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Status Replies posted by White

  1. Why is my mom so worried about my bedtime? I hate going to sleep at reasonable times. I don't get tired.

  2. What am I supposed to do to feel better? Reincarnate?

  3. What am I supposed to do to feel better? Reincarnate?

    1. White


      Because I'm evil.


      And how do you know, maybe I'm a tourist using VPN ?

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. What am I supposed to do to feel better? Reincarnate?

    1. White


      But it's ok, Sadness is simply a part of reality that must be embodied and endured. Just don't push yourself too much, ok? I know, I'm probably just a random stranger who doesn't give a shit about you, but I'm bored. c:

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  5. What am I supposed to do to feel better? Reincarnate?

  6. What am I supposed to do to feel better? Reincarnate?

    1. White


      Then, you just have to keep feeling awful, and wait until something changes. That is what everyone is doing nowadays.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  7. What am I supposed to do to feel better? Reincarnate?

  8. What am I supposed to do to feel better? Reincarnate?

    1. White


      It is an awful feeling, and the awful fact is, no one online can help.

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  9. What am I supposed to do to feel better? Reincarnate?

  10. I'm not a fvcking bank, I'm getting very tired of it!!

    1. White


      So... everyone just sits on you when you are walking in the park ?

  11. From when did being reasonable started meaning being reasonably one sided.

    1. White


      The birth of humankind, perhaps.

  12. "All Lives Matter" is the equivalent to Straight Pride and White Power: a blatant whitewasher of the struggles minorities face.

    1. White


      And you know what ? The African-Americans are indeed struggling against an unfair system. The Dallas shooter knew that , I allowed himself to justify killing polices, because their lives don't matter at all. After all, they are the oppresive white majority, aren't they ?

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  13. "All Lives Matter" is the equivalent to Straight Pride and White Power: a blatant whitewasher of the struggles minorities face.

    1. White


      That's quite funny, perhaps I should stop guessing other people's motives and making me look quite the ignorant. I'd love to agree with you, and I mostly do. But I do feel that the very idea of struggling as a group leads to the unhumanizing of others. Neo-nazis think that the white race are struggling against a zionism threatening to wipe up their beautiful caucasian race. Men's right movement believes ( hilariously ) that we are struggling in a society where men are oppressed.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  14. "All Lives Matter" is the equivalent to Straight Pride and White Power: a blatant whitewasher of the struggles minorities face.

    1. White


      I mean, you were referring to the status posted by Oreius, weren't you ? https://mlpforums.com/statuses/user/34994-oreius/?status_id=756716 (I can see my username is quite obnoxious sometimes. )

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. "All Lives Matter" is the equivalent to Straight Pride and White Power: a blatant whitewasher of the struggles minorities face.

    1. White


      But isn't what you are saying a bit too extreme, you know exactly well that he didn't meant that.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  16. Welcome to MLP Forums, Iron legion pony! I hope you have a great time here. /)

    1. White


      How do moderators know when new members come in ? Is it a bot ? Welcome, I guess.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  17. My mom is underestimating how much I hate my friend. He's the cause of one or two suicidal thoughts, and yet she thinks that it's wrong to stop being friends with him.

    1. White


      Perhaps you should be easier on him. At least he means well, doesn't he ?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Call me crazy but instead of all this #BlackLivesMatter going around why not #AllLivesMatter, wither black or white we are all equal and should treat each other respectfully.

    1. White


      But perhaps you should follow you dreams. Isn't it what police do, anyway ? Risk themselves ? But don't mind me, I don't know anything about you to have the right of suggesting anything. And my whole perception of mounted police comes from this sketch.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Call me crazy but instead of all this #BlackLivesMatter going around why not #AllLivesMatter, wither black or white we are all equal and should treat each other respectfully.

    1. White


      Indeed. Just watch the comment section of this video, it's really appalling.

      Ugh, some people are just sick, they are angry, but sick. I was afraid you were going to respond by arguing who was right and who was wrong like people often do. I'm glad you didn't.
    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. My mom is underestimating how much I hate my friend. He's the cause of one or two suicidal thoughts, and yet she thinks that it's wrong to stop being friends with him.

    1. White


      If you hate him so much, why do you still call him friend.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Call me crazy but instead of all this #BlackLivesMatter going around why not #AllLivesMatter, wither black or white we are all equal and should treat each other respectfully.

    1. White


      What you are saying is really nice. It won't stop polices from mistreating, even unfairly shooting black people. It won't stop some individuals being triggered to kill polices.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  22. sorry i havent been on in a while :(

    1. White


      Gosh, everyone is so upset. 21th century must be really shitty, isn't it ?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. Gosh, this forum is so damn depressing. By depressing I mean actually, everyone seems really depressed.

  24. Gosh, this forum is so damn depressing. By depressing I mean actually, everyone seems really depressed.

  25. Gosh, this forum is so damn depressing. By depressing I mean actually, everyone seems really depressed.

    1. White


      Funny, it's a forum about happy little horses.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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