I did a research paper on the Brony and MLP:FiM culture and how it has dissolved itself into the American Pop Culture. I, personally, am in full approval and encouragement of all other ponies out there and I do get horrendously offended when people who haven't watched the show or have no knowledge at all bash Bronies, Pegasisters, or any other kind of pony out there. A show cannot make anyone "less manly" then they are. It does not make them gay. It should not (as according to "Teenagers React" (a video series on YouTube)) affect who you date or who you want to hang out with.
Bronies and everypony have hobbies and other interests besides MLP:FiM. Each Brony is their own unique individual, like each pony is itself. I am hurt and saddened to see how many people watch this news and (possibly) buy into it without adequate
On a side note; as a lover of anime as well, I was hurt in the Fox (not)News video where he threw in a jest about the Japanimation. I thought it was rude to basically cast out the whole Anime/Magna/Fandom of Japanese things (Sorry, I couldn't think of a better term) as something deviant. If Fox ever bothered to do their research, they would see how many people nation wide are interested in the Anime and such.