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Thorn O Discord

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Status Updates posted by Thorn O Discord

  1. Today was ,yet again, blue.

  2. My body won't let me sleep, so to Hell with sleeping today.

  3. Today was no better for me than yesterday.

  4. Today was a particularly depressing day for me.

  5. Great news, it seems that I'm clinically depressed, with medication, therapy, the whole nine yards.

    1. Thorn O Discord

      Thorn O Discord

      Update: My sleeping schedule is in the tank, and my appetite is out the window. I also lack the energy to leave my own bed right now.

  6. I just spent three hours crafting the greatest satirical response to a thread that invoilved everything from Betty White, to TMNT, to Communism, only to lose it without posting. (It was over 1000 words too...)

    1. SkullcandyPegasus


      aww 3= *gives cookie*

    2. Sudo Krenton

      Sudo Krenton

      Sorry to hear that man :/

  7. I just sat down, and understood a website in complete french with little to no translating. I might be closer to being bilingual than I thought.

  8. I think I need to defriend all the people on this site who won't be able to help me.

  9. My current status: Nothing is the matter.

  10. Which is worse, not having friends, or having people act like your friend, when they don't/can't care?

    1. Dewdlz


      Probably having none. Loneliness is much harder. Even fake friends bring a little happiness.

    2. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      For me, it would be fake friends, but I believe that varies between people.


      I'm sorry.

  11. Who do I ask to show me how to make signatures, because I want to open a Request shop, and I might get sig requests.

    1. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      I don't know. You could ask Blue Moon, he made mine. :)

    2. Thorn O Discord
    3. You Heard Nothing
  12. I just spent an hour ranting, only to delet it. Allow me to Summarize:

    1. Thorn O Discord

      Thorn O Discord

      Screw sympathy: No one gives it, I don't want it, I don't need it.


      The Event still maks me feel like horse crap inside, I want to give up trying to forgive myself, and it feels like a burden I have to bear alone.


      I am sick and tired of not being reached out too, My anti-socialims is worsening, proplr on this site only care for me as much as people hundreds of miles away that don't even know my gender can


      I want to reach out to someone, but the very...

    2. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Your summarization is cut off. But you're right in one respect, people on this site only care for you as much as people on the other side of the internet can. I joined this site because I wanted to make friends with the same interests as myself. However, my purpose has shifted to trying to help people, and I frequently become frustrated that I can't do more to help. Like here. I want to help, but since I'm on the wrong side of a computer screen, I can't. :(

  13. My ACTUAL review of Legends Of Equastria: Overall, it's decently made. It takes no effort to join, it runs well on my crappy computer, and it isn't too buggy. I do have to mark it off on clarity though. It has no tutorial, and no clear goal besides milling about while controlling a pony. (Not half bad editor by the way). If you don't know, I'm not a social person whatsoever, so I probably didn't get the full effect of doing fun things since I was alone for my whole expiren...

  14. My review of Legends of Equastria:

  15. My review of Legends of Equastria:

  16. I'm Finally in Ledgends of Equatria, now what?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Thorn O Discord

      Thorn O Discord

      The idea of doing that is a little nervous-making, but I want to try. What do I need to do?



      I think i'll have to go to bed now, i'm really sorry, but my friends are going to play it tomorrow i think, if you want, we could all play together

    4. Thorn O Discord

      Thorn O Discord

      No problem, I should be asleep too. Nah, don't bother playing with me, I can't do it tommorow, thanks for chatting though. I can say i played this game, and had my fair share of laughs, so thats one less thing on my bucket list.

  17. Do he things I do on this site even affect anyone?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Blackshirt Brony

      Blackshirt Brony

      This status has been noticed, evidently.

    3. Thorn O Discord

      Thorn O Discord

      Notice: I have noticed it being noticed, but I feel none the better, if you haven't noticed.

    4. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      Ahh! so much noticing! :P

  18. This just in, Rhode Island is roughly the size of one Rhode Island

    1. Monsoon


      The wrestling star is now roughly the size of a location plot twist much

    2. Sudo Krenton
    3. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      No. :o You have to be kidding!

  19. None of these Season 5 streaming sites are playing nice with Linux, and my dual boot Windows won't boot. And here I was thinking I wouldn't have to use my brain today...

  20. Which of my friends are currently online?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. catnet


      Err... possibly, myself if I count? =/

    3. Thorn O Discord

      Thorn O Discord

      If you have the ability to post here, then do so. I'm trying to track when my friends are online, so I can maximize my...friendship(?)

    4. Sudo Krenton
  21. Stop the presses; I'm now a cupcake.



      Yay, welcome to cupcake store! =)

    2. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      OI! We have a cupcake in the house! I believe a celebration is in order!

    3. Sudo Krenton
  22. I'm considering trimming down my list of friends on this site due to the fact that some of them never seem to cvare as to what I post. (Seems reasonabble, no?)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more


      and we can't blame then, it's the best way they have to interact, as i would prefer myself to reply to a status update of someone that actually need support more than other person.

    3. You Heard Nothing

      You Heard Nothing

      You're right. And so would I.

    4. Thorn O Discord

      Thorn O Discord

      I don't post trivial things though.

      Don't worry, I know plenty about being shy. (My social anxiety is through the bloody roof.)

  23. After all this time, I finally bought some My Little Pony Memorbilia. (A Doctor Whooves Plush for 10 bucks, and it has a funny story to go with it, involving a bag of 'phallic' gummies that I won't share here)

  24. This won't make a lick of sense to any pony, but I finally watched The Lion King, and I think I'm ready to forgive myself for what I did.

  25. I'm pretty surprised by how friendly everyone here is, it's kinda cool. This might just work out after all.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Wicked Funky

      Wicked Funky

      I leik beansprouts

    3. The Professor...8D

      The Professor...8D

      I like various Cheeses.............and COFFEE



      yes, i noticed it xD

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