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Sunset's Shimmer

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Status Updates posted by Sunset's Shimmer

  1. Watching for the 1st time, "Oz the great and powerful" on the bus.

  2. I need some good sig ideas... mine's getting stale

    1. ChikaChan
    2. Sunset's Shimmer

      Sunset's Shimmer

      I want to keep my redemption ponies theme, but add Diamond Tiara some how... hrrmmm...

  3. Looking for inspiration!

    1. TheRockARooster
    2. Sunset's Shimmer

      Sunset's Shimmer

      Wow, this is just... TOTALLY INSPIRATIONAL!

  4. Singing 'welcome to the show' on the bus... People are giving me the oddest looks. XD

    1. shynight01


      i wish i was there i would have started singing it as well

  5. Well I Suppose I can say I'm now the Theater staff lead for Everfree Northwest. XD

    1. Varrack


      Nice! Wish I could go someday. I'm in WA so I'm in range at least.

    2. Sunset's Shimmer

      Sunset's Shimmer

      Well, we are in need of actors. If you want to volunteer, you do get a free weekend badge for the convention. Let me know if you're interested. :)

  6. I am SO sick and tired of terrorism! More people need to learn the magic of friendship...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheRockARooster


      Exactly, ISIS makes me sick.

    3. Night Shadow/Daw

      Night Shadow/Daw

      Spike, get the elements

    4. shynight01


      same here

      @Shadow Strike: nice one

  7. New screen name! I really like this one! /:D

  8. I think I want to get a summer job on a farm. Yeah.

  9. At work listening to pony remixes. Ya know, I think I'm going to update my sig pretty soon.

  10. Man, i've been busy! ~Time for a name change XD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Shimmer Sparkle
    3. Sunset's Shimmer

      Sunset's Shimmer

      Hey everypony! ^_^

      It's going good. I've just got a lot on my plate right now... I check my account like once a week right now.


      Buuut... I have some awesome news coming up... I can't talk until it's announced though! ;P

    4. Shimmer Sparkle

      Shimmer Sparkle

      Ooh! OK. I can't wait!:)

  11. So 23 youtube videos played all at once crashes my computer. Good to know.

    1. shynight01


      why did u have 23 playing at the same time that sounds hard to pay attention to it

  12. I really love the song "The pony I want to be" <3 Diamond Tiara <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. shynight01


      I have them all saved same with some fan made songs

    3. Sunset's Shimmer

      Sunset's Shimmer

      Have you heard the sim gretina remix?

    4. shynight01


      not yet but I will listen to it have u heard discord or children of the night

  13. Airport job fair starting at $15/hr. LET'S DO THIS! >:)

  14. Maybe this is just me, but I really disliked limestone pie.

    1. The Cynical Lone Wolf

      The Cynical Lone Wolf

      my headcannon is that she's the reason why she left the rock farm.Let just say some abuse happened

    2. Sunset's Shimmer

      Sunset's Shimmer

      I could see that, it did seem like pinkie and limestone were kind of snappy, hinting a rocky relationship.

  15. Selling my body to science and all that jazz.

  16. Getting so aggravated on the job hunt, I'm considering posting in the "life advice section", djidggghhvhsnxxj!!! >:/

  17. Been out of the job hunting game for so long, I forgot how nerve-racking it can be. o.O;

  18. Nothin' like performing some improv theatre to put me in a better mood! :D

  19. Why is life so incredibly hard sometimes. :/

    1. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      what's the problem, man?

    2. Sunset's Shimmer

      Sunset's Shimmer

      Long story short, a lot of really stupid shit, adding up and finally getting to me. It's causing some really depressing depression. :/

    3. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      well that's the worst kind of depression. if you need to get some stuff off your chest you can feel free to PM me about it :) or tell the life advice section,they're always a kind and helpful group ^^

  20. Why is life so incredibly hard sometimes. :/

    1. shynight01


      idk i just try to deal with it mlp helps with that

  21. In an absolutely horrible mood T^T. Ponies are helping kinda, thank goodness.

    1. Sunset188


      Aw I'm sorry. Ponies always help me to cheer up a little :)

    2. shynight01


      same imma benge watch mlp tonight


  23. I love improv, I really do!! <3

  24. Such an incredibly busy day :/ Aaaat least I got some merch! :)

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