all, he remains so strong, confident and positive despite these things. It amazes me because you would think he'd be suffering, maybe he is deep down or something... but he doesn't show it on the outside. That's what makes Takeru my hero though. He's just... amazing like omfg. Sure, he has a very sadistic personality but... he's still a sweetheart. He's like a big brother to me, even though he doesn't really know this right now.


    So yeah.

  11. When I do sleep, because lately it's been hard lol, I usually sleep with a Pikachu plush associated with Takeru. >/////< I can't sleep without him singing Time after Time on my laptop either. As for the above questions, I just sleep in my underwear and a t-shirt because I get hot at night lol. For pillows, I don't know what kind they are, but they are soft. I also sleep in a bed because that's just the natural thing to do. XD I don't know about position, but I do sleep on my left side. I find it's more comfortable this way. However, I often tend to wake up in a different position. I can never remember it, though it is usually on my back.


    So yeah.

  12. One other thing that has cheered me up lately is this guy:




    He goes by Takeru, and he's my hero. I know, I know... I swore off on heroes after the incident with PelleK. This is different because well... this guy has depersonalization disorder, arrhythmia and panic attacks, yet he's always so strong, confident and positive through all of it. I don't know how he does it either. It inspires me to be a better person and to want to overcome my problems with anxiety all because of this one guy. He's just really amazing, okay? ;o;


    So yeah... one thing that can really cheer me up the most is my hero. <3

    • Brohoof 1
  13. Sometimes. I have an iPhone, and the keyboard can be so frustrating. I think I've gotten pretty used to it though and have hardly noticed how annoying it is for me. hehe. On my iPad, I use a stylus since it's much more effective than using my finger. If I use my finger though, I end up with more typos and shit then what I want. ><

  14. Time after Time by SuG has been stuck in my head. Mostly because I've been listening to it so much. I can't help that Takeru has such a gorgeous voice. >//////< I'd post a video, but it doesn't exist yet. The album just came out about two weeks ago. XD

  15. I pretty much shower when I feel like it. Like, what I mean is... I don't have a specific time when I shower. I just shower whenever I feel like I need to, you know? I don't have to worry about things like school or work, so I have a lot of freedom to do what I want basically.

  16. Still thinking about the sheer sexiness of this photo (I gotta warn you just in case... it may or may not be safe for work. it's not that bad though, so no worries):






    And the fact that Takeru from SuG is all grown up now. *_______* Damn, he's hot as hell. <3 That picture makes me drool because omg fangirlproblemsftw.

  17. I'm not really fond of it. To me, it's kind of a gross habit. It makes you smell, and it can cause serious health problems. However, a majority of my j-rocker crushes smoke. They have for a long time. For them though, this is usually a stress reliever. I guess in a way I can understand why they do it. I know Subaru from Royz (in my avatar) does it, and I also know that Gotcharocka does as well. My parents also smoke, but this is different for me since I wish they wouldn't. Considering my special needs, I rely on them very heavily to look after me... and if they get serious health issues from smoking then I'm screwed.

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