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Cupid's Bow

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Status Updates posted by Cupid's Bow

  1. i really want to go to BUCK 2016 but i have nopony to go with ;__;

    1. Monsoon


      I would go with you but I can't due to certain restrictions

    2. Cupid's Bow

      Cupid's Bow

      awww, thank you for thinking of me anyway :)

    3. Monsoon


      No problem I try to be nice when I can

  2. I got an applejack cake for my birthday!! IM OVER THE MOON

  3. i really want to cosplay coloratura but i feel like its literally impossible to pull off!

  4. was gonna do an all-nighter but im already tired! boo hahahaha

  5. omg hello! another kpop fan on here, how awesome :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MEOWKB48


      BigBang is one of my favorites as well. I love shine too. Lucifer is one of my favorite songs. Did you see the one article about how t.o.p said on stage at the golden disk awards that you only have a year left to see them all together on stage?

    3. Cupid's Bow

      Cupid's Bow

      OMG YES........my heart literally broke when i read that....im hoping he meant until army service is over for all of them so that they'll return at some point. but if he means disbandment....idk what ill do!!! :(

    4. MEOWKB48


      That's what I'm hoping too! I would be so upset if BigBang broke up. I'd be surprised if yg would let his biggest group disband....but you never know. I loved Kara and they ended up disbanding.

  6. does anybody have any good mlp reviewers they would suggest?? i need to subscribe to more!

    1. Meson Bolt

      Meson Bolt

      If you're not subscribed already, I couldn't recommend anyone higher than Silver Quill, ILoveKimPossibleAlot, and joshscorcher. Here are the links to their channels, respectively (the last one is a link to FOB Equestria, a collective channel that joshscorcher works with):







      If you...

  7. i REALLY wanna watch tfg again but i also need to sleep ;_; what do i doooo

    1. RyaN_


      Drink lot's of coffee, works for me ;)

  8. what is it about the mcdonalds toys? they keep leaving applejack out. its starting to really bug me :(

    1. Megas


      But thank God I can get Suri Polomare! /s

    2. Cupid's Bow

      Cupid's Bow

      i know right....i guess the demand for her was way greater than for onE OF THE MANE SIX

  9. I don't think I'll ever stop laughing at pinkie pies rapping in Dance Magic :')

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RyaN_


      That ending when Sunset took off her jacket and did a solo...I almost passed out from the awesomeness XD

    3. Clarity


      Rebecca Shoichet's such a great singer! Even more impressive is how she's able to differentiate a tone for Sunset and still be able to sing really well :D

    4. RyaN_


      IKR, how did she even do that duet thing with Twilight?

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