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Status Updates posted by BritishBrony2012

  1. Got my Sims back, would i fix the game data myself but my brother did it. Playstation updating must of did something I better be carefully, not sure what game update is that.

  2. Playstation update must of screw up my Sims 4 game data, most sims characters are half naked & some items missing. So p*****

  3. Finally seem Lightyear on Disney Plus, already like Sox and manage to buy Sox plush but not Vinyl Pop, seem sold out everywhere.

  4. Wanted a job with no weekend shift, maybe in future. I wanted a weekend like in my last job, like going to town and Convestions. There problem when try book a holiday on Saturday, when I want to go to conventions.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hope you find something that works better for you, my friend. :adorkable:

  5. Should be gald and happy for England Womens' team on Sunday. But instead depress & frusrated for mens' team. 56 years of hurt gone? England that won 1966 were men. Not people start comparing, maybe I doing it not sure. I want both mens and womens to well, but mostly mens, I glow up with it. But one of them will do it better. Nothing against womens' football, just not interesting in it.

  6. Sadly no job yet. But last weeks there been heatwave and been relaxing in garden and even been advice to go for a walk, I go 1-3 days a week. Doesn't hurt to still do other things apart from job search, spend alot times searching. I know I shoud looking for job but always time for other things to and I will find one one day.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I believe in you, my friend. B)

  7. Blank status is getting annoying. I forgot to copy paste at time.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yeah, it is so easy to forget at this point, even with the red bar warning. My brain doesn't register it much. :wacko:

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Tell me about it.
      I can remember to refresh pages as soon as I open them. I can deal with the missing notifications. But that? It's the most annoying. :yeahno: Even when the blank status bug is gone, I'm always a little afraid of it coming back.

    3. Rikifive


      ikr? I know this pain. :c

  8. I chip a tooth on Monday, thought it was a nightmare. Can't believe it happening. I ate a choclate called Nestlé Walnut Whip, by bottom of it it was little hard and felt crack on my tooth. I was shock. I told my mum & didn't bother much. If I got a job, I go to dentist, not right away cos it was expensive. I hope Iose that dentist they were nice people, I used to hate dentist and have some bad experience with last two dentists, but my current dentist. It annoying bad things happen. Not sure I still be eating Nestlé Walnut Whip after it chip my tooth I had no problem with it before.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Oh no! So sorry that happened to you, my friend. :( Tooth problems are never fun.
      Please make me a promise. I know it's expensive, but if you start getting severe pains or if that tooth chips more, don't wait. Go see a dentist as soon as possible. The money doesn't matter. Just don't let a dental problem get worse.

      And don't be scared about what I just said. I just want my friends to be happy and healthy. :rarity:

    2. Rikifive


      Ouch I feel the pain.. Sorry to hear that. I myself should visit a dentist, but with the ridiculous prices, I'm putting that on hold.

      Human body is a collection of horrible design choices. Teeth should keep popping out once in a while to regrow new, as it did at the beginning.

  9. Celebriting Platium Jubilee, even I'm not a royalist, dislike the royal famliy, never like meghan #PlatinumJubileeRoyal_Household_Queens_Jubilee_2022.png

    Even I haven't got a job and been turn down (which was upsetting, would of start on 6th) there always time for fun.

  10. Sorry for bring bad news but been turn down a job again from same University, *sigh*, I was hoping to get that job. Seem good job. I'm fond working in University but job is job ans in it for a job. If I did got a job I be nerves. I try to make interview abit better than last year but still there so many people apply. They short staff since my last intervew with them and they put up a advert on job search and I apply. There Am (morning) or Pm (Evening), I pick pm cos morning I may finish abit late and people will arrived, evening not be many people accounding to mum, cos she used to work there and don't have tp get out of bed early. Not sure I apply to them again, may apply for morning shfit, but may still for evening shift. I don't get it, they stuggle with staffs. It frusrated, knew apply for that place again may happen again. I had hatrd of that place since been down last year, I wanted a job, my mum say they for anyone butn it bullcrap. Never forgive them until they put up a job advert back up, weather I apply again. Problem when so many people there last chance of get a chance, only luck. I against going to place like jobcentre or learning centre to tell me how to do a interview and Cv properley cos they never a good help they are depressing. I try look for a job and hope it's good job. When my mum apply for that job same place I apply for long ago, she wrote a letter, she work in a museum in the morning and dinner lady in noon, they accpet her right away bet it's two job the reason she got the job. She got three now at that time, she is a busy woman, at that time,, now retried. My mum try to ring them before my interview but seem to block.

    Sorry for bring stuff like that I was having I don't get it feeling and little upset and little angry, I feel I might get it but no.. My mum try to call them but they block. They were short staffs since my first inerview I had with them and improving the interview to last year. I hope I get a good job, it been frusrated looking for jobs. And thank to covid and lockdown, I lost the job and if lost it will take time to get another and money in my bank account are really low. I miss going to city centre and cinem at weekend, cons & meeting cosplayers and going on holiday, hope it I got a job I do them again. Reason my mum got a job, she got two job already and she apply for evening job and she has morning job and noon job at other places, she sent a letter and she got the job. I don't get it, bet it random pick and have to be lucky. I didn't ent cv, when applying online I put enough details. I apply tomorrow. They took time letting me know after interview, it was meant to be last Friday and this week Monday. I not giving up, but not happy and angry at Universirty for turning me down twice.Even I'm into working at University and there stuffs in the area, like politcal posters around I dislike but job is a job and only there for a job. 

    Not given up but feeling angry and hatred toward that University. Not sure I apply them again or apply for morning job, bus service can bad on nighttime if I get evening job. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry you're having bad luck, my friend. But I still believe in you and I hope things get better real soon. :rarity:

  11. Had an interview and it's 2nd and same University cleaning job last year, which was my first. Maybe I got a chance, I be let know tomorrow or Monday.Interview is great, think I did right abit better than last time. I been told I be start on 6th next month. But won't get my hope up too much but hope I got it. Cos I feel at interview I learn from my last interview.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sounds promising. :eager:

  12. It like 4 weeks and finally interview next week, cleaning job at university, maybe I had a chance. Guess Easter Holiday & Bank holiday  took time to respond. Nothing from other job I applyed for I guess got someone and didn't know and feel they put me in last list cos I apply them before and miss the chance cos I meant rang them before 2pm but wake up 3pm. Was bother applying them again.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Hope you get the job. :coco:

  13. I apply to two jobs, one I missed out few weeks ago cos I was unable to call them before 2pm but I was too late. This unexpected and I go to bed late. Same job miss out was back on job search site, I try to look for other jobs so to think about it and see if there other good ones. So apply again and expect it be a week, it's a immediate start, I be training. Not sure what that meant. Sure doesn't mean I got a job. Also say if interesting, call I do prefer text or email, cos not good on the phone. 
     Another I apply for is Universtiy of Leeds, I apply to them before last year. Maybe another chance. Was anger by them for not giving me a job. But worried if I got the job worry I not what they need. My mum work there before, she say they go for anybody but I think differently. But there so many and pick randomly. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sounds real tough. But I'm still cheering for you. :)

  14. I apply for job last week heard nothing yet look like it going anywhere. It a cleaning job it a bar, hope it had good people, even it four days Friday to Sunday 3 hours and Monday 1.5 hours, maybe it monthy wage, if weekly try save up. If I get like four days and like 4 hours, just to get some experience so maybe good change to get another job. My Cv, don't need to make it like to work i high office or government. If work in weekend may had to book days off to attend cons.


    I felt like givng up on job searching, feel no jobs are me. Want to earn money but jobs seem hard to get.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I know it's tough right now my friend, but don't give up. I know you'll get a job eventually. I believe in you. :squee:

  15. Seen The Batman, it was great. Still Batman Begin is my favourite, but This Batman is great.

  16. Been for called for my job but Indeed job search, say they not doing anything at this time, whatever meant, are they going to look at my appcation other time? Going to look for another job. It getting annoying. This is 2nd job I unable to even get an interview. Even with two last jobs and still not lucky. 

  17. I be watching The Batman Friday or Saturday, enough money for cinema and popcorn and maybe Big Mac chichen at McDonald. Got two bank acount not alot but enough for three things. Before I get a job. I hate having money issue specialy with no job. It be last movie to watch in cinema until I landed the job.

  18. I wanted to go to USA, Japan, SIngapore and Australia and maybe Philippines before I turn old. Even I be turn old I try to act young. Nothing wrong with that.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I would also like to go to Japan. :proud:

    2. TheRockARooster


      I wanna go to the USA, Canada, Scotland, Ireland and Japan.

  19. Still didn't heard from job I apply for, Indeed say it take 9 days to reply. I try apply for another job but waiting for reply first. If not after 9 days I apply for next one. Before I had my 2nd job I was in Learning Centre I had to reply to like less then 10 jobs as some other reply to like over 100. The caseworker do push you to reply but it stupid to apply to job that want someone that had two jobs (I only had one and caseworker think work in college carteen as part of the course is another job as they want a two paid job) and another that want experince of position (but never in that position I was trying to apply for that position (Kitchen Porter). Remember interview I did, my caseworker think I had something wrong and say it don't work like that I was annoyed like she know anything. An person like in my CV and had an weird face, if I say something I believe things will go wrong. I try to be myself when in interview, as that might work. That course was 24 weeks and gald I got a job. I do get paid well searching for job and going to Jobcentre every two week. But it not much. And my advisor is not my advisor somehow. I had to go to jobcentre to sign off as I got a job (2nd job). I bothered how long I be having this job, and it was 14 years. This corona and CHina really anger me. But what will I miss if it wasn't for corona and lockdown.

  20.  Jobcentre (Not sure what you got/called in other counrty), even you be paid during searching for jobs, they will harass you when you still have got a job, and will tell you off and cut allowance if you not bother searching or late to jobentre signing/meeting with advisor. According to my brother and my time there was bad experience. Before my 2nd job, took a year and fouth mouths, I try to apply for Kitchen Porter, just lost my job from Burger king. Again company always goes for experience. Alot of people stuggle to find a job cos company goes after experience or can work for just less than £1 for a week/month.  Indeed (job search site) advert pop up on som Youtube video few times it's annoying and depressing. I watch youtube video for pressure or other things. 

    Didn't go to Jobcentre since I lost my job in 2020, I did search until November 2021 when reply for a job. I go search on my computer. Not sure it different to last I try to search jobs in 2005 and 2006 when I lost my Job in Burger King. My advisot sent me to Retail course in place called Leeds Learning Centre which they also did job search, if you didn't much specially none they do push you. My experience in that place, on person which called caseworkers, one is annoying think she know how interview work, since I mention in the interview and she say why I didn't done right. She even puch to reply for a job that want epxerience as a Kitchen Porter which I'm not and another job who looking for someone who had two job experince, cos I work in College Carteen as part of a course and the job I reply for want two paid previous jobs.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry things are tough, my friend.

  21. So far I apply to two job. First one unable to get an interview cos person who going interview me say I didn't confirm it on text.  I was confuse, they should of said. Other Job I try to apply for last year told to confirm that I be attending interview. Well after unable to have my first interview this year, she text, I try to reply on text but no reponds, until next day. I was on weekly shopping with my brother, so I be unable to attend hoping they give vme another date but didn't. So back to job search.  It took awhile to find another job, even for cleaning job they seem to need experience or disable people or people who work for 1p. I apply for another job that had three days (Mon, Wed & Fri), monthly paid and work 8-11 am and no mention of experience. What bothered is holiday, even no weekend and just three days, not sure there be holidays. I know it seem no much three days and three hours but sure something , £8.91 per hour monthly, and I be cleaning small office/kitchen/toilets and locker room. Maybe little easy but no sure of the people.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Good luck, my friend. :coco:

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