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Sarahdash :3

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Everything posted by Sarahdash :3

  1. The universe is ours..

  2. Hehe, thank you all of you :3 I'm glad you like it ^w^ I'm hoping to get better so I can do buildings, then I could do the rest of equestria too!
  3. Hai guys! ^.^ I don't know if this counts as pony artwork because I could pass it off and non-pony artwork but I made it to be the Everfree rainforest :3 I hope chu like it! ^w^
  4. Ugh, work was so busy :s I'm soo tired >o<

  5. Finally finished my composition piece for music ^0^ I hopes my music teacher likes it :s

    1. RainbowRawr


      They totes will sweetie :33

    2. Chivalry Knight

      Chivalry Knight

      Nice, hope all goes well.


  6. Bob Ross is literally my favorite person :3

    1. RainbowRawr


      OMG! me too! :33

  7. The last movie I watched was Clockwork Orange. I love it, I have a soft spot for cult classics hehe ;3
  8. I really like that :3 If I could make one bit of constructive criticism its that the leg on the fish bowl looks a little skinny. But yeah, this is really nice
  9. How is everypony? ^w^

    1. RainbowRawr


      I'm goooooods :33

    2. Bright Honor
    3. Clockwork Chaos

      Clockwork Chaos

      I overslept and feel terrible for it >.<

  10. Looking good georgie, you're getting better than me now, guess I better catch up
  11. Sarahdash :3


    Naaaaawwwwww :333 I love it! Its so adorable ^w^
  12. That's actually so cool! I really love how effective the depth is :3 I can never get effective depth when I draw :c
  13. Hehe thank you ^w^ You seem really nice I'll add you right now!
  14. Okeh hehe, I guess I'm just a little worried they won't like me :c
  15. Haii Georgie! Do you think they will like us here? :s
  16. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Rainbow Dash How did you find MLP Forums?: My friend told me about it so I though I would check it out ^o^ How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: My friends showed to to me a while ago and I though it was the best thing eva! :3Can't wait for season 6 ^w^ Haii! I'm Sarahdash but you can just call me sarah :3 I hope you guys will take me in as one of your own because I've always wanted to be a part of a fandom and yours looks awesome! :33 Can't wait to make heaps of friends, love you all! ^w^
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