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Status Updates posted by BritishBrony2012

  1. Hard to beileve, can't believe Grumpy Cat pass away, last year, my cat, Thomas and Keyboard cats pass away. Wanted to meet that cat, & have selfie with it. RIP Grumpy Cat

  2. Happy Star Wars day. May the 4th be with you.

  3. Happy Birthday Pinkie Pie.

  4. Today I'm in holiday on Devon & Corrnwall.
  5. Yesterday, seen Avengers Endgame and enjoyed it. That all going to say. After that stright home and sleep until 8-ies evening.

  6. Want to keep away from football (soccer) but it everywhere it's annoying.

  7. One of the reason I had my two weeks off is St George's day, it should be bank/public holiday today in England. It day of English, like St Patrick's day, celebrate day being Irish, do not understand why St Patrick's day celebrate around the world. Not anyone in England celebrate or know about St George's day, but I do.

  8. In England There day called Good Friday.
  9. Finally my 2 weeks off are here, been counting down since after my week off in January. Plus having Easter/Long weekend.

    1. Kion



    2. Rikifive


      2 weeks off? Oh I want that too! :please: Lucky you! :P 

  10. So much stress in my life, certurn place, my famly, football, three things that stress me lately as well as politcs.

  11. Seen Star Wars Episode 9 trailer, looking forward to it and looking forward to see BB8. But not Porg but wonder who's the little droid?

  12. Think I'm getting fed up of football (soccer), it been upsetting and stressing me out. Being a fan of a team can be not easy even when you not playing. Got other things I like to fall to it never fail me.

    1. Burning Dusk

      Burning Dusk

      I beilieve in you!

  13. Not enjoying football (soccer) right now. Thinking Manchester United back to it best and on good run then two lose in a row, and fear of a rival getting 4 trophies.

  14. Watched Captain Marvel, it okay and like the cat. Really looking forward to Avengers Endgame & Shazam.

  15. Why would I watch movie called The Kid would be King and not Arthur or any other King Arthur movie it bother me, I like King Arthur and Excailbur and dislike movies that star a kid and had high school and bully in it. Did enjoy the movie it does have Britishness - Stonehenge, Glastonbury Tor, Tintagel and Excalibur.

  16. Seen Lego Movie 2 and Alita Battle Angel on same day. Unikitty is my favorite Character from Lego Movie 2 & 1. And fall in love with Alita.

  17. Sadly just finished my holiday in London, I enjoyed myself. But be back to work on Monday.

  18. Having my week off this week, also going to London for 4 days, set off on Tuesday Got dentist tomorrow. Glad to have my week off.

  19. Lucky my Spyro game back, it seem to take ages to load into Starting Screen and fear the worse as I turn game off and back on about 6 times but suddenley it went to Start Screen. haven't lost my game but went to bed at 6am as it Sunday it doesn't matter.

  20. I booked a week off on week (Started 14th), 2 weeks off on between April & May and one day off in August. Wanted for holiday after New Year day. Really need it. also going to London again on that week off. Wanted to see more of the city.

  21. Trouble with my Spyro game, it still on loading screen before the Starting screen. It like nearly two hours. If it not going anywhere, going to look in walkthrough Youtube, not starting again. I'm done with video games. Something on what happen to my game ruin video game for me, until next Spyro game come. Don't want to play Sly Crooper game anymore.
  22. Be back to Work on Wednesday, Tuesday is a public holiday as it's New Year Day. Good to start to new year with a holiday, if only have extra holiday. Scotland have another holiday. Hoping to book a week off this month.
  23. New Year Eve tomorrow. But only had one day hoillday then back to work on Wednesday. Hoping booking a week off next month. Want to look forward 2019, life is always up and more downs but there things I'm looking forward to.        

  24. Christmas over, At Uk, it's Boxing Day. I did spend most time in bed.

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