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Status Updates posted by Sage

  1. And so ends a part of many people lives.

  2. Feeling pretty good right about now.

  3. About time to head to work.

  4. Happy Birthday!

    1. DashYoshi


      Thank you! =)

  5. Finally home from work.

  6. Home from work, feels good man.

    1. TFarrgon


      I' ll bet, is it like a physical job you know like "lift this really heavy thing over there?"

    2. Sage


      Not really, I used to do a job like that though, was taxing. I am constantly on my feet an moving though.

  7. Oh boy, I just love shift turnovers.

  8. Got stung by a wasp while sleeping, wasps are little shits.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sage


      Same here. For 24 years I avoided getting stung, I was hopping to keep that streak going til the day I died. :( oh well.

    3. Sage


      And it was only because I was asleep. They cheated!

    4. TFarrgon


      The little bastards

  9. Just got home from work. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Slendy


      I've got Halo MCC. Haven't been on it in ages.

    3. TFarrgon


      I've played the CE Anniversary, so the only one I didn't see yet remastered was 2 which I really like the second one.

    4. Sage


      Halo 2 brings back memories.

  10. I'll never forgive myself for losing not one but TWO Intuos pro stylus'. I just can't trust my self with these things.

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. TFarrgon


      @Jonas- No I can usually dissect a joke out of a conversation, it's just sarcasm specifically I have trouble with.

    3. TFarrgon


      Alright see ya'lls later.

    4. Sage
  11. Time for some whiskey so I can relax and begin drawing requests.

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