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Dreamer Star

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About Dreamer Star

  • Birthday 1987-12-18

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Whitetail Wood region
  • Personal Motto
    Hard work is the most gratifying.
  • Interests
    Mostly my gardens and helping around Town Hall.

My Little Pony

  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference

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  1. Merry Birthiversary! 

  2. I'm sorry ponies. This would have been my 4th year, I love BABS very much, but I've decided that my expenses for things that needed attention and possibly start saving for BABS in 2020. For now, I have no plans for attending. I was looking forward to this one, shame I will miss it. Have fun every pony, be safe and safe travels <3
  3. Hay ponies, I'm back again, for my 4th year and starting my search early again! Thank you to every pony that made 2018 BABSCon great! I'm looking for ponies to join me for next year and the same as usual. Looking for two other ponies to fill a room. it's important for me to find people that are clean, quiet and respectful of other people's property and roomies that would want the same in return. I wouldn't want any drinking, parties, smoking, or things of the sort. I'd prefer just to keep the room for the people on the reservation. If there are some other needs, let me know. Sleep is important to me, I like to get to bed early, ideally 11-12 and get up around 7-8am and would be ideal to have roomies that would want to sleep around the same time. I should also mention when I first check in the room, though the rooms have been cleaned, I still wipe down surfaces with a sanitizer, to keep from catching bugs and so far, it's worked out pretty well. So I would do what I could to keep me and my roomies from catching con crud. So sharing with persons that could appreciate that and help do their part would also be appreciated. I also stock medicine for immune support, enough for the room and any pony else that needs some. I already have a reservation at the Hyatt, for 4 nights. The room will be a high floor, for a quieter space. Check-in being the day before the event (April 18th) and check-out on the day after the event (April 22nd), by noon. I would like to make spots open for those that would like to stay all 4 nights, to divide costs evenly. I will also be doing payments differently, to make it easier. That the total reservation is already paid in full ahead of time, by myself and anyone taking a spot can pay their share early, before the check-in date. Making checking-in, obtaining keys and checking-out as simple and smooth as possible. The rooms have a maximum of 4 guests, including myself, but I will keep it to 3 total and keep one spot open, up until the day of check-in, in case some pony needs a spot in a pinch, be it for just a night, or possibly longer. Thank you everypony!
  4. Okay! So I think I got the last spot I needed filled. But... I haven't maxed out the room to 3 guests, I have 2 at the moment. So, it is possible to negotiate one more, if someone really needs a spot in a pinch. Thank you, ponies.
  5. Hay ponies. So I just had one pony confirm they will be returning, so I'm looking for one more. If the first post with the description looks appealing, let me know.
  6. I only think as time gets closer, more will be relieved. Though it is getting pretty close. I would believe there will be more guests of honor. I think BABS was mentioning at their last Yay and Neigh they were aiming for a higher number. Personally, I would really love Cathy to be there. By the way, ponies, I am still looking for at least one more spot.
  7. Yay! Thank you Deer Admin, Sir!
  8. An old thread I started that is still active for me and I'm still using, was moved to the wrong convention and only just now noticed.
  9. Hay! That's wonderful so far! I'm still a go too. That makes 2 total. I have 2 others that are undecided, so I just need one more definite yes (if my top post looks good to them) and I would be okay with at least 3.
  10. Hay... Heh. I was expecting the old posts to be cleared by now, but I'm still here and still feel free to leeme know if anypony is interested in planning early. Everything is still good on my side.
  11. I have a reservation booked, for 4 nights; check-in May 29th and check-out on April 2nd. Anyone else that would like to stay 4 nights, let me know. One spot is already taken, but still have two more spots open.
  12. Hay everypony! So right at the end of 2017 years BABS, I've already made reservations at the Hyatt for 2018 BABSCon. I have at least one person that will be returning with me. I am still looking for one more spot with someone that would be interested staying for four nights. The reservation is for check-in on the day before the event (March 29th) and check-out on the day after the event (April 2nd), by noon. This will be my third year and so far the room share situation has worked out well. Ideally I add 2 extra guests, which seems to work best and not over crowded. The maximum is 3 guests, making 4 total. So I will take who ever is interested and sounds like a good fit for what I'm looking for. So with a full room, it's really important for me to find people that are clean, quiet and respectful of other people's property and would be looking for the same as well. I wouldn't want any drinking, parties, smoking, or things of the sort. I'd prefer just to keep the room for the people on the reservation. If there are some other needs, let me know. Sleep is also important to me, I like to get to bed early, ideally 11-12 and get up around 7-8am and would be ideal to have roomies that like sleeping around the same hours. I should also mention when I first check in the room, though the rooms have been cleaned, I still wipe down surfaces with a sanitizer, to keep from catching bugs and has worked out pretty good so far from preventing con crud. So sharing with persons that could appreciate that and also wouldn't mind helping do their part would also be appreciated. Thanks everypony.
  13. Hay ponies, just to let you know I'm still here and any ponies looking for last minute spots, I still have one, but check out my first post on this thread to make sure that this room sounds good to you and another thing to consider is I will be having one roommate that will be sleeping during day hours, so noise needs to be kept at a minimum.
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