Hi everybody !
In all my fucking life, ive been the "fag" in every single group of friends that i get.
And you are going to laugh, Im not gay ! And whatever nothing is wrong about being gay, but its soo frustrating to be called something that you are not.
I don't even look like what people think gay looks like..... I want to found someday some friends that don't judge, that don't say bullshit, that are "real" friend :'(.
When a heard about the brony community, i become so obscece about cuz this is a community of people that just do all they want without thinking of what other fucking people think.
Idk why i tell you all that shit, its only a complain about people in general. I hope someday my friends are going to be bronies, or tolerants like bronies.
Just give me hope people, the kindness people that i met was bronies man <3 love you all <3
Add me if you want to be my friend ! Im french btw