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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by DwhitetheGamer

  1. Failed to realize this, but I have become butterfly now.

  2. @@Illiad Easle, "That is understandable. I had brought that up with my sister, but she insisted on the race being in Canterlot. But she would understand if the race needed to be held here. It would be nice for Copper to showcase his Spin Dash to the Children so that they can understand what Midnight would be up against. That reminds me." She turned to Copper. "Copper, is it okay that Midnight and Sir are in conjunction for the Lightning Sprint?" Copper nodded at Luna, smiling. "Fine by me. I want a fair race and if I can use my ability, so can my competitors." "Well then that is settled. The race shall be held here in the Archback Mountains." Copper swung around to see Princess Celestia standing right behind her. "Princess Celestia? How long have you been here?" "After the Children left, my little pony. Hello, Midnight, it has been a while."
  3. @@Illiad Easle, Luna smiled warmly to the Children as they left to the grand hall. She then turned to Midnight. "She wants to hold the race in Canterlot in a few days so that all of Equestria can see it. She also agreed to make two separate tracks for both of you to showcase your abilities." Copper went wide-eyed. "Two races? One where I can use my Spin Dash? That's great! I'll thank her later." Luna turned to Copper. "On top of that, she wants to have the Children be the announcers of the winner." To say that Copper was excited was an understatement. He was bouncing up and down in joy. He suddenly stopped as soon as he realized something. "Wait. What if Midnight wanted the race to be held here in the Archback Mountains?"
  4. @@Illiad Easle, (I was hoping they would be so happy in meeting Luna.) Both Copper and Luna had looks of concern as they looked at the Children, who looked as if they were having headaches trying to remember who she was. Copper looked at Midnight. "Are they going to be okay?" "I hope so. Anyways, yes, my sister has agreed to endorse the race between you and Copper, Midnight. She turned to the Children, not daring moving back a little as she would make the headaches worse moving towards them. She needed to do something fast, so she decided to introduce herself. "Children, do not fret trying to remember me. I am Luna, Princess of the Night. I am very proud of thy accomplishments and wish thee nothing but the best in thy future."
  5. They're flying with cars.

  6. @@Illiad Easle, Copper nodded at Candlelight. Taking a few days off after what just happened would be a good idea for him as well. "That's good to know. Since we're all here, though, I should introduce myself fully. You can call me either Copper or Sonic, I'm fine with both. The reason I'm call Sonic is because of my talent, called the Spin Dash." He shows his cutie mark for all the children to see. "It shows how fast I want to be there for anypony in need, which is my destiny. I'm as fast, if not faster than a racing Pegasus, according to my friends back at Ponyville. You may believe it or not, but I am considered the fastest Earth Pony in Equestria, and if you want to know who said it, it was Princess Luna. Point in fact, me and Midnight are going to have a race during our exchange to determine just that, and Luna wants all of Equestria to witness it. I'm sure she'd talk to her sister about it today." "That is exactly why I am here, Copper Strikes." Copper was caught off guard and turned quickly towards his left. There she was, Princess Luna, ready to meet her Children.
  7. @@Illiad Easle, Copper smiled and waved a hoof at each of the Children as Gari introduced them to him. He was happy he could meet the children, and he couldn't wait to tell them some big news. "Indeed I am. So, what was that all about? If I heard right from Midnight, all of you managed to do something that gave you memories of the past and saw him at a younger age. What were you trying to accomplish?"
  8. @@Illiad Easle, (Thanks for the pictures.) Copper was hesitant to approach them with the massive energy displayed there, but as soon as each of them got up, one by one, he slowly smiled, knowing the Children would eventually be fine. He walked up towards the Children as they would slowly get up. "Hello. I hope you guys'll be okay. I'm Copper Strikes. It's a pleasure to meet you all."
  9. Copper looked downward to the courtyard after Midnight moved a pane so he could see the Children practicing. He marveled at the sight of the balls before they struck their participants. He was wide-eyed with shock, then turned to Midnight, who already left. Without thinking, he galloped at high speed to the courtyard to see Midnight, who would be already tending to the Children. He had a concerned look on his face if the Children looked to see him standing there.
  10. @@Illiad Easle, Copper shook his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing, let alone wanting to witness it firsthoof. If the bearers of the Elements could even try to do what the Children were doing right now, there's a good chance the entire world will experience the magic of friendship. "It's amazing what they're doing. I'll bet Rainbow Dash would be so jealous. Anyways, I think now's a good time to meet them. I want to learn more about them."
  11. @@Illiad Easle, Copper followed Midnight in the next half of the tour to the courtyards of the castle. He could see 12 ponies, who he had figured to be the Children, looking as if they were meditating. He nodded at Midnight as he explained the courtyard, the Children, and what Sir does in it. The next area he saw four doors, and they went through the door that led to the back hallway. He went with Midnight to the left of three staircases. Once they reached the top, as soon as Copper looked out a window, his jaw dropped. "Wow! You can see Manehattan from here? Amazing!" He recovered from his excitement to look at Midnight. "Okay, for another question. How are the Children, if they're able to, replicate the unity magic of the Elements of Harmony? From what I know, they'd have to do something to represent their respective element."
  12. @@Illiad Easle, Copper nodded at Midnight's point about a burden to living a thousand years. He smiled as he was offered to meet the current Children of the Night. "I actually want to do that. But first, let's finish the castle tour. Once we finish, then we can meet the Children."
  13. @@Illiad Easle, Copper smiled at the fact that he saw the original Children. Midnight's extended life span, as he knew, proved invaluable to knowing the Children. "You know, I wish I could meet the original Children, get to know them and all that. It's amazing what you learn, see, and meet through a thousand years, right?"
  14. @@Illiad Easle, Copper finished with his breakfast and followed Midnight to the dish return. He put his dishes on the conveyor belt and walked with his guide on the tour. He gazed as he walked on the 12 tapestries for a bit before proceeding with Midnight. When they reached the entryway, ending the first half of the tour, he pondered about the 12 tapestries before asking him about it. "Yeah, about those ponies on the wall we passed earlier. Do you remember who they are? Are they the descendants of the Children?"
  15. @@Illiad Easle, Copper looked apologetic at Interchange before he changed to his changeling form. He then smiled back before the disguise returned then when he left, took one final drink of tea. He looked at Midnight. "Yeah, I thought it'd be best if I let him go on with his work, without bother. Like I said yesterday, I'm not going to get in the way of their duties. Anyways, yes I would like a tour of the castle now.
  16. @@Illiad Easle, Copper was disappointed that he wouldn't get to show his talent to him, but he nodded at Interchange, seeing that the changeling has a job to do. "I understand. I don't want to get in the way of your job, so I won't ask any questions. It has been nice knowing you, Interchange."
  17. @@Illiad Easle, "That's actually a good thing. If Midnight hadn't told you already, me and him are going to have a race to see who's the fastest Earth Pony in Equestria. Once we finish our breakfast I can show both of you my Spin Dash talent." Copper was pretty excited. He not only gained a changeling friend, he got to witness his own move with his eyes. Well, technically not his move in full power, but it was better than nothing, and he knew it.
  18. @@Illiad Easle, Copper took another sip of his tea as Interchange explained his kind's abilities. "That's interesting. So, I can imagine having to learn about somepony is tedious, right? But does it also count as to what ponies can do? As far as talents outside the norm, like my Spin Dash talent?
  19. @@Illiad Easle, Copper looked confused. Then he realized he wasn't used to this situation. He chuckled lightly at his mistake. "My mistake. I thought that you had been captured by them or something, but I digress. Anyways, I would like to know more about the changelings, at least more than what I know. From what I know, they can become anypony they want, right?"
  20. @@Illiad Easle, Copper took a sip of his tea when Midnight and a gold unicorn that he saw last night arrived. He smiled at both of them as they took their seats, with the unicorn sitting directly across him, introducing himself. "Hi, Interchange. I'm Copper Strikes, and yeah, I do want to know about the changelings, apart from what I already know about them. From the looks of it, you had a bad experience with them, didn't you?"
  21. @@Illiad Easle, Copper looked at the direction at where Midnight went, then turned to Cookie, who just showed up with Midnight's order. She asked him where Midnight went, in which he smiled. "Midnight went to find a changeling for me, and said he'll be back shortly. I asked him what he knew about changelings and he said he'll come back with one."
  22. @@Illiad Easle, Copper pondered on Midnight's words about Equestria. He was surprised that very little had changed to him. Then again, having an extended life span lets him see so many in so much time. He would no doubt experience the same thing Midnight has. "I see. Anyways, yes, I still would like to know about the changelings. What makes them different from what I know about them?"
  23. Off to bed for me. Night everypony!

  24. @@Illiad Easle, As Copper kept eating his toast, Midnight sat next to him and had asked if he had any more questions. He raised a hoof, signaling he will talk once he was finished, then after he ate, spoke. "Actually, yes. I do have one question. I noticed there was a lot of countries in your room. How was it, travelling across the world?"
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