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Status Updates posted by BritishBrony2012

  1. Pack my stuffs and getting ready for my holiday tomorrow. I be up all night. Excitment and nerves.

  2. Not be working tomorrow cos it's my 6 days,tomorrow and next week. My holiday will be on Saturday.

  3. Just tomorrow to go then it's my 6 days off, looking forward to my 4 days holidays.

  4. Loved my waifus and favorite female fictional characters.

  5. Again, Happy July 4th to my American Friends, hope it be fantastic for you.

  6. Happy (Earliy) Independence day to my American friends. It's a great country.

  7. Happy Canada day (belate, sorry) to my Canadian friends

  8. Can't get over England knock out of Euro 2016. Still won't reget voted why would I? Just there some ****** could accpet it, just cry and protest.

  9. I voted to leave EU and do not reget it. Now I will move on and igonred these EU *****!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Varrack


      @Shimmer Sparkle- the pound began falling hours before the result of the referendum was known. This means that even if Remain had won, the economy would have still suffered. Don't blame Brexit for the economy.

    3. BritishBrony2012


      Thanks Varrack.


    4. Shimmer Sparkle

      Shimmer Sparkle

      "shrugs" You're right. It's still too soon to say but really anything can happen.

  10. Believe England going to win the Euros (Euro 2016) and UK will leave the EU.

  11. Creater of AskBlog that prefer me not to add one of her OC in my 10 favorite OC ponies, let me mention name with picture with saying no permission from creator & belong to creator, abit better about it.

  12. Why creater wish not to have their video/anintion feature in Top Ten 10 pony videos or have their OC in top ten? Just Wondering.

    1. ProjectRKA


      Because people often use content in top 10 lists without permission.

  13. As I join some pony askblog as I got interest in some OC ponies there was askblog ponies I got into and got an idea of making a blog post, called My 10 favorite OC ponies, OC ponies from animation, fanfiction, mascots and blogs. I ask owners of OC from Askblogs of having picture of their oc in my blog post. Few let me but one got confuse twice but then let me, but other one perfer I didn't send her message again then didn't want to put her OC in my blog post I was little upset cos I l...

  14. Since last of Feburary, I join some AskBlogs and sending asks to different Askblogs, pony and non-pony. It silly that get sad when some askblog give me a repond that I didn't like, that I really hated that askblog, that how I feel. Feel should of quit it cos lose little interest on it will still fellow some blogs but not getting too into it.

  15. I love USA, but dislike Obama, dislike him, Annoyed with him threating Britian over quiting EU.

  16. It's St George's day in England and It's also William Shakespare's 400 birthday.

  17. Did reget not going to Buck (UK bronycon), would of booked it and go there but was unable to (for reason). And now this year last one. last year there rumor it there be no more and it's true. Shame Con in Uk did did last long, how long BronyScot (BronyCon in Scotland) will last? Cons in Germany still stand why they stand and Con in England fade away?

  18. Today is national Unicorn's day heard from Equestria Daily and Twitter.

  19. It sad that Batman Vs Superman got many negtive comments. I did enjoyed it but there some stuff all over the place but i did enjoyed it. Hope next DC movies wull be better and learn from it. I support DC will make it. I like both DC and Marvel.

  20. Happt Easter, also seen the Season 6 first episodes, I enjoyed it. Looking forward to next episode.

  21. Went to trip to Ely but I had a tough journey, walking to train station early morning, feel knackered and unwell, using two train but it okay but going back to Leeds, there was alot of delay, mess-up, people and had exchange to another station cos no train Leeds, cos of there was rail works improvement. |Ticket man okay with that I wa told to exchange. Hope my next trip won't be a nightmare. Hope it won't my Easter weekend as I be resting tomorrow and Monday.

  22. Have you seen Batman Vs Superman, yet?

  23. There weird people on this forum.

    1. SuperBrony87


      Are you just now noticing?


    2. BritishBrony2012


      No already did. I just said it cos one person comment on my status and his comment, were annoying and seeing his status which I find annoying.

    3. SuperBrony87
  24. Seen Batman vs Superman today, I enjoyed it and loved it, looking forward to. Tomorrow, off to Ely.

  25. Long/Easter weekend finally here. May see Batman vs Superman tomorrow or Sunday, on Saturday, trip to Ely and of course, be watchinf MLP season 6 relaunch.

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