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Posts posted by Dreambiscuit

  1. A princess most of the time, and occasionally a mermaid (yeah, I still pretend the same things sometimes). And I occasionally pretended I was a giant and would walk around in slow motion, crushing cardboard towns (and my brother’s toys) underfoot. But considering I’m fairly short even as an adult, the whole ‘giant’ character didn’t have much staying power.

    • Hugs 1
  2. A family member in north/central Arkansas got a good view from the path of totality and took some pics but they look like a bright sunny day. A full eclipse usually looks like daylight right up to the moment of totality and then it looks like pre-dawn or dusk until the moon passes. The horizons show light like a sunrise or sunset but the sky overhead is dark. When we had a partial eclipse a few years back I tried to get pics but again, on a camera without special filters, it looked like a regular sunny day, only with a slight tint to it like I was wearing sunglasses. It is pretty cool though and I would have loved to have seen it in person from a good vantage point.

    • Excited 1
  3. Trying to sleep again. I’ve been on a backwards schedule since I got back from a trip last week and I can’t get my body clock back into a nighttime schedule. So I can’t sleep when I need to and I can’t stay awake when I need to. It’s really pretty miserable. I’ve been subsisting on crappy little cat naps.

    • Hugs 1
  4. I bought a replacement screen for my laptop. I’ve been using my friend’s spare computer since my old one died and the screen got smashed shortly after. I don’t even know how it happened; I just opened it up one day and there was a big web of fractures across the screen. I haven’t put the new screen on yet, so I’m trying to see between the cracks and dead pixels to type this response.

    • Brohoof 1
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  5. On 2024-04-01 at 9:08 PM, ZiggWheelsManning said:

    That's an incredible journey @Dreambiscuit:hug_day:  Even though you might not play Star Wars:  The Old Republic, you've broken a world record by watching that much Anime:Thorax:  

    I seem to have too much time on my hands sometimes. 

    I'd love to spend some of that time playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, but I turn into a very snotty child when playing video games and my family wouldn't tolerate that for long. 

  6. On 2024-03-13 at 10:05 AM, Fluttershutter said:

    As a huge fan of the book I thought part 1 was great but Part 2 added a bunch of unnecessary crap to make it appeal more to a mainstream audience. Now I'm wondering if I was just really excited about a big budget Dune and want to read the book again.

    The 1984 movie was a fun 80s movie but it made a ton of changes to the story too.

    I'm going to see the movie this weekend so I can give the series another chance. Then I can speak about it with more intelligence (I hope). :please:

    • Brohoof 1
  7. On 2024-03-13 at 3:27 AM, North Star said:

    the saddest thing was what the CCG had to do for her :( 



    "The name's Mare, Many Things Mare."


    After they stopped being licensed they got to call her Derpy again though :3 


    It's better they fixed it late rather than never. Silly that they had to mess around with her name to begin with. 

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  8. I’d give it an 8/10. Like all online forums there are good people and bad people on them, and that always affects matters. This is no fault of the forum itself; just an unfortunate and unavoidable fact of life.

    It’s run pretty well and fair for the most part. The staff doesn’t fall into a lot of common pitfalls associated with most forums, and this allows the site to thrive. There have been a few mistakes here and there but nopony is perfect.

    Ovarall I’m very happy here. I wouldn’t have stuck around all these years otherwise.

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  9. I’d be freaking honored. If they put my OC in MLP I wouldn’t have to beg and send bribes to the writers anymore. I’d be part of something I love. And let’s face it, it’s not as though my OC is being saved for something bigger and better; she’s a cartoon Pegasus drawn and fashioned after the characters of MLP. They can take the name, likeness, personality and anything else they want…as long as they don’t put her in dungarees or something contrary to her fashion sense. Then I’d have to lawyer-up.

    • Hugs 1
  10. Yes, I think the series would have succeeded and thrived.

    When TV and visual media (excluding live performances) didn’t exist, people used whatever was available. Before TV and internet, there were thousands of radio shows and millions of books. People didn’t need the shortcut of a visual medium to enjoy a good, well-told story; they were used to getting their entertainment via the means available at the time. No one thinks about some as-yet-unknown form of future entertainment when enjoying what's available today. As long as it’s done well, it would be successful if properly distributed to audiences.

    I listen to old radio shows and they’re just like any other entertainment; when you’re listening, you’re not thinking about what you can’t see on a screen. It’s just like a book; the mind creates its own pictures, and they’re often better than the movies and shows you see today because there are no restrictions on imagination.

    A good example is ‘The Cinnamon Bear,’ a Christmas fantasy story presented on radio in 26 parts beginning on Thanksgiving 1937 and running until Christmas. It was elaborate, intricate, musical and humorous, and so enjoyable that it’s been repeated every single year on radio stations until this very day. This is a perfect example of great entertainment transcending the barriers of media format with perfect storytelling. I don’t see why our ponies wouldn’t likewise thrive in that or any other medium.

    • Hugs 1
  11. On 2024-03-10 at 6:07 AM, Silly Druid said:

    Also I'm not happy with the official name of Derpy, which is "Muffins". She will always be Derpy to me.

    On 2024-03-10 at 2:58 PM, Gaines said:

    Sweetie Drops...? I think we have enough "Sweetie" ponies :please: Plus, Bon Bon just sounds better >_> and it's less of a mouthful to say out loud.

    Everyone knows Derpy’s real name is Derpy. I’ve never heard of anyone calling her ‘Muffins’ with a straight face. Same goes for Bon Bon. Have you ever heard anypony refer to ‘Lyra x Sweety Drops’? I think not.

    • Excited 1
  12. It was only a matter of time before this all-important topic came up. So here’s the burning question; how many times a day (on average) do you visit the little tiled room with the shiny fixtures? 

    (I thought of this thread idea while I was...well, you know). 

    • smile 2
  13. I used to listen to it regularly when I lived in Las Vegas. It was broadcast from just over the hill (in Pahrump, NV I think) so I had front row seats, so to speak. I liked it a lot because I was into all that paranormal and unexplained stuff. It was interesting and definitely better than the usual radio schlock. I remember driving by Art Bell’s house once when I was out that way; not sure why exactly. I mean, it was just a radio host's house, who cares? Good radio show though.

    • Hugs 1
  14. I was filmed as part of a commercial for my workplace back in 2016 but I never saw the finished commercial and I don’t even know if it ever aired. I’m probably on someone’s cutting room floor somewhere.

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  15. The lightsabers in Star Wars are revolutionary. There was never a sound like that before; something that changes according to how the saber is moved, and yet uniform and steady. Beautiful.

    The Acklay in Attack of the Clones is pretty cool sounding too.

    • Brohoof 1
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  16. From Up On Poppy Hill (2011) My favorite ‘slice of life’ Ghibli movie, with one of my favorite characters (Umi Matsuzaki) with an incredible dub by Sarah Bolger. I love this movie; it makes me happy and calm when life is in turmoil. I’ve seen it dozens of times and I’ll see it dozens more.

    Barbie: Princess and the Pauper (2004) One of my top three or four Barbie movies. In every way this is a perfect movie and it pains me that most people would write it off because it’s ‘just a cartoon for little girls’ (sounds familiar, doesn’t it, my good ponies?) It has an amazing script, great direction, talented voice actors, memorable songs, a beautiful score, and overall it’s a freaking classic! I was so blown away by this that I was walking on air after watching it. This is the fourth Barbie movie made in the ‘modern era’ (not counting the two Barbie movies from the ‘80s) and the cast and crew were at the top of their game.

    The Guns of Navarone (1961) A solid WW2 action movie starring Gregory Peck, David Niven and Anthony Quinn. Written by Alistair MacLean, who brought us Where Eagles Dare, this is another adventure featuring a group of specialists infiltrating enemy territory on a secret mission. In this case the mission is to destroy two massive German guns guarding shipping lanes in the Greek islands before they can take out a convoy of American rescue ships. It’s very good; maybe a tad over long (and occasionally short on heroic conduct by the good guys), but engrossing and worth the ride.

    • Brohoof 2
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  17. I just finished watching Reincarnated as a Sword and it was really good. It's wide open for another season and I can't wait. great sword and sorcery kind of show. Nicely done. 

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  18. In many cases I think it’s simply convenient to replace text with graphics (as in the second two sets of examples) and save a lot of translation. A picture is worth a thousand words, and in this case one graphic is worth dozens of different translations. The translation of ‘Baka’ to ‘Bug off’ is simply a subtitle for English-speaking audiences. Subs are a part of life and for international audiences they’re necessary. I may be wrong, but ‘Bug off’ may not be the best translation for ‘Baka’ in that scene from Ponyo. But languages can’t always be translated precisely so a degree of creative license must be used. In most cases, as long as the general idea comes across, it’s fine, and I have no problem with it.

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  19. I’ve been told that Dune Part 2 is really good, so I took a look at Dune Part 1 to get up to speed on the story. Unfortunately it really sucks, just like the original 1984 version; over-long and boring. But this is the oddity: Dune Part 1 did poorly at the box office but Dune Part 2 is a huge hit. I’m not sure what to read into that but I’ll get caught up on the sequel when I can.

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