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About mipster

  • Birthday 1999-05-07

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    "Dont be evil" - Google
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  1. Happy Birthday Mipster! have a great day.

  2. Hey there, and happy birthday! :3 Hope you have a great time~ ^.~ https://derpicdn.net/img/2014/6/8/648330/large.png

  3. Enypony got the game of thrones reference? "Prepare yourselves everypony, winter is coming"
  4. if you didn't saw the episode, there it is in 1080p!

  5. Epic Pie Time:

    *WARNING* major swearing, and a bunch of fun XD
  6. I had a dream that I started a popular thread here XD I love this place <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MLG4Ever


      It is rare that I remember my dreams

      I only can remember them if I lucid-dream

    3. mipster


      I also can't remember most of my dream, but whats a lucid-dream?

    4. MLG4Ever


      A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming.

      So in a nutshell, you have to know that you are dreaming in your dreams

  7. the new episode is really interesting, CMC iz <3!

  8. just finish watching Steven university first season, this is great! you all of you should watch it!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mipster


      Oops, just noticed that the autocorrect changed universe to university XD

    3. The Pink One

      The Pink One

      DAMN YOU AUTOCORRECT *falls to knees* WHY! WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO US *cries*

    4. mipster


      Theres a story, a story that tells about the evile lying deep deep in the heart of every big phone company.

      The story about, the autocorrect team.

      Some say that there is no such thing, they say that the autocorrect code was made once and never got fixed, but I say

      There are making it worse

      Those teams are made for one purpose, and only one! To destroy the users social life!

  9. this is the best part from season eight but its not a hard competition, season eight wasnt that good next to the others...
  10. wow doesn't stop motion takes years? and rarety's voice actor is great! thats really what rarety would have said in that situation!
  11. i like it! but i think he uses hes teeth too much... try to pronounce the words in front of a mirror to know what photo of a mouth to use (im saying that after a bit of thought, im not an animator or something )
  12. thanks and sorry, ill learn where to place my posts until my next one!
  13. the link you gave wont work for everyone , but this will the link you gave leads to normal google for everyone that isn't in you country or whatever, but what i gave leads to googles doodle website so it shold word for everyone
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