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Posts posted by Mothra

  1. maybe a bit of a cheat answer since it's from an official short not an episode, but whenever I need a laugh I watch "Ali-icorn" because Rainbow Dash being able to only speak in sound effects is hilarious to me

    • Brohoof 2
  2. Applejack is my fave (The only one out of the mane 6+Starlight+Spike that doesn't have some kind of magic to help her out) but Twilight easily wins from what the series actually showed us, though I personally think Starlight could have filled Twi's role, just without the whole taking cutie marks thing. I also think Pinkie could use her 4th-wall breaking powers to fix most anything, Discord too if he actually cared.

    • Brohoof 2
  3. Finally watched Hacksaw Ridge after it was recommended to me a few years ago. I'm usually not one for war movies but this one caught my interest and it was well worth watching. Andrew Garfield being in it may have helped, just a little.

  4. On 2024-04-11 at 12:55 AM, Rafa Stary said:

    :crackle: Rainbow Rocks added! :squee:

    Just got the chance to look through them now and wow, Unlike season 1 and the first eqg movie I didn't catch any of the similarities between EQG2 and seasons 2/3 back when I saw them for the first time. Some of the gags/script/scenes overall look like they pretty much mirror each other (not saying that's a bad thing) but it makes me wonder how much the writers shared ideas with each other and who did which episodes?

    One thing I do know is that looking through all of these as well as cataloging must have taken hours, props again for the dedication!

    • smile 1
  5. MV's editing is top tier as always. I personally was in the camp of they should be reformed / at least have the chance to be (especially in the finale after their powers were taken away and if they tried anything it would've been the 3 of them vs. literally everyone else) but he's changed my mind a bit. I still think turning them to stone was out of nowhere, instead of banishing them like Tirek was, it's not like they'd have an easy escape again as long as Tartarus is actually gaurded properly, but I didn't realise how many chances all 3 of them had through the series.


    I think I'm on the fence. MV did a great job of explaining why all 3 won't change their ways but with the way the show does it's moral messages, I was expecting anything apart from eternal petrification.

    • Brohoof 2
  6. I thought it was kinda weird that G5 started with the earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns hating each other when the whole point of the last season of G4 was about accepting differences and having a whole school where every type of creature got along. I get that they eventually worked things out in G5 between each creature and species, but it feels like the writers just didn't care about what came prior. Like it seems as if Equestria is in a constant state of a few years of hate, followed by a few years of harmony, followed by hate again, etc. Doesn't matter what Twi did, G5 still showed us harmony didn't win after her reign (Or for a little while anyway.) Does sunny have the same fate for G6 if/when Hasbro decides to make it?

  7. Holy wow, this is a great collection of scenes and dialogue similar between the EQG1 and the show, never got that feeling with the following EQG movies so I'll be watching out for your future comparisons. EQG1 kinda felt like a re-telling of season 1 imo, I remember the scene with the CMC in the library feeling like the entire plot of "The Show Stoppers" but I never noticed just how many similarities there were across the entire movie

    • Brohoof 1
    • smile 1
  8. Got the Ace Attorney trilogy on 3ds recently, never really gave the series much of a shot before so I figured why not. just beat the first one and I thought it was really good, part of me wants to take a break before going straight into the second one but I'll probably start playing it earlier than I think

  9. I hate it when videos start with ambient mode on by default, it hurts my eyes everytime. I also wish I could at least see what the title of a deleted video in a playlist was so I can potentially find a re-upload

    • Brohoof 1
  10. 11 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:


    @Mothra A friend that I had met from playing the Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm series together. It was through meeting on a clan team that we played games together and discussed anime. When I learned that they had liked MLP, we instantly clicked and had so many discussions and reactions. I remember when we watched all of season 4 together and tried to watch each season like a tradition. It was through Mothra that I had learned about MLPF. The day I wanted to check it out was the day that I had first joined the forums all these years ago. With all the random trivia challenges he's tested me on, to talking about MLP, Pokemon and many other topics. I'm truly grateful of the friendship we've had all these years. I also truly wish to thank you for showing me the forums and meeting so many lifelong friends.

    (That 3rd "random trivia challenge" is still on it's way so study up) No seriously, thanks bud. I'm not on the forum at all anymore but still have so many memories of this place and the friends I made. It's great to see how many people have been affected by others in a positive way and looks like it still continues to this day and the spirit of the show and it's messages are alive and well in so many. Hope everyone has a great day and enjoys their time on the forum

    • Brohoof 2
    • Hugs 1
  11. So none of what the others said was taken to heart then...

    I just recently joined back after years away, and most of what I'm seeing from users is old/dead accounts that are named as such, and people talking about how bad this place is and leaving shortly after too. I don't know what it takes to run a place like this or anything even close but 20 users on average at anytime should not be how many people are talking about MLP at once, even after G4 it should be way more.

    Again, I only just recently got back so I'm not 100% sure on this, but it seems like the status update bug has been going on now for 3 months, and if something like that isn't been fixed after this much time, no events, no people most of the time to talk to, is it even worth staying?

    • Brohoof 2
  12. 38 minutes ago, Fhaolan said:

    Obviously, by the time of G5, and the tech upgrades we see in the new shows, at least some of the knowledge was rediscovered and the Sun and Moon put back into fixed orbits (probably by Twilight). Otherwise they wouldn't have day/night cycles without magic.

    I didn't even think about how it would effect G5, but now that you mention it even in the older generations had some weird stuff going on with the sun, like the sunstone in G1. I guess if you consider it one big timeline (which I don't but idk what the canon is between generations) you could say how the sun works just changes, or is able to be manipulated in multiple ways

  13. 18 minutes ago, KingCorvus said:

    After Tirek takes the magic how's he gonna raise the sun? Celestia can't raise it for him without her magic?

    I think before Celestia it was Starswirl and other sorcerers, so you could argue that with them and Twilight also being able to raise the sun that either certain powerful villains could too, or find someone who could do it that they trust, but that's such a huge stretch and I think you're right. These bad guys always have bad plans

    • Brohoof 1
  14. If we're talking about an in-universe explanation, I think it's random and she makes the rules up as she goes along. She even warns Twilight in the movie about how you should never raise the sun and the moon at the same time, yet in the episode Horse Play she raises the sun at night, just for dramatic effect. She raises it behind a stage which I think is next to the friendship school? It's been a while since I've watched the episode, so I can't help out much with the direction it's coming from, sorry.

    • Brohoof 1
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