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Status Updates posted by BritishBrony2012

  1. Happy New Year, Everyponies, Happy 2018.

  2. End of this year not long now (well in UK), wouldn't say i be looking forward to 2018 but going to think postive. Not sure what be in store new year but I think postive, learn from mistake and get my life good.

  3. Always I say this year been up and down. Not sure what to say about this year other than it's up & down. If it's has more ups it be a good year. I do had some bad moments, which depress me and want to get about, mistake i did which got me in trouble and hope learn from it and wouldn't happen again. Of course there been good things holiday, days outs, my team (Manchester United) won two trophies. Also there highlight having new sofa & char, new dentist, new neighbour and new doctor (Not the show). Also discovering Wendys, Porgs and Kurumi Ebisuzawa (School-Live) & celebriting Hatsune Miku's 10th Aniversary. Also seeing movies like Justice League, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Lego Batman & My Little Pony: The Movie. It been an interesting year even I say it up & down it been interesting.

  4. Just watched Doctor Who and got excting when regeneration start. Will Miss Peter, there few bad moment of him & some episodes but nothing perfect. Looking forward to new series hope it won't be long, or year absent.

  5. It's christmas, Hope anyone have a great Christmas.



  6. I don't need presents cos if I want something I get. Hope someone will feel same cos yeah given can be great but do you need give forever. If something give me something that be great. Prsents to me, be worst things about Christmas (That's me)

    1. Libra


      Pls let these be lyrics, please let these be lyrics

  7. It's Christmas Eve, tomorrow be Christmas Day

  8. Kind of dislike X-Men and Fantastic 4 but be excting how Disney/Marvel remake them, bet muntant will show up in Agent of Sheild or Inhuman. But I love X-23 and Psylocke. Didn't see latest Fantastic 4 movie, and wouldn't go and see it cos not into them and it not great. But maybe see which are done by Disney/Marvel.

  9. Watched Star Wars today, and really enjoy it. Had popcorn and nacho. After movie, there stormtroopers about. It good to see BB8 and knew I going to like Porg.

  10. Disney bought 20th Century Fox, what kind of Wolverine, X-Men and Fantastic Four Disney will make. Hope they don't change Deadpool or put him aside and hope they don't stop X-23 spin-off.

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      They can't do any worse than Fant4stic.


      ...Or can they?


  11. Looking forward to Seeing Star Wars and BB8

  12. Not being a good football/Soccer fan, Man United lost in big important match & now other team think they can win alot and become new Manchester United or Barcelona or something. Gee hate that team and will not check on them during the soccer/football season, cos it will make me sick/angry/depress.

  13. I had a nightmare that I was late for work totally at 10am, I meant to start work at 7.30am and they rang me. Find out it was Sunday relief, stay in bed til 2pm.

  14. Be seeing Star Wars before Christmas. Looking forward to BB8 and Rey but having bad thing about this something really bad in the movie, maybe.

  15. It's December, Christmas is coming.

  16. It's Doctor Who Day, remember 2013, as it was 50 Aniversary of Doctor Who & also MLP Season 4 start, good day

  17. Feeling bothered about my new neighbour specialy they have 6 kids.

  18. Watched Justice League and enjoyed and like it.

  19. Going to see Justice League Movie tomorrow. Looking forward to it.  It be b******* if someone reply don't watch it, it horrible like what happen with Batman vs Superman cos it p*** me off. I want DC to do well in movies.

    1. TheRockARooster


      Hope you have fun, mate.


  20. England Rugby league Team won but sadly not say same with Manchester United.

  21. Seen the MLP the Movie, it's awesome. There was Hanazuki short flim first before th movie which was annoying.

  22. Going to see MLP the Movie today.

    1. Nature Tune

      Nature Tune

      Lucky you. But ive watched so many spoilers that Ive basically watched the movie(kinda)

    2. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      I hope you'll enjoy the movie!

    3. Nature Tune
  23. It's My Birthday, I'm 33

    1. Snow


      Happy birthday yo!

    2. Barpy


      Happy bday! :) 

    3. BritishBrony2012
  24. I be 33 tomorrow. Nerves.

    1. TheRockARooster


      HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow, mate.

    2. BritishBrony2012
  25. Got week off this week, last remaining holiday I get this year. But got dentist appointment  on Tuesday and haven't been for long time and my teeth is bad. Nerves and scared of what will happen and what will dentist. Thinking of what to say when ask question.

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