My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Applejack How did you find MLP Forums?: I searched for MLP Forums and this was the first result
How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I found out about it because of a PMV of an editor I was friends with.I became curious about it after watching the Fluttershy rapping with Pinkie (Fuck Shit Stack song).I'm a fan ever since the week the 2-parter premiere of season 2 came out on TV.
Hiya you guys
How's it going?
>This is the first time I am part of a forum so... (you better be welcoming!! )
Anyways, I'm an european teen gamer pegasister. Those are the main things you should know about me tho
>I was born and live in Portugal, the southeast country of Europe, neighbor to Spain
>I'm between 15 - 18 years old
>My Bday is actually tomorrow xD
>My fav. games are Shadow of the Colossus, Phoenix Wright Games, TWD Game, PKM X, Spyro and Okami.
>My fav. band is Queen <3 (I love I Want It All so much ^-^)
>My fav. pony is Princess Luna (I know, overrated right? I don't care tho...)
>My fav. main 6 pony is Applejack 'cuz I look up to motherly characters (and she is always there for any of the mane 6)
>My fav. CMC is Scoots ever since the Sleepless in Ponyville episode.
>I have a thing against RD... I hate people who aren't humble in the slightest. I can't help it. But I don't hate RD... I just can't love her as much as the others. ;-;
>Fav. Episodes (in order): Flight to the Finish; Magical Mystery Cure; Lesson Zero; and Party of One
What else can I say really...
Well, whatevs.. Got any questions, go ahead and ask