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Status Updates posted by Goat-kun

  1. Rooster Teeth has been obliterated! There is nothing left apart from the echoing laughter of thirsting gods.


  2. Would be better than G5.


  3. When you realize your "fringe" is the majority:

  4. DA Davidson Downgrades Hasbro from Buy to Neutral https://buffy.mlpforums.com/imageproxy/3Y6uKBJ.png.71535bf361a230ada5f5aa734ee04158.png

  5. Heh heard around the web.


    1. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence

      I ran unlucky to not find you during my stop in the forums.

      Wish I had took your word to play Genshin.

      Stay safe dude.

  6. Western devs should just shut up and git gud.


  7. The Abyss calls. Put your grasses on.


  8. Villainous_full.2183336.thumb.png.2feb19e410c3ed2b126936bcba0ab108.png

    Cartoon heroes West deserves.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goat-kun
    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      seriously what's taking them so long

    4. Goat-kun


      Maybe cause they are just a bunch of humble meme farmers that do not explicitly cater to diversity Gestapo. They even have a Jojo reference. The episodes are a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.



      And before you ask, that gal is just cosplaying Blossom.

  9. Representation done right.


    1. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      Representation of you?....:mlp_wat:

    2. Goat-kun


       An unfortunate translation turned Mineta bi and thus made the monkey's paw wish of LGBTists come true.

  10. Best girl is coming back

  11. See you Black Swordsman


  12. When you watch Ijiranaide Nagatoro-san but Sensei knows what needs to be done.




  14. Hey Twatter:

  15. Kaijuverse > superheroes. No bias I swear https://buffy.mlpforums.com/imageproxy/3Y6uKBJ.png.71535bf361a230ada5f5aa734ee04158.png


  16. It's the current year. Are you not entertained!


    1. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence

      I was already missing USA's intervensionism. Trump's period felt hollow due the lack of wars :dash:

    2. Goat-kun


      I for one am just dying to see the next gen Murican fighter jets going toe to toe with Tsar Putin's AA platforms down in the sandbox.


      Though this one is not Trump but a mascot of r/wallstreetbets responsible for the whole Gamestop stonk war. The similarities just prove that meme magic is real ;)

  17. Stonks for the stonk throne

  18. It shall be glorious!


    1. Jesse Terrence

      Jesse Terrence


      Was about to ask you what was going to be glorious, but the image loaded.

    2. Rikifive


      Lol, but might be true 👀

  19. Time for good ol' Christmas staples


  20. The appropriate padoru gal for 2020


  21. Prinzessin Der Verurteilung is better Luna and Trixie at the same time. Would listen to her chuunibyou li(n)es again.



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Goat-kun
    3. Lord Valtasar

      Lord Valtasar

      i think Mona is Genshin's Trixie

      which is probably why they didn't get along so well

    4. Goat-kun


      Mona displays impossible levels of restraint for someone who could go against a Fatui Harbinger. She is so reluctant to abuse her power that she had basically been living her life as a hobo. That is lightyears removed from what Trixie was doing. She does have her pride and her haughtiness, but those are all well-deserved. One does not have to look twice, or even once, to understand that Mona is a good person, and a very powerful astrologer.


      Fischl, on the other appendage, has her chuunibyou act, and it's an open secret that she's full of it. Unlike Trixie, she is quite formidable, but does not need any form of plot or TV rating restriction in order not to kill or cripple random bystanders. She was showing genuine concern for the people afflicted by the fallen stars and wasn't trying to enslave anyone even though she's treating everyone like her underlings. She's merely a weird wench adventurer with an enigmatic elemental crow playing pretend. It is this chuunibyou nature that makes her like Luna and Trixie, but it is Fischl as a person that is making it work. In her case the humor is directed at her behavior alone. It is not paid by the suffering of others.


      If someone goes over the line, they all get back eventually, either on their feet or in a body bag. Traveler and the gang would beat the living shit out of Luna and Trixie. They did the same with Stormterror while knowing the backstory. When potential casualties are involved, magical claymore to the face is a completely valid option.


      And that is why Fischl is a better representative of cookie chuunibyou characters and haughty weirdly-speaking princesses alike. She fills the niche without needing a whole army of neckbeards and writers to m'lady for her crimes. FIM, beaten in morality by a bunch of gacha game characters made by a Chinese company. That's so low below the belt it's drilling a hole towards Australia. Giggity!

  22. Mostly peaceful dungeon


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