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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by TopQuark

  1. Went telescoping, and saw the moons of Jupiter. Tonight is a good night.

  2. My hype is real for Stellaris, coming out May 9! http://www.stellarisgame.com/

  3. That moment when you get to first place in Slither.io with the nickname "Pony F*cker" XD

    1. ponylaces


      Oh my god XD

    2. TopQuark


      Dear God, I'm a troll and I didn't even know it.

    3. Moony the Cat

      Moony the Cat

      Thats the best Name ever !

  4. Tapped my maple tree for sap, and now am boiling it down to make syrup. My Canadian level is OVER 9000!

  5. Deadpool is best pool

  6. Touch down. Home run.

  7. That moment when the airport officer questions your pony figurine

  8. I will be in Mexico for the next week. In a Mayan village. With no Internet access. May God have mercy on my soul.

    1. Celestial Sloth

      Celestial Sloth

      That still sounds radical!

    2. TopQuark


      Let's hope so. I'm not a huge fan of travel in general, so I'm not sure what to expect.

  9. Got a snow-day. About time.

  10. Broke my violin's a string practising. Welp...

  11. Gravitational waves have been discovered... Half-Life 3 confirmed!

  12. Exams are finally over.

  13. Got a 92 on an English summative project without even reading the assigned book. Worst. Course. Ever.

  14. Taking a Christmas sabbatical, will be back on the 26th

  15. Star Wars. It's back.

  16. Kerbal Space Program

  17. I've been the picture of health all summer long, and now I start to get sick?

  18. Signature all suited up for Fashion Day! Now I know why Rarity is protective of her hair; it's a real pain to get it to look like that.

  19. Waking up at 5:30pm on your birthday is good sign that you had a great time at a convention. Thanks for all the birthday wishes, guys!

  20. "Look, Stan! I'm a butterfly!"

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      That was a great episode xD hehe

    3. TopQuark


      Indeed. I've forgotten most of the plot, but that scene has always stayed in my head.

    4. Sudo Krenton
  21. Home soil is best soil.

  22. Going to a concert of the Royal Czech Orcherstra in 'fashionable' Prague. I have become the Fancypants.

  23. Sixteen more days until I can go back to living in sin, or whatever the yoof are calling it these days.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TopQuark


      I'm on vacation in the Czech Republic, and I can't wait to come home and get back to accomplishing nothing.

    3. Sudo Krenton
    4. TopQuark


      By the way, are you going to BronyCon? You're page says you live right in Baltimore.

  24. Leaving for Europe on Monday. My presence shall be sparse until August.

    1. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      Nice! Have fun :)

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