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Status Updates posted by cwhip9

  1. pretty much on the tail end of the move to new place watching ponys with new roomates, with work surpsingly giving me time to setel with the move. 

    hope everypony has been having a good and safe holidays with everything going on in the world right now. 

    started 2020 with my atempt at cutting my own mowhawk! might try to pony it but we'll see how good idea it is to have a mowhawk in january....in minnesota.....

    pony on! 

  2. merry xmas every pony!!!! :D 

    1. Oblivion


      Hello and Merry Christmas to you as well! :rarityhat:

  3. so its offical will soon move into a new place! :D 
    if things go to plan should knock all the horse hay in one day and then back to usual schedual of posting 

  4. Picked up the pokemon sword game last night, holy cow i forgot how sucked in it i can get. So far a good pokemon game. 

  5. preping for a star wars campign today :)  might get ideas for ponys from it? gusse we'll see 

  6. feaver is DEAD i survive and remine victorious! 

  7. went to cider fest last few days ago, think i found my pony writting spark again or all else fails get back to msgs mised you my friends :)

  8. Hey everypony im alive, life has thrown me a bigger and bigger curve balls sense my tablet went down. In a nutshell in still in "rp highbernaction " I guise is the best term for it. Trying to find a better place to live, at the time of writing in at my parents but don't know where ill be long term. Hope you all are happy and safe :) and ill post when possible if not on here then my amino. Speaking of which, I made a story you can find http://aminoapps.com/p/kiac7w hope you enjoy and love you all -cwhip9 

  9. So I couldn't find whinny city con in conventions tab mofht as well post here in planning a trip their winderung if anypony in the MAN area is also going thinking of starting a carpool party to their heroes a link for details to it hit me up or pm me if your interested in tagging along :Dhttp://www.whinnycity.com

  10. Pssst....im back :D

  11. Hey everypony im alive still IRL has taken alot of my time away from writing I do have a plan tho to get back. Into the writing groove. I also am planning on going to whinnycity pony con this year hit me up if anypony else is going it would be awesome to meet y'all IRL for a convention 

  12. Hey everypony let's catch up over games I'm streaming battefiled 1 find cwhip9 's battefield 1 to find me on twitch.http://www.twitch.tv/cwhip9

  13. Hey everypony as you've probably herd the net neutrality bill is being argued over in the states. In terms of how it'll effect my posts I don't know. My family issue is....calmed down for the moment. Durring my time away I've gotten father on my new story for Darklight. An Oc some of you may have seen read about mentioned in past rps. If things go according to plan I'll have the first chapter started next week, I'll be writting in the note book before typing on here. Still no tablet so everything is going off the phone still. I love you all and will try to keep you all posted. To my fellow US bronys we HAVE to keep the fight going over this damn fcc bill. Don't let up on it if the enet can stop EA then this bill can die too. Again I love you all stay tuned for more

  14. Hey everypony sorry for my disaperence but IRL is going to take more of my time then originally thought. In a nutshell, family drama. I hope everypony is safe and having fun today will keep trying to post later 

  15. Happy thanks giving to my fellow American bronys, everypony else I hope your having a good day on your side. 

  16. Hi everypony while I don't post often on weekends decided to give y'all an updated on things. Still planing to post on week days along with possibly starting a full story on Fimfic. Pending on how that writing his will be depending on my tech. While my tablet is kaput I'm hoaping to save up enough for a full laptop if not desktop (preferd to be honest) as I mostly write on my tablet posting with my phone has taken some getting used to but just so you all know I'm not dissapering on y'all hope you all are having a great weekend and will lickly post more tommorow after work and possibly share ch1 on here 

  17. Morning or evening all just got home from work will get to the posts! Hope y'all had a good weekend your side 

    1. Techno Universal

      Techno Universal

      Ahh! I guess we can finally RP now! :)

  18. And with that I call it a night hope y'all are having a good day or night your side all new sketch new story idea I'll try to post with the phone but right now every thing is kind of experimental right now 

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night cwhip 

  19. Morning or good evening all might post pics tonight has some fun drawing ideas hit me today while thinking of writting 

    1. Techno Universal

      Techno Universal

      Okay I guess we can finally continue with our RP then! :)

    2. cwhip9


      ....I knew I was forgetting somthing grrr sorry Bro I'll find it

  20. Calling it a night waiting on responses most of my posts from y'all btw every pony go say happy bday to Mentes today hope uall have a good night or day

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night cwhip 

  21. Well it finaly happend tablet is dead going to be going off for posts the phone till I can get myself a new one:/ or back up everything and not loose the usb's for it again (face hoof) October and me never get along grrrr

    1. cwhip9


      Going to try not have this effect my posts to much but can't promise anything

    2. Le Trotteur Sauvage

      Le Trotteur Sauvage

      Don't worry take your time, we're not going anywhere :)

  22. going to call it a night I know didn't post much tried writing season  review but after realizing this is the season that had the movie with it I feel I wont do it proper justice until I see the movie

    ethier way will post more tomorrow after work hope you all had a good night or day where ever you are. good night all

    1. Johnny1226


      Good night cwhip 

  23. ok I cant say it was a ruff weekend Friday was typical, saterday was great spending time with my favorite dragon flower Flearia Dragondanser as we watched the season closer (will post on that), the episodes we missed, and the first Pirits of the caribean movie :3 its going to be fun watching them with you love.
    Sunday....I guss just drained me more with family drama happing :/

    ethier way hope you all had a good weekend will start posting now :) 

  24. hope you all had a better weekend then I did, crossing fingers nothing blows up this week on my end again but im half expecting for it....sorry just been a ruff month everypony. will get to posts soon again

  25. and with that im calling it a night will post ore tomorrow everypony

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