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Status Replies posted by MarionEtte136

  1. So, finally figured this thing out...

    1. MarionEtte136


      Unfortunately, most the role plays I'm participating in aren't under My Content... So, can someone direct me to Scars of Equestria?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. So, finally figured this thing out...

    1. MarionEtte136


      The computer is... Down, so I've gone mobile, and this site was a pain to navigate and use... Until I found the button at the bottom, anyways. :)

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. 5am right now, but I will go for a walk at 7-8am, I need to clear my head, it's going to burst. It has been a stressful couple days lately, with no sight of it getting any easier. Parents are falling to bits, my own life looks to be heading no where, I constantly think if what I'm going to do with my life. I feel like I'm living a nightmare right now.

  4. Woo, job interview! Wish me luck!

    1. MarionEtte136


      It'll make you stand out, when they're making the decision. ;)

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  5. Woo, job interview! Wish me luck!

    1. MarionEtte136


      Try to accept as sociable and professional in your interactions with the interviewer; if you think of some thing funny, go ahead and break the ice. It's best to make the interviewer feel comfortable when around you! :)

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  6. Do you think I should make a game night sort of thing? Because I really want to play cards against hummanity with custom decks online.

  7. Do you think I should make a game night sort of thing? Because I really want to play cards against hummanity with custom decks online.

    1. MarionEtte136


      Can you link the site? I can't remember where to find it...

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Do you think I should make a game night sort of thing? Because I really want to play cards against hummanity with custom decks online.

  9. Do you think I should make a game night sort of thing? Because I really want to play cards against hummanity with custom decks online.

  10. Do you think I should make a game night sort of thing? Because I really want to play cards against hummanity with custom decks online.

  11. Can someone please direct me to S.H.A.R.C.? I lost the tab, and can't find it... X(

  12. So in love, cannot think properly :)

    1. MarionEtte136


      I'm incredibly glad you found yourself someone to enjoy the times with! :D

      And you're both into MLP? AWESOME! :D

      I'm going out with a pegasister myself. :)

    2. (See 35 other replies to this status update)

  13. Well then, now that my internet is back up...

  14. Well then, now that my internet is back up...

  15. You ever get dreams that are so good that when you wake up you get depressed because it isn't real.

    1. MarionEtte136


      I was in class, and had noticed people had scratched out my answers, and had written a bunch of bad things involving me and ponies... So, not particularly...

    2. (See 16 other replies to this status update)

  16. Feeling much better, I have been healed by the community! :)

    1. MarionEtte136


      We're all just glad to have helped a friend in need. :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  17. So I build up enough courage to ask a couple girls I liked out on a date and they all rejected me. I know for sure, no one actually is attracted or loves me for who I am, I feel a bit muddled up inside. I don't think I have the courage to try and date anymore, I'm probably going to suffer because of this, so incase I go loopy, I am informing ya'll now.

  18. So I build up enough courage to ask a couple girls I liked out on a date and they all rejected me. I know for sure, no one actually is attracted or loves me for who I am, I feel a bit muddled up inside. I don't think I have the courage to try and date anymore, I'm probably going to suffer because of this, so incase I go loopy, I am informing ya'll now.

    1. MarionEtte136


      I have given my two bits. Do with them as you will.

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  19. So I build up enough courage to ask a couple girls I liked out on a date and they all rejected me. I know for sure, no one actually is attracted or loves me for who I am, I feel a bit muddled up inside. I don't think I have the courage to try and date anymore, I'm probably going to suffer because of this, so incase I go loopy, I am informing ya'll now.

    1. MarionEtte136


      Trust me, I have a LOT of social anxiety, and most definitely have depression... I'm only giving you tips I've heard before, that I thought you might find inspiring. I'm lucky to be with who I am, and I CERTAINLY don't deserve her. Everyone changes depending on who they're with, it's only human. And some of the best dates you can have are with those you first built friendship with first; it helps build trust, which is quintessential in ANY relationship! :)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  20. So I build up enough courage to ask a couple girls I liked out on a date and they all rejected me. I know for sure, no one actually is attracted or loves me for who I am, I feel a bit muddled up inside. I don't think I have the courage to try and date anymore, I'm probably going to suffer because of this, so incase I go loopy, I am informing ya'll now.

    1. MarionEtte136


      Just as a bit of a tip, you don't just ask people you like out. You have to get to know them, as well as let them get to know you. After a while, if all seems to be going well, one of the two of you might ask the other out. Be sure to connect with people like this, and you raise your chances of success. Think about it like this, the broader your proverbial net, the more likely you are to catch something you like. :)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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