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Vera Veil

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Everything posted by Vera Veil

  1. Banned for being a grammar nazi ... That's Twilight's job
  2. Banned because lack of avatar .... (I know that ones false, but I needed a reason so deal with it)
  3. banned because pirates aren't much smarter ... I was right
  4. After some dinner and deciding not to drink yet ;( I'm now playing the wolf among us on the Xbox 1 ... I'm not gonna spoil the gameplay ... Unless you want to just watch other people's livestreams ... But let's just say it's not what you expect with games .... Based only on the cover and images on the game store, you can take a pretty good guess at what you will be doing in the game ... I'm not sure how long I have left in chapter 1 but I hope it ends soon ... I'm outta here, wanna keep playing it, Baii
  5. Unbanned because of that song reference though
  6. *gasp* you found my potatoes .... I'll ban for that, they are illegal over here in Manehatten ... But the pony police can officially bite me Also can someone plz ban me coz I'm not a muffin anymore? I just wanna see it
  7. I agree with all above ... Even though I'm not the biggest EQ fan, I still like the character styling from it ... Even if the movie series is basically delaying what we want to know for 3 times as long as it would take in a normal Ep ... I'm getting off track here ... I love the styling on what you have made, not bad for a beginner at EQ if I say so myself ... 10/10 ... Hmmm, na, I'll say 11/10 coz it is that awesome
  8. Not sure if I wanna drink my beers or eat a whole pizza ... Ugh y must life be so hard? Oh well I'm sure I'll pick one ... :P

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user


    2. Vera Veil

      Vera Veil

      Amen to that

  9. Not too sure how I feel, I have all the Xbox one games I could ever want, but I have like $6 in my bank account ... -_- ... Still atleast I still have 50 beers, so what can go wrong? Nothing I guess ... Time to find out hehe
  10. Banned because I just told you that it's an invite from pinkie ... Hell, it even looks like it is from her ...
  11. Or if they make another babysitting episode ... That would suck
  12. Banned because pinkie sent you that invite but not me :/
  13. Banned because pirates aren't ninjas, they aren't stealthy
  14. Banned for wanted me to admit things I would rather keep hush over as it could get me warned .... Also banned for making me start off on the 5008th page ....
  15. I agree with this compeletly ... Though I see it alittle differently, think of pound and pumpkin cake, in that Ep a few seasons back bronies either liked or hated them, liked them for there cuteness, hated them for either how badly they were made or because they could fly and use magic so young ... Or both, don't matter to me ... Now mix the two of them and make it look like the Flurry Heart we have today and u have all the reasons as to why I hate her As far as the other Princess's go, while Twi and most likely Cadence had to earn the right to be a Princess, that doesn't mean Celestia and Luna had to ... From what we know they (apart from Flurry Heart ofc) must of been naturally born alicorns, but in the premier, Celestia said something that doesn't add up with all the headcanon I have up to this point "I don't know, this is the first ever alicorn to be born naturally" or something like that ... This just raises more questions about Celestia that I personally wanna know .... Anyways back on topic .... While yes I do like the colour scheme of Flurry Heart, that's about it, Hasbro started copying Bronies for once ... They made a canon OP Alicorn ... Fun level percentage = 0%
  16. If I did the quote of how I feel, it could be too much on the dark side ... Let's just say I feel horrible then ...
  17. Banned for realising that and not fixing it
  18. what even like an eye patch? Coz anther user has that Unbanned because you don't like the missing eye
  19. Banned because you say it's an offence, but deep down you don't call the pony police
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