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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Posts posted by Jonke

  1. 984


    I think them men will win this, due to the fact that 75% of the forums are male.


    Well... 75% minus those who don't feel like they fit in any/both gender. (non-binary)



  2. It's definitely hard to pick a favorite from so many awesome game boss themes i've encountered but i'll name a few favorites from the top of my head.


    Metroid Prime - Essence of Metroid Prime Battle



    Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards Music- Miracle Matter



    Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Molgera Battle Theme



    Super Mario RPG: Boss Battle


    • Brohoof 1
  3. @@Leafeon, Where is Vaporeon?


    Buried in the masses~

    Hmm... this avatar has lingered too long, it's time to fully restore. I let you guys decide, return to the previous avatar or select a new one?

    • Brohoof 1
  4. From someone who just love the franchise to no end... this is the best news from this year so far. I've been waiting for another original LoZ to be revealed for so long, since Skyward Sword in fact. It's great to have more information of the future of the franchise. Maybe some hints to which direction they might be heading with the series. smile.png


    As for a sequel to LttP.... i'm very glad that they decided to go back to the top-down view Zelda instead of following the same path as the home console. In a 3D world environment, the Wii U beats the 3DS in every aspect and arguably has more functionality, and can definitely produce a much richer 3D world than the 3DS.


    The art style and gameplay they've chosen just fits more on a handheld as opposed to a home console experience. Which is great that they take the opportunity to revive the era of Top-Down 2D Zelda when there's so much left to innovate with it.


    There's no reason for them to compete with the home console LoZ.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Motion, who's Motion? :x


    yeaaaaaaaaaaaah right tongue.png



    thank you very much for commenting, but specially for flattering my speed because I think that I am moving sooooo slow D:

    Slow perhaps if you compare to many elitists out there. x) To me and many others on this site, it's a very noticeable improvement.

    You shouldn't stop comparing to the "top artists" though, it's a great way to set your standard higher than what it actually is.

  6. Looking good, Motion. At some good speed too, your drawing has improved a lot. Wish i could say the same about myself. ^^



    I'm not here to request, just to cheer you on as you take on the massive load of requests. x)

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