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Status Updates posted by BritishBrony2012

  1. September count down to end of November (My London holiday) (Be in London , hotel where Arsenal stadium few walks, just hopre don't end up anywhere near there)

  2. Not enjoying and loving my football (soccer), hope Manchester United sort themsleve out, try to not focis on rivals and league table, frusrated they doing well and United struggling and even fellow fans attack one of new signing Mason. Not over not having Harry Kane. I love my team but hate football, give me too much pain like death or someone you like pass away.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry to hear that, my friend. Hope things get better soon.

  3. Really not loving my football (soccer) right now, it's frusrated and depressing. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry to hear that, my friend. Maybe next season will be better.

    2. BritishBrony2012


      new season already started, won first match, but lost 2nd match yesterday to team I dislike. Even team will win and lose, sometine feel will it ever get better this season.

  4. I'm not used with Womens' World Cup and football, I'm more used to/glow up with mens' football. England's Women team doing well really bothered me, I won't be overjoy if they win the World Cup, I be frusrated for England Mens' team. I'm going fall of football lately, I somekind have love and hate relationship with football/soccer. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I don't like sports at all, but I am glad you like them, even if it's just a little bit. :twi:

  5. My brother booked a tour in Big Ben and Parlienment (day after Babymetal Concert). Also be going to Science Museum cos of Video game event. It at November last week of November. And seem far away as it middle of August.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sounds like fun. :)

  6. November seem far away as it's July. Many things come happy illness me or my brother or mum , cancellion, another viru?, stirke or deley/cancellion of coach. Been looking for this London trip. Thinking what to bring with me.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Have fun in London, my friend. :adorkable:

  7. I changed my username, picture profile and my profile infos,  some more info about me, more than just likes and dislikes. I used to be called by Sunny and Izzy man. Warn if you read my info profile some you may not like. Also it's long.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Thank you for letting me know. :fluttershy:

  8. My brother booked a Babymetal Concet along with hotel for three days, and coach back to home, but not coach to London yet he book it next month. Looking forward to it. He booked it in April after our Sabaton Concert.. Love to go to London again, miss going there, it was since 2020 January I been. My brother and mum went to London last year but for one day. Still looking for work, and it bother me cos if I ever land a job , not sure they give me a week off. It's another not sure what to do. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Babymetal is cool. They are Rob Zombie approved. :secret:

  9. Not enjoying football (soccer), England National Team then Manchester United, Manchester United been improving over the season with League Cup and being top 3 in the league table ans made it to European Champions League, but losing in two cup competitons, lose 7-0 to Liverpool and Manchester City think they going for treble. Can't United been struggle, let in one of the goal and unable to score, and everybody say Man City is unstopable, I'm going to be sick.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Sorry you are not enjoying futball right now, my friend. Maybe next time.

  10. Enjoyed my time at concert seeing Babymetal, Sabaton and Lordi, never forget the experience. Did have some down side like unable get merch and my phone power died down, but I had good time, even walk home in cold, wet and dark but worth it, Might as well get merch online. More glad seeing Babymetal but enjoyed musoc from Sabaton and Lordi.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Remember to take care of your health. Many people get sick after going to concerts. :fluttershy:

    2. BritishBrony2012


      Yes I was ait worried with banging, loud noises and exploding and fireworks,  I saw someone feeling unwell. Metal music can be crazy on live concert.

  11. Got concert tomorrow, 7pm. Sabaton featuring with Babymeyal & supported by Lordi, more looking forward for Baymetal, but enjoyed music by both Sabaton and Lordi. Glad it made it and get to attend. I still looking for work and that interview training haven't give me a job sadly. Waiting for the concert and then start looking again after. I know I should look for job but if I did get a job, may won' t get a day off for a concert.  If I got that job earlier on that training. I be managed to book a day off, cos job I be on my own and use anything on company app like knowing what to do, how to used the app, how to do your job, put timer on (from when start work to stop when finishing work, also you be track), order stuffs and book a holiday or off sick. Seem easy but not always I be on my own but there be problem and if you work there be something going to be diffcult, also cleaning in ladies' changing room/WC, I have bit of problem about that.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      That concert sounds like fun. Enjoy it. :fluttershy:

  12. Thinking back when Bronies and Ponies are cool, well still a brony and love ponies (well some I like). When I think of ponies I feel abit better, looking at some of arts, watching some fan made videos/reaction/etc and listening to fan made music. Of course there people who don't understand it or critzie the fandom and some who love the show and ponies but don't think themsleve brony and think abit like a hater, and some quit all MLP cos their feeling about the fandom. I know there some bad things in the fandom it wouldn't stop me being a brony, made me love ponies even more and think these bad things about the fandom give the fandom a bad name & image. Not as much now, back then I had ponies on my mind as well as other things I like and that I had job and looking forward to weekend for MLP episode. I also watch Snowdrop every Friday after work. Memories. Now I still love ponies I love and now G5 out, feel desvered more love.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I don't think being a Brony has ever been "cool" to a mainstream crowd. But we're good people, and I stand by my fellow bronies and pegasisters. B)

    2. BritishBrony2012


      I'm think myself a normal guy who happen to be a brony who love ponies and watch the show.

  13. Saw a fan made music on Youtube showing picture of Snowdrop, I remember this OC, it was Oc pony that I got so much into and become one of my favourites and ponies of the ponies I like and Favourite OC. I know it didn't happen and shouldn't allowed to happen, but what be like if she added in Series, G4, like tell story about her. I know Series writers not allow to look at fanfics. Sure Silly Filly Studio wouldn't mind as they done with Snowdrop. Also had a plushie of SNowdrop and even thank a person who write and made the SNowdrop stories and she even repond. Snowdrop, to me, one of best things about fandom. 

    1. Rikifive


      Oh memories... e-cocosmile.png

      Now that was the thing, I miss these times. :P 

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I remember Snowdrop too. Ah, the memories... :BrightMacContent:

  14. Back to subscrible to Disney Plus, after finished with Nexflix, I must of seen what I like to see.

  15. Been playing Genshin Impact lately, it fun and addicitve but also stressing and frusrating. Like some of the characters, but game start given me problem as things getting diffcult. Did a quest which made most enemeries level got higher than my group of characters. I wanted to get a character but it look unlikely. I going to quit, take a break from the game and play other games. But love some of the characters it made me want to play more.  Struggling in video games is one of the things I dislike. Playing Genshin, I did say things why game makers make it so diffcult but games meant to be changelling and fun. This game sometimes can be too much.


    There going to be a Genshin Impact anime, seen trailer but it may take ages or may never release.

    1. Goofyg27


      I hope you can achieve your goals in that video game you were talking about 

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Glad you're enjoying the game. :)

    3. BritishBrony2012


      @Samurai Equine

      enjoying the game and love some of the ladies. but games get diffcult at times.

  16. Joy that that training is finished, when I walk out the building, you have no idea I was frusrating nerves, feel not up to it interview, training and job, might as well be homeless, feel workshy thank to covid/lockdown/uk government/china. Training interview is okay, showing the booklet and tell what to do and what not and stuffs and then look around and how some machine work. Thing is when got a job, first day they leave you do it, but hope it not like that, as training held in a different building I apply for a job in another building. Not sure I get the job. Job is seem easy but complicated.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Don't give up, my friend. I believe in you. I know you'll find a way to make things work out. :coco:

  17. Confirm, got training tomorrow 2pm, at a gym. There many people applying for this job so I might not get. Nerves, diffcult to stop having this feeling. Also need to put some money in the bank, I got some Christmas money, put £10 in the bank, hope not all relay on text or have to use text.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Good luck, my friend. :rarity:

  18. Confirm, got training tomorrow 2pm, at a gym. There many people applying for this job so I might not get. Nerves. Also need to put some money in the bank, I got some Christmas money, put £10 in the bank, hope not all relay on text or have to use text. 

  19. No longer with Disney Plus, watched 3 episodes of Bad Patch. But will miss The Mandalorian series 3 & rest of Bad Patch but we will be back to Disney Plus, right now we back to Netflix, cos of series of Wednesday. I can catch up with Stranger Things 4, MLP Christmas special & Crown latest series (tend to watch this one). Not sure what to watch after these. Both Netflix and Disney Plus are great. Was looking forward to having Nexflix but miss Disney plus.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Enjoy it, my friend. :)

  20. Apply for job, first this year. Hope to get this job. It three days, no weekend and it night shift. Work & money is work & money. Mean going out at night to work, I do stay up playing videogames but work will be different. Also thinking about concert on 14th April, job is on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 11pm (11.30 am Wed & Fri) to 4.30 am. Some people do work nights, worry about missing out on concert. Can't wait after April 14.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Good luck, my friend! :fluttershy:

  21. Also being here I like looking at user's About Me and interest. Some tell details about themseles along with their likes and dislikes and some does facts or informance about themsleve. I like put info about me, what my favourite things and my likes and dislike on my notebooks and on social media and forum. I do got alot of notebooks and write info about me, favorite things (example 'Favorite Color') and my likes and dislikes. Some I do facts about me I have alot of them. Also have a tumblr and do all sort, do put like Top 10, something tell why I like them, do it just a list or put it with picture. Guess reason I like writing.

  22. Happy New Year, It's 2023. Hopefully I will have a job and hopefully able to go to a concert it be in April, wanted to See Babymetal, they are featuring in Sabaton Concert with Lordi, and like Sabaton and Lordi always listening to their music, Babaymetal is something special.

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      I believe in you, my friend. :)

  23. Tomorrow 2023, 2022 been a tough year, still no jobs.

    1. Theautisticrebel


      I hope that 2023 is better for you!

    2. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      There's always hope and opportunity. I'll be cheering for you, my friend. :twilightcutehat:

  24. RIP Pele (Soccer player), always idols players that play for Manchester United or England, but Pele is one of the icons of Soccer, most callled football.

  25. Merry Christmas, everyponys. 

    1. Samurai Equine

      Samurai Equine

      Same to you, my friend. :flutterhat:

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