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Posts posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. Last night was the first time I can remember that I actually had one of those infamous 'naked in public' dreams. There was nothing sexy or even interesting about it. To be honest, it was more embarrassing than anything else. I had somehow, over the course of this dream lost my clothing, and spent the rest of the time trying to preserve my modesty and find something to cover up with. There wasn't a lot of staring by others in the dream; it was more a matter of, 'poor girl, she lost her clothes' so it was more sympathetic than a case for ogling. Normally, I'm not that concerned about nudity in its proper time and place, but this was just matter-of-fact nudity and no fun at all.

    • Excited 1
  2. 2 minutes ago, TheRockARooster said:

    I will cook you a ribeye and cook it rare & serve it with my famous mushrooms and onions as well as some veggies on the side, Dreamy. :D

    Done and done! I tried your mushroom and onions the last time I had steak and DANG! :love:

    • Excited 1
    • Hugs 1
  3. I transferred a bunch of files over to my new computer, and deleted them from my phone afterward. No big deal; I've done this many times. But this new computer is the spawn of Satan and all my files were deleted without a trace. Okay, maybe I should have kept backups, but there was no reason for it and I needed to clear some space. I lost documents on creative projects, and baby pictures of my little girls. I can't replace these things and it made me so upset I had to go outside to my car in the parking lot and cry. Ever since my old computer died I've had nothing but problems, but this is the last straw. One more problem and this computer is going to taste pavement outside. :angry:

    • Sad 4
  4. I saw a video of a three year old girl eating ice cream and saying “This is some good sh*t,” just as nice as you please. She was so freaking cute and didn't even know she was using 'language'. Charming. Completely charming. I'd post a link but it was on FB and it didn't give me the option. 

    • Delighted Giggle 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Crypty Scribbles said:

    Proven that Christmas is good for health. Everyone who had more Christmas eves has longer lifespan in general ^•^

    Makes sense to me! 

    1 hour ago, TheRockARooster said:

    Christmas in July in June, Silky? :sealed:

    Hmm, talk your way out of that one @Ice Princess Silky :ButtercupLaugh:

    • Delighted Giggle 1
  6. I was surfing through the channels one very early morning back in the day, and was looking for anything that wasn't an infomercial. In my desperation I decided to turn on MLP, which was playing 'Lesson Zero'. I missed the first few minutes of the episode but saw enough to be hooked for the rest of my life. I told my brother the next day that I had found the next great show, and it held true. Lesson Zero still remains in my Top 3 episodes of the show, even after all that's come before or since.

    • Brohoof 2
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    • Excited 1
  7. On 2024-05-31 at 9:29 PM, DubWolf said:

    Aye. If you’re ever in Texas, I’ll fly you once I clear up my 12-person waitlist (it keeps growing :izzy-shine:).


    I'll take 13th in line! Hey, at least I'm ON the list! Dang that sounds like fun! :pinkie:

    • Excited 1
  8. On 2024-05-31 at 10:01 AM, Fluttershutter said:

    Can you post yours?

    I'll show you some pencil drawings of the layouts for my Disneyland and Westcot parks. Animal Kingdom (which I've re-named Disney: Life) is done but the drawing isn't cleaned up yet. I don't have color pics because these drawings are too big to scan into the computer and color digitally.





    Sorry I don't have the drawings numbered or labeled for content. I keep all my track designs, technical descriptions, rough illustrations and layouts of individual attractions, shops and restaurants in a separate work book. But I'll be happy to go into the details anytime you like. I can post them here or PM.

    The rest of the parks and entertainment district are still in their infancy, but they're taking shape.

    • Brohoof 2
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    • Excited 1
    • Party! 1
  9. Looking forward to some distant unspecified future date when I don't have to think about the stuff that troubles me now. I'd love to be at a point where experience and perspective (hopefully) allow me to look back and think I was overreacting to too much and fretting over too many little things that seem bigger than they need to be. 

    I need to have a fresh, positive slate in life. 

    • Brohoof 1
    • Hugs 2
  10. On 2024-05-29 at 10:27 PM, ZiggWheelsManning said:

    I hope to catch up and watch Andor once the Chicago dramas reach their end @Dreambiscuit:LunaMCM:  

    Andor is a more cerebral Star Wars series than the usual stuff, but I think you'll like it. 

    • Hugs 2
  11. I try to minimize my time online, so I get my business done (email and a few minor tasks, and sometimes MLP Forums) then I turn off the computer. I don't use a tablet and I never turn on my phone except for emergencies, and I only read my Kindle once in a rare while. But I do watch movies a lot, like two or three a day, so that brings my average up to about 5-6 hours a day, with a lifetime average of 50% of my total years spent in front of the boob tube.

    • Brohoof 1
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  12. On 2024-05-29 at 9:27 AM, Fluttershutter said:

    For years I've been wanting to draw out a Pony theme park, a proper Star Wars Park, etc.

    Give it a shot, it's oodles of fun! 

    It's also fun saying 'Oodles.' :love:

    • Delighted Giggle 2
  13. This question applies to the amount of time you spend in front of any kind of screen; movie screen, TV screen, phone, tablet or other (screen doors and windows don't count). What percentage of your time is spent in front of that flickering pane of glass or silvery screen? I'm interested in your daily use as well as your lifetime use. Let's have some general percentage numbers and any comments you'd care to add.

    • Brohoof 1
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  14. On 2024-05-16 at 6:23 AM, Crypty Scribbles said:

    I would take dis one! Yarr :sneer:

    It shows a direction to your greatest wish. But what would it show if your wish is the compass itself?


    I guess the compass would just keep spinning without showing any one direction.

    I hope you can get a good deal on a busted compass, my friend! :Posey-grimace:

  15. How sad it is to see one of the true greats of entertainment history pass away. The Sherman brothers are responsible for so many classic songs that we hear every day. I hope Richard is now reunited with his equally gifted brother and bringing new and wonderful music to life. Thank you for the music, and God bless. 

    • Hugs 1
  16. I can't believe I didn't mention ANY of my beloved Star Wars shows on here! So, without bogging things down by naming every single one of them, I'll stick to the standouts, Star Wars: The Clone Wars (including the original micro-series), and Andor.

    • Hugs 2
  17. I loved The Phantom Menace when I saw it at its premiere, and I will always love it. I NEVER jumped on the Jar Jar bandwagon and always thought he was a fun character. Even though I use the name Jar Jar in some derogatory contexts (like referring to Jar Jar Abrams) I never mean to demean our beloved Gungan; it's just a way of making a point to those who understand my meaning. Phantom Menace still has the best lightsaber battle (in my opinion, although it's a close call), and is massively entertaining. I love it, always have and always will.  

    • Brohoof 1
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  18. The Dead Don't Die (2019) A waste of time and I hated it. There's nothing less entertaining than watching an all-star cast partying on the studio's dime under the pretense of making a movie. This doesn't even qualify as a movie; it's a joke that isn't even funny. Loaded with lots of self-consciously 'brilliant' touches like breaking the fourth wall not once but twice, and imposing one of their buddy's shitty songs on the audience a total of FIVE TIMES. I guess he really needed a plug (which doesn't surprise me considering how bad he was). The direction was slow and the editing sluggish. Characters are introduced at length only to have them turned into zombies without any meaning or build-up. It's as if they were only there because they wanted to join the party and get paid for it. I have no use for such performers who are already priveledged enough without getting paid for farting around onscreen while the audience foots the bill. 
    Silent Running (1972) This is definitely a product of its time, which isn't a bad thing. I'm not going to say this movie is a masterpiece, and it has its flaws, but overall it's okay. The idea of a handful of spaceships carrying the world's last forests, deserts and natural habitats, at a time when the earth has been controlled to the point of a perfect 75 degrees worldwide with no variation in landscape, is interesting as far as originality is concerned. When the crews get the order to detonate these last examples of nature's beauty in order to return the ships to commercial duty, things take an interesting turn. It's easy to see why George Lucas considered this one of the movies that influenced him for Star Wars, on a technical level and in terms of making machines with endearing personality. And the special effects were quite good for their time. Not a classic, but interesting.
    The Searchers (1956) One of the greatest westerns ever. This isn't like then typical John Wayne western, in that this one has some serious edginess to it. John Wayne's character has some flaws which made him textured and interesting, and the violence, shown or implied, can be very harsh, but it never loses it's sense of well-balanced entertainment. This movie is seriously a masterpiece, brilliantly directed by John Ford, and possibly the greatest western ever made.
    The Fall Guy (2024) Taking a lukewarm TV show from the 80s and turning it into a movie in 2024 is a tad desperate, especially considering very few even remember the show as anything but a filler to follow The A-Team in the line-up. But still, with a big budget I figured they could maybe do something with this. I was mostly wrong. Okay, it had some decent action and humor, and I can overlook the predictable plot. But every time it started to get some momentum going, they bogged it down with another 'let's get in touch with our feelings' moment that brought everything crashing to a halt. The direction was desperate and fell short, with little to make this movie worthwhile. Even the playbook cameo by Lee Majors and Heather Thomas lacked any excitement. Sorry, but this was a fail.

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