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Status Updates posted by gamecubeguy214

  1. They weren't that bad actually.

  2. Getting shots today. This won't be fun.

    1. Sky Knight
    2. gamecubeguy214


      It didn't really hurt much.

  3. Mornin. Actually woke up a couple hours ago, but good mornin.

  4. Rip in piece Satoru Iwata

  5. I like PAC-MAN so much I must have a mental problem.

  6. On average the male Gamecubeguy uses the word PAC-MAN 30 times in a paragraph. See you next time on Nat Geo Wild.

  7. Who is waifu? PAC-MAN is waifu.

  8. Why do I always stay up so late?

    1. Monsoon


      Because it's fun

  9. PAC-MAN is love, PAC-MAN is life

    1. Dsanders


      As long as you don't end up confronting him in the bedroom

    2. gamecubeguy214


      I doubt that's gonna happen.

    3. Dsanders


      Well we all know what happened with Shrek

  10. 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Steelstallion


      Why Pi?



      :D I see what you did there.

    3. gamecubeguy214


      It's a Minecraft Forum thing. There's this use called ThePiDay, and he started a Pi Army.

  11. NASA said the sun has a big solar filament that could cause a solar flare, get ready to become extinct, just by chance.

    1. CheeryFox
    2. Winterbass


      This just isn't going to happen. Calm down.

  12. NASA said the sun has a solar filament, the send biggest thing in the solar system. It will cause a giant solar flare and by chance point to Earth and kill us. It'll be extremely bright and hot, prepare to die the worst possible death.

  13. http://imgur.com/eWfVPCB That's a picture of Scoot on my head.
  14. Just woke up. How are you all today? *Turns We Can Save the Crystal Ponies back on*

  15. Have been listening to the We Can Save the Crystal Ponies for four hours straight..

  16. Check out my channel, it's the same name as this.

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