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About Pip_Gobbler

  • Birthday 1990-10-23

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Chatham, Ontario
  • Personal Motto
    Be the best you you can be
  • Interests
    Hockey, MLP, movies, video games, working out, MMA, music, God.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race

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  1. but it was out of character, like during the ponytones episode when she insulted fluttershy, I hope they don't keep up witht hat because to me it's super weird.
  2. "Remember when the library got smashed to smitherenes?!" that's not being a jerk? Lol
  3. My take on this episode: too many songs (seriously? 2 in 1 episode?) I hated the part where Pinkie was a jerk again (way out of character, I hope they don't keep up with that as a theme) and finally SPIKE HAS A RARITY PLUSHIE HAHAHAHAHA I can see they're still putting in easter eggs for the bronies hahahahaha.
  4. @@Dingo_Dash,@@Shady23, Thanks! I am glad I found this site, I've already posted a few topics and got tons of response haha, I'm glad these forums are so super active with awesome bronies
  5. I'm hoping in season 5 we will see more of a follow up to that episode, since they kind of ended it with the possibility that they will find their true talents later on (Twilight saying "one day....one day") also the writers for the show talked about how that will happen (characters finding their talents) in season 5 and as they talked about it they showed a muted background clip of sweetiebelle so here's hoping for more CMC development
  6. I'm not sure how well that'd go lmao, Twilight and Rarity might use their magic to free all the cows and enslave all the humans xD
  7. AGREED. I do not even acknowledge this scene, I only acknowledge the original scene as existent lol. I can deal with the new voice, since the old one to me sounded more like a colt than a mare, but the underped eyes and not calling her Derpy, nope, doesn't exist, never happened. Burn it. Another case of people in society being way too sensitive. If she isn't derped to the full extent in season 5 I will rage.
  8. I disagree, like what I'mnotaDJ said, I think the singing voice is amazing of dashie, even though I too don't like Dashie overall lol. Diamond Tiara? Best pony? EUUUUGHH *walks away slowly, withholds comments* lol @@PoisonClaw, I agree with your point too, I expected Twilight to say "lolnope" and go witht hem anyway, and getting incapacitated by plants was pretty off character too, she can defeat changlings, Tirek, Discord, etc, but not a couple of plants? xD
  9. Yea but it was to teach her a lesson, there's a big difference between being boastful and being humble. I mean, she shows off a lot so she kind of had it coming but that's my opinion. https://www.youtube.com/embed/UsUKc_mnUIk But at least the grass is safe! lol
  10. lolol so much good discussion on this topic, and woops, thought the comment about celestia and Luna was about season 1, my bad I agree with most of what's been said, especially the point about Spike, I find it funny but also depresing that they kind of take advantage of him randomly lol. Like here lol Poor Spikey Wikey lol
  11. I agree with when they became breezies that I didn't really like, but what's not to like about Twilight kicking some flank?! I loved that scene lol Agreed....I love how at the start of episode one she reads the book that clearly explains they're sisters....then at the end of episode two she gasps with everypony else saying "SISTER?!" ummm you already knew that Twilight! xD they need to fix that part lol.
  12. LOL perfect description xD yea that one was kinda hard to watch too, yet hilarious lol
  13. So for me, it's the scene where Twilight ordered 12 cupcakes, but instead gets 13 from Mrs. Cake. Instead of just, you know, eating it herself or something, she gets paranoid that if she gives someone an extra cupcake that they'll think she's playing favourites. So instead of doing the logical thing and eating it, she messes up 13 perfectly good cupcakes by removing almost all of the frosting!!! I was like noooooooo xD BUT then of course afterwards there is (some) redemption because we see that the frosting hasn't gone to waste and Spike pulls a tazmanian devil and noms it all up...which spawns one of my favourite Twiquotes "Very efficient!....and a little bit gross" lol What if anything bothered you guys? PS now thinking back, I also don't like the episode where Fluttershy sings with the ponytones and Pinkipie goes way out of character, constantly making fun of her, I thought that was super weird.
  14. lol these are two of my favourite ideas so far, imagine the lawsuit (once everyone got over the fact talking ponies existed) I can just envision Twilight pointing to blown up canvases with clop content and shivering and stating her case xD
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