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Kronos the Revenant

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Everything posted by Kronos the Revenant

  1. School is getting too stressful for me, even at one class per semester. I want to quit, but i cant because i cant live by myself yet and I cant live by myself because i dont have a good enough job yet. 

    1. Courageous Thunder Dash

      Courageous Thunder Dash

      Awww....stay strong man...I know it's tough. I've been in your position with stressful classes, trying to find a great job...only having an associates and trying to find a job, then going back to school again...

  2. Not sure if i should be posting this, but it only happened a week and a half ago. I applied to become a VTuber. 

  3. Im about to start streaming on YouTube. Should I stream League of Legends or some random game i have on Steam?

  4. Happy New Year, everyone. 

  5. Anyone ever get that feeling where if you try to say what you want to say, the exact opposite of what you’d expect would happen? Just me? Okay. 

  6. Kronos looked upon the crowd and its jubilant celebration after the tournament. He smiles upon himself, thinking about how much this place alone has made him grow as an individual. You know, he thought to himself, This place has kinda grown on me. A home away from home, as it were. Yeah, his spirits agreed, The folks here are very welcoming and there’s always something to do here. I think we’ll stay here for the time being until we are called upon again elsewhere.
  7. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. I got…….a shift in both of my jobs today. 🙃

  8. @Courageous Thunder Dash Kronos was still in a bind that Thundy placed on him. Suddenly, his body began to electrocute itself. Kronos began to yell in pain. Then, his spirits came out. OUR VESSEL!!! MAKE IT STOP!!! IT HURTS!!! NEVER BACK DOWN!! NEVER SURRENDER!! KAISER, WE HAVE TO YIELD!!! NEVER, I’D RATHER PERISH THAN SURRENDER TO THE LIKES OF A BIRD!!! KAISER, IF WE DONT YIELD, KRONOS WILL PERISH ALONG WITH THE REST OF US!!! Kaiser looked to the other spirits, then to Kronos, who was taking the brunt of the pain. Something suddenly clicked in Kaiser’s head. If we lose him, Kaiser said, We lose each other. Very well. In the centuries I’ve been in combat, I never thought I’d have to utter these words. I…..Kaiser hesitated, We yield to you, Thundy. Victory is yours. Kaiser began to kneel in resignation in front of Thundy, and the rest of the spirits followed.
  9. @Courageous Thunder Dash Kaiser’s eyes widened as Thundy zoomed at light speed. Suddenly, his Vessel was sent flying in different directions, flinging him around in a similar fashion. I wont lose, Kaiser muttered before shouting, I REFUSE TO YIELD!!! GET UP, VESSEL!!! Kiaser gave Kronos a huge amount of energy to get him back up. SHOW HIM!! SHOW THEM ALL THE TRUE POWER OF OUR WILLPOWER!!!! Suddenly, Kronos springs back up to life as if renewed with vigor for another fight. He comes back to and sees Thundy in his new appearance. “So,” Kronos commented, “You finally found your own self enlightenment. Good on you, dude. Now, LET’S FINISH THIS FIGHT RIGHT!” He drew his zweihander out from the ground and drew out his odachi again. He proceeded to split his arms apart again and this time drew out a giant buster sword of his own and a massive claymore. Kronos proceeded to swing his four monstrous swords with expert skill and dexterity. This was it, this is the final moment of the fight. Who will reign on top? Kronos just itching to fight? Or a newly powered up Thundy? This whole match can be decided in one decisive strike.
  10. @Courageous Thunder Dash As Kronos moved out of the way and Thundy adjusted his trajectory, a purple aura suddenly illuminated from Kronos. It was Alesso and his impenetrable Aegis of War. Impressive, a different voice mocked, But no dice, kid. It was Kaiser. He reached out, grabbed Thundy and swung his huge mace at him to send him flying to the side of the ring. Give it up, kid, Kaiser taunted, You stand absolutely no chance against us. It’s five against one. You’ve already lost. Now, time to end this. ”KAISER, DONT!!” Kronos yelped out as Kaiser dropped his mace towards Thundy.
  11. @Courageous Thunder Dash Kronos laughed at his seemingly surefire victory when suddenly his opponent seemed to power up. He was suddenly yanked from his legs and lifted up into the air. He was then body slammed into the ground, causing him to get the wind knocked out of him. He was seeing double as Thundy went for a Thunder Punch. He rolled to the side to try to dodge the attack.
  12. @Courageous Thunder Dash Kronos took the gauntlet hit, but it didnt phase him. Instead, he gave a sinister chuckle as he grabbed Thundy at his gauntlet and swung him over his head, slamming him into the other side. “I admire your headstrong approach,” Kronos mocked, “But it’s gonna take more than that to stop me.”
  13. @Courageous Thunder Dash Kronos accelerated his counter rotation against the vortex to nullify it. In a few moments, the vortex dissipated and he slowly slowed his spinning until he stopped. When he went to a halt, Kronos swung his monstrous sword the direction towards Thundy with a cleaving motion.
  14. @Courageous Thunder Dash Kronos braced himself for his opponent's opening move. Suddenly, his opponent disappears before colliding with him. Check behind, Gabriel suggested, Attacks like this always come from behind. Kronos attempts to turn, but is too slow to react to Thundy's hook kick and gets swept to the side; however, he quickly recovers himself planting his zweihander to the ground to prevent himself from falling forward. But, this digs his monstrous sword into the ground. Kronos lets it go for now and spins around swinging his odachi around.
  15. @Courageous Thunder Dash@ExplosionMare @Dynamo Pad @Starforce @Ragland Tiger @Reality Check@Firefighter Equine As Kronos heard his opponent insist on letting him enter first, he marches on with his signature menacing aura, slowly trudging with an atmosphere of impending doom. Suddenly, he blasts music from his suit: As the music played, he drew his gargantuan weapons and began to demonstrate his agile dexterity with them. He then lets out another ferocious roar with a red aura being clearly visible surrounding him, hyping himself up for the upcoming fight. As he waits for his opponent, he continues his swordplay almost like a dance.
  16. @Firefighter Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash Kronos stared in shock and awe that Samurai lost to Thundy. He was in such shock that he let go of his heavy weapons and they made an audible sound as they reached the ground. He then looked to the ground, his eyes shadowed over. “I have to win this,” Kronos said to himself, “For Dynamo. For Samurai. FOR FRIENDSHIRE!!!!!” He then let out a ferocious shout with a brilliant golden aura surrounding him. “THUNDY!! I HAVE HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF YOU, SO DON’T DISAPPOINT ME IN THE TITLE MATCH!!”
  17. @Firefighter Equine @Courageous Thunder Dash “A Battle Royale?” Kronos asked himself, “Three way battle? Now that’s what I’m talking about!!” Hmph, Kaiser grunted, This should make up for not being able to really fight our last two opponents. We’ll need to prepare a proper strategy against these two, Gabriel suggested, They’re both very formidable fighters. You’re right, Kronos thought along, We’re gonna have to pull all the stops in this fight. He checked his mobile arsenal for weaponry to utilize. He decided on a zweihander and an odachi, both monstrously huge swords that, even for strong ponies, would prove cumbersome to wield. As he waited in the sidelines, he checked on his swords to make sure they are both ready for upcoming combat.
  18. @Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger As soon as Samurai used the Alicorn Amulet shard to redistribute the overall pain, Kronos was at first disappointed he didnt feel anything at first, then he suddenly had what seemed like a stroke as his head went numb momentarily. Luckily, Gabriel defibrillated him back into consciousness. Kronos proceeded to slap himself in his own face to restore sensation to it.
  19. @Firefighter Equine @Dynamo Pad @Ragland Tiger @Courageous Thunder Dash Kronos was listening to everyone prattling about who gets to sacrifice their limbs for their friends until he interjects. “Enough!! I’ll help heal them. I’ve seen my fair share of combat and i happen to be an expert on very advanced healing magic, including damage transfer magic. With your permission, i would want to partake in this endeavor to heal our friends.”
  20. Kronos look on to his two friends in awe after what transpired. Fearing the worst, he bumrushed to their aid, knocking back others out of his way. “DYNAMO!! BLUEBELL!!” he called out as he slid to their sides, “No, no no no, you can’t go on like this.” He then summoned one of his spirits. “Gabriel,” he beckoned, “Please tell me they’re okay!” The blueish white ethereal pony held his hooves above both bodies. He gave a slight grin and turned to Kronos. “They’re exhausted to the point of passing out. Relax, child, they’re alive still. Give them rest and they’ll bounce back.” “Thank Xerox,” Kronos breathed a sigh of relief, “These two are tough ponies, I’ll give them that.” He then stepped back to give his friends space to get up and breathe.
  21. I hate my coworkers in both of my jobs.  They either show up late or never show up all. If you’re not gonna show up when you’re supposed to, FUCKING QUIT!! WE’RE TIRED OF PICKING UP YOUR SLACK JUST BECAUSE YOU FEEL LIKE NOT WORKING TODAY!!

  22. @Dynamo Pad Kronos’ spirit of willpower, Kaiser, sensed the constellation ramming into Kronos before even he noticed it. ”Oh no you dont.” Kaiser exclaimed as he held off the starry ram. He proceeded to yeet the ram constellation away from Kronos as he continued to wrangle the Scorpio constellation. “Whoa, easy there, big guy,” Kronos said to the constellation he was wrangling, “Heel, heel.”
  23. @Dynamo Pad While Kronos was busy siphoning off of the constellations, Alesso, his Spirit of Divine Protection shielded him with his Aegis of Gods, which blocked the oncoming acid from the Scorpio constellation. ”Sorry, buddy,” Kronos says jokingly, “Im more into Virgos, but you’ll do nicely.” His spirits proceeded to summon cosmic reigns to latch onto the living constellation. He wrangled with the giant scorpion until it calmed down.
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