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Changeling Neon

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Everything posted by Changeling Neon

  1. Clothes, stuffed animals, old toys, broken earbuds, glasses cases Same
  2. I legitimately feel like crying right now

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Changeling Neon
    3. HackTune


      i would to cry alone in my room from time to time :D

      releasing all my bad moods at the same time.

    4. Bright Honor
  3. That's it. Neon was going to put her hoof down. "I don't give a buck what happened when you were in your own world, but you're here in Equestria now and we are friendly here. I Don't care what Twilight made you think. But look at Zecora, she's nice. I'm nice. Hacktune is nice! I don't care if you like Twilight or not! You need to fix the mess you made right now. Don't worry about the other princesses, I will take care of them! For now, I want you to friggen let go or your past and listen to me! You fly away, and you won't ever find peace!" Neon turned away and wiped a few tears away angrily. She was frustrated. She couldn't keep them hidden or all in one place. It will be all her fault that all her new friends might be taken away or never get home. She hated this feeling. "I'm trying my hardest to try to make you happy here, and it's not working." Neon was angry for letting herself cry in front of him, and wiped her nose and eyes, then turned back toward him. "Please, put her home back together so she thinks this was all a dream. I'll talk to her about it if she doesn't." After Paradox fixed Twilights fallen palace, Neon hung her head home the whole way back to Zecora's. Quiet.
  4. @@Missklang, "Paradox!" She turned and resisted the urge to hug a familiar Pony, or pokemon, or whatever he was. "Paradox, You are coming back with me right now! You need to clean up the mess you made and you need to get me out of here!" She was angry, and she was scared. "Let's go, and don't give me any excuses because I won't have it! Not right now." She sighed. She realized she was so close to snapping, and she didn't want to cry in front of these pokemon. But she took another deep breath and waited for Paradox to teleport her back up to the surface. Maybe he thought she was too small to be ordering him around She didn't care right now. "Besides, if you fix her castle, you won't have to live alone any more." All the work she put into her cloud cover would be wasted if even one pokemon refused to stay, "And how dare you make me do all that work and then not even take a glance!" She huffed and rubbed her head between her hooves. "Calm down...calm down..calm down..." She repeated it several times to cool her head, once she was semi satisfied with her mood, she sat and stared at Paradox.
  5. hmm, dunno, because i don't know my actresses. Same
  6. @@HackTune, @@Missklang, Neon shivered as the candles lit around her. "As if I wasn't on edge enough." She thought. She made it a little further till she heard Hacktune, "Hacktune? You in here?" Neon pulled her headphones back till they rested on her neck, but she kept them on, The pulsing light was somewhat comforting, in this dark and forbidden place. Scared and alone for the time being, she kicked a wall with a hoof and cursed a few times under her breath. But she took a deep breath. The others must've been having a worse time. Even so, she felt defeated, all she wanted to do was to make sure none of the Pokemon got out, and this never would've happened. "Oh, I need to find Mewtwo by tonight, otherwise, she'll know I was lying." Neon sighed and, despite the fact she knew He probably wasn't here, she puffed up her cheeks, a gesture she always thought was her way of acting angry, but relieving stress. But she ignored the feeling of fear. She couldn't get hacktune's voice out of her head. She tried to hum a tune through the night, The song it was from was creepy in itself, nevertheless, it was her favorite at the moment.
  7. @@Drago Ryder, Emily jumped as she peeked into the camera and Shuttered. "Of course they'd have snakes. one of the few animals I'm afraid of." She sighed and facepalmed as she looked at dawn. "oh well, let's just get this over with." Emily tried to take her mind off of it by pulling out her laptop, she brought this everywhere with her, no matter where it may be.
  8. Emily looked around at her new job, pulling up the camera to study the animatronics. Surely the person on the phone was lying to scare them. "Oh course they are." She muttered. "I think we'll be just fine. She said as she turned to Dawn, her partner in the office.
  9. As Neon wandered mindlessly through the Everfree, lost in her thoughts, she came upon the castle of the sisters, before the nightmare moon incident. She walked down every single step and still didn't notice or feel a thing, it wasn't until she got into the deepest, darkest part of the ruins until she took in the area around her. "Uh oh...." Neon shook her head and banged her head into the wall twice, stressed beyonf all compare. "I should've payed attention. Augh!" Neon was tired, and hungry, and the others would probably be lost without her, and she was upset. Who are you supposed to chose? Do you listen to the rules and help the princesses? Or do you rebel and help that which nearly killed one? She sighed as she wandered through the dark halls. She pulled on her headphones, which glowed and pulsed with the music and she started to sing her worries away, though it didn't provide much light and she still bumped into something every so often. And "Ow" every so often could be the only thing that you could hear throughout the ruins. She knew she should be more afraid, but she didn't care.
  10. I would be so happy if somepony bought me a drawing tablet for christmas. I think I would legitamately cry. XD

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Minty Beam

      Minty Beam

      I'd like to know :P

    3. Changeling Neon

      Changeling Neon

      Me too! Tell us Vampira!

    4. Minty Beam

      Minty Beam

      Also I should get my computer 2day or tomarrow

  11. Iron queen(iron fey series) by Julie Kagawa Fav background pony?
  12. Neon heard the crashes and the bangs and ran toward ponyville. Of course, she had not seen the whole thing, however, she did see Twilight in a stupor and Paradox coming toward her. There were no words to describe what she was feeling. I was a feeling of sadness and defeat, though She wasn't sure why. But her limbs were frozen as she stood and stared at the sight. Torn, torn was the feeling she felt. What do I do? She thought as she looked at Twilight. My friends or my Leader? She looked back at Paradox and sighed, but she steeled herself, and turned to Paradox. "Head back to Zecora's with Gallade and Hacktune. I'll try to convince her not to tell the princesses, or anypony else for that matter. I'll catch up with you later and show you your new home in this land. With this, Neon turned back to the princess and explained That is was late in the night, and tried to tell her to forget about the whole fiasco, and that When the morning comes, nothing will remain of the events that took place here. She made a mental note to make Paradox come back here and fix this mess. Once Neon had convinced the princess that this was a dream, or rather, nightmare that Luna had taken no part in, she saw her off to bed. When Neon lft, she absent mindedly headed back into the forest, Forgetting about everything for now as she tried to understand that feeling of being torn, and the odd feeling of needing to cry.
  13. @, Electra nodded and continued listening, but the longer she did, the deeper her scowl got. She couldn't help it, when somepony tried to dirty their name, it made her blood boil, and she could do nothing but sit in silence to hold herself back. She didn't want to go off in front Of True Shot, but she made a mental note to find Something to break later in the day.
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