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Vera Veil

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Everything posted by Vera Veil

  1. I feel like locking myself away in a mental hospital and hoping they beat the shit out of me ... I have tried a lot of things ... But I'm sure all I need is a good old fashion bashing to loosen this already damaged brain .... Either that or to go back to the Clown Army clan I came from ... Hence the C in my username ... Idk, maybe both ... It's been too long since the last time I had a good fight ... Might stir up some shit tomorrow ... Eh, it'll be their problem
  2. Banned for not posting here with ur best friend here sooner ;( oh well, atleast it will finally happen
  3. Goin back to sleep, even if I just woke up .... Laters

  4. Banned coz I'm outta idea on what to ban for that stay within the forum rules
  5. Banned because they are still cleaner then yours ....
  6. Feeling weird ... I'm sorry but that's the only way to describe it .... That and tired
  7. 3 different nights, 3 different weird dreams .... What is life?

  8. Sitting on the can, reading emails ... Screw gravity ... Idk, just roll with it :P do it for pinkie

  9. Under irl stress ... Ugh

  10. Hot and sweaty after mowing my front and back lawns ... O.o time to have a shower and clean the interior of the house before I get shit faced and pass out and wake up at 7 am to go up the coast to take care of family issues ... I hope those evil cops aren't on the road tomorrow ... Ugh, why must cops suck?
  11. I'm not sure how I feel anymore, I guess ... Empty? .... Ugh why must I be so confused? I think I need more weed, if I combine that with a nice Mexican meal and an old episode, well who knows how I would feel
  12. Just remember to stay ahead on ALL bills, unless the idea of being in debt sounds like fun, just keep paying what they say back and it will be ok
  13. Now that I have sobered up and had a sleep I feel like shit, not the hangover, I'm gonna drink that away, so I'm not staying sober for long, the pain is all mentally ofc, so many questions about life so I'll just ignore em and play MC instead to get away from life as I hate life and it hates me
  14. First thing you should say is hello and say ... "How are you today (insert female's name here)?" If you then listen to what she says, she might listen, ... And if you have bad breath, like I do, have a mint before you ask her that ... Trust me on that Since this is my post, I may as well say how I'm feeling huh? Yea, save double posting .... I feel great, but blame the alcohol, once it wears off, I will hate myself again, trust me, Ik how my mind works ....
  15. I'm feeling homesick, don't mistake that because I still live at home, I mean with my clan ... Ok so it goes like this ... We are a gaming clan called Clown Army or CA for short, now I wanted to do my tag for the clan I Co-Lead along with Speedy and Wasper ... And the leader Stefan007, Z is our founder in I think it was 2008 so that kinda gives you an idea of how old we really are ... History lesson over, I started to fall into a shitty routine where I would hate myself to the point that I would want to slit my wrists and play in my own blood, and I know for a fact that I couldn't do that if I wanna make it good in the real world, so i told them I'm taking 3 months off ... It's only been about a week and I already miss my job .... ;-; Oh yea, and if your wondering, my tag is {C}WubZ but I couldn't use it as the brackets are unusable so that's why I use C WubZ so yea ...
  16. I feel sleepy even though I have been asleep for about 12 hours now ... I hate sleeping at night ... I'd much rather sleep during the day coz reasons ... Guess I'll have a shower soon to wake me up ugh
  17. Banned because that's a silly reason to ban
  18. Banned for tampering with my eyes .... (Damn optic illusions) Edit: banned because I got ninjazoned
  19. Annoyed .... I did see the new episode, and I somewhat like it ... It wasn't the highlight of the season but to be fair it's only the 4th episode so .... Anyways if I had to make 1 complaint about it it would be that Hasbro are running out of colour schemes to use, that's why there is Scootaloo'Scootaloo's doppelganger in this episode .... (Sorry for that tiny spoiler, but I'm not gonna say what happened in the Ep if that helps ....) but srsly think about it .... Minus the fact that he is a Colt .... And that his mane style is a tad off, deep down it looks just like scoots .... Now we have two chickens in the Ep .... Best of all, it's practally canon, coz of .... Oh wait, I'm not saying that coz it's part of the plot .... No spoilers here about that .... Go watch it and you will see what I mean .... With this Ep I feel more confused then when I started ....I guess that's what im annoyed at ... Idk :/
  20. Banned for making an idea off someone else's no idea
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