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Tel Locus

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Status Replies posted by Tel Locus

  1. teaching myself computer codes on my off time. Have no idea why aside from wanting to become a jack of all trades. Because my constant changing interests bring me through sowing, embroidery, physics, biology, chemistry, art, writing, Rping, coding, Computer technology, Environmental compliance, Life guard, Sergeant in the army, architecture, archaeology, historian. How many more do I need to try out before applying to the CMC? :P

    1. Tel Locus

      Tel Locus

      Nah this was just me hitting a sudden realization. I'd never give up anything that I try, Just feel that this is a lot of things to be considered "dabbling"

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. I feel ya, best bet is something soothing while you try to sleep. keep a light on for the worst case scenario

    1. Tel Locus

      Tel Locus

      light, like a lamp or a nightlight. knives while you sleep is for when you want to wake up with less fingers.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Merry Christmas Tel Locus! :)

    1. Tel Locus

      Tel Locus

      And a happy new year to you too RyaN

  4. I'm nervous right now. In 1-2 hours, I'm going to go and do something that basically affects my future, but probably not. For now, just change where I'll be living

  5. Heya Tel Locus, and welcome! :3 Hope you have a lovely time~ ^w^ https://derpicdn.net/img/2015/8/19/960660/large.gif

    1. Tel Locus

      Tel Locus

      Thanks, quick question. I tried to send up a topic in the intro section but I think I messed up. Was I supposed to send the topic for moderator validation?

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Welcome to MLP Forums Tel Locus. I hope you have a great time here /)

    1. Tel Locus

      Tel Locus

      Thanks I hope I enjoy it here as well.

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