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Status Replies posted by AngelsNight

  1. where ever you are, i hope your'e doing well

    1. AngelsNight


      Hey, im doing just fine! sorry if i scared you. :(
      I won't twist around the story.
      really simple i don't really like mlp anymore. it was great fun being here though! i had such fun laughs and times on here. But yea kinda grew out of this period of my life for a while. Think i might just come on here every now and than to talk to some old friends. 
      Hope you are doing good aswell friend!:twismile:

  2. Merry Birthiversary!

  3. Guess i should go to sleep too :P

    We'll go to a meeting with my dad tomorrow, and i am kinda nervous, because i never been at one before ^^;

  4. English Lessons with Robin Williams



    1. AngelsNight


      I love you dude. :) have a good day


  5. Guess who just had to cycle through the snow without proper gloves and stuff like that? Me! And guess who hated it while doing it? Me! And guess who doesn't mind it anymore now that she's home and sees the pretty snow? Me! 

    1. AngelsNight


      Same <3

      But hey if you are with friends nothing is to bad :)

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  6. uhm a friend of mine is suicidal and i want to help..
    Any tips on how to talk to him about it?

  7. uhm a friend of mine is suicidal and i want to help..
    Any tips on how to talk to him about it?

    1. AngelsNight


      I'm clad you did :).

      my friend has some terrible plans.
      And just hearing about them was... horrible.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  8. Any one else likes to shuffle? 

    1. AngelsNight


      True. dont worry its all about practice thats what makes it cool :)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  9. Any one really into metalcore/deathcore?



    1. AngelsNight


      Every thing is going just fine. :)

      Things are going as i want them to, never been more happy.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  10. Any one really into metalcore/deathcore?



  11. I've never been so happy to be sad...
    I now know i can atleast feel again.

  12. denying the truth is the same as living a lie.

    1. AngelsNight


      I'm a junkie and im getting help before that i just was like...

      yeah im totally not, this is better


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  13. The life might leave my lungs, But my hart will stay here with you.

    1. AngelsNight


      I've typed on this message for about 10 minutes now...
      And to be honest i don't even know. 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. I slept the day away :(

    1. AngelsNight


      Its, 00:22 here i'm gonna sleep now xD

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Failure

    Look for the light that leads me home.

    Tired of feeling lost.

    Tired of letting go.

    Tear the hold world down.

    Tired if wasting breath.

    Tired of of nothing left.

    tear the hold world down..



    1. AngelsNight


      Its not your fault that im an idiot...

      And i will.
      Just be more carefull i guess might need some help with drugs and get some friends...
      HOPE that it will not go wrong this time

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Failure

    Look for the light that leads me home.

    Tired of feeling lost.

    Tired of letting go.

    Tear the hold world down.

    Tired if wasting breath.

    Tired of of nothing left.

    tear the hold world down..



    1. AngelsNight



      A song.
      My present, How i think my life is going.

      A mistake i made..

      Don't do drugs.
      DON'T EVER...
      I learned that today.
      I have NEVER felt this depressed its funny how fast people ditch you.
      Funny coming from me i did it to an old group i used to be in.
      Now the group i WAS in ditched me.. Now i'm left with what they introduced me with
      XTC Weed and Mushrooms... I HATE ALL OF IT. yet i want it.
      WHAT DO I DO?
      I'm so desperate.. please.

      I'm a fool

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  17. Balisongs to be more exact. (just got one,THEY ARE AWESOME!)



    AAAAAANNDDDDD i cut myself 4 times in my hand (nothing much just found it funny)

    1. AngelsNight


      Yeah, Might be smart...

      Just trying to get a roll over correct (middle and index finger) down.

      (wich gloves would you suggest?)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Any people in to knifes?

    Balisongs to be more exact. (just got one,THEY ARE AWESOME!)

    1. AngelsNight


      May i ask witch one of them?

      The flip version or the normal version (with a case)

      I think both look really cool, But the flip ones just add something witch i find to be a bit cleaner and nicer looking.. cant really tell what, maybe the fact that it is a concealed blade. any way you are right those are so cool :)

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Russ - Do It Myself

    How you should do things.

    1. AngelsNight


      you know it boii.

      N0thing much. just been learning for up comming tests

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. Russ - Do It Myself

    How you should do things.

    1. AngelsNight



      How are you doing?  

      (its a song from a rapper ;) )

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. 16.

    Nice :)

    1. AngelsNight


      i hope and guess so. im enjoying the day so far anyways :)

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

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