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Posts posted by Jonke

  1. As much as i want Nintendo, Retro specifically to create a new IP, i can't stop think about a new Metroid with Wii U's potential. I wasn't the biggest fan of Other M, which to me created an empty hole in Metroid's development as a franchise. I don't want it to stagnate, it's a series that i wish we had more of. :l


    So my position is neutral, i'm not quite sure what to expect at this point. They probably have something awesome to show for Wii U whether it's Metroid or not.

  2. Subbed. Always subbed. I can't think of any anime I'd rather watch dubbed than subbed. Most animes it seems like the englis VA's can never inflect enough emotion or they just straight up don't fit the character. Except maybe Black Lagoon. The dub of that was pretty good.


    @@Toa of Ponies,


    What stryker just said. You gain a whole lot more by watching the orginial in most cases. So if you've no problem with the japanese language, i say go for it.


    But sleep is nice, it should never be eliminated img-1510608-1-sad.png


    If humans don't need sleep, capitalism would dictate that we all should work 20/7


    May be the side effect but that also means you get more income and more holiday unless some wicked "creature" turns everything upside down.


    Besides, more time living and less time sleeping only looks good to me. We only live once after all, better make the best of it before we turn into nothing...or a mindless servant of some other dimension. x)

  4. Agreed.

    It is our holy duty to keep this thread alive and well on the 1st page until the end of ponies U44KB.png


    At times like these I wish that the earth is flat as board, so everyone would be awake at the same time.


    That or elimination of sleep~



    Anyway, how's it going everyone? Haven't been in here in a while and I won't be getting much sleep tonight, so I thought I'd say hi.


    All fine and dandy~


    Slightly bored and pretty much waiting for something to pop up right infront of me. x) Other than that, enjoying my return to Jonke.

  5. Zoop is sleeping

    Key Gear is gone

    Bari is busy tulpaforcing, and maybe falling asleep while doing so


    And yet I'm here still mucking around




    >Time zones


    Someone has to keep the thread stable after all and that's what we do best when it's at its weakest. xP

  6. Well the only times I even post anymore on this entire forum is to dump silly stuff in this thread.


    I think that applies to most GCT people and veterans these days. (Minus the entire forum part) xP

  7. So the creator and the long standing Leafeon has fallen...


    What future lies ahead for the eeveelution is up to you~

  8. As time passes we absorb new knowledge, memories and new ways to tackle our barriers. We want to change for the better, sometimes it involves things we might regret, not fully agree with or take us by force that change our direction... So what's the right thing to do when you come to realization you're not where you want to be or head towards?

    "The right thing...what is it? I wonder...if you do the right thing...does it really make...everybody...happy?" ~ Moon Children

    It's not always easy to make the "right thing", it's subjective and at the end of the line we just have to find the equilibrium to make as many as possible content with what we do, including ourselves.

    With that said, i want to thank Zoop and Key Gear for the great service they've provided during their long run onboard the management of MLP Forums as administrators. It has been a pleasure to work with them, get support from them and be there for them. <3


    Now we're almost back where it all started, back when Zoop got assigned his first position. x)



    (Included Key since i never responded to his thread)


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