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Status Updates posted by TheWhiteBowser

  1. Well I'm back. I finished my next music video a week behind too. Something I'm not entirely fond of. But that's okay. I also found material for an Equestria Girls PMV. Guess I gotta get back to work again. :P

  2. I'm going to be super inactive on all platforms of social media for the next few weeks. I am super behind on my music video production schedule and need to crack down and get busy. Sorry guys.

  3. Basically why I've been so inactive. Been working on this constantly.

  4. We're back! Livestreaming production of the #StevenUniverse #AMV for #education Come join in on the party! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAAPaPGIb7BmZBVvENSuwEg/live

  5. I'm livestreaming production of the #StevenUniverse #AMV right now for #education Come check it out and learn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt4wSnf5quI

  6. Finally finished logging all 3 seasons of Steven Universe. Next I gotta compile all the b-roll and then finally begin the editing process. This new music video is making great progress!

  7. 2 hours later of Adobe Premiere Pro being a BITCH. And now I can finally start working on the music video.

  8. I get really annoyed when I log these Steven Universe episodes. And there literally turns out to be zero scenes I can use for the music video in 1 episode. It really defines what are the filler episodes of this series.

    1. EmeraldStar04


      :D you hate that stupid show and its constant filler too?


      Make a godawful PMV out of filler episodes, it's what their evil fandom deserves.

  9. Secured my copy of Pokemon Sun. Gonna play this bitch up!

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Friggin awesome. ^_^ Have a good time. :D

  10. Just finished logging the 2nd season of Steven Universe. Just 24 more video to go before I can begin the editing process. If I keep this up I should be able to get to the editing process by the 24th of November. But I can't get sidetracked. Gotta stay focused. And sway to the Rhythm of Love! ;)

  11. I'm making great progress logging Steven Universe. I should be finished with the 2nd season by the end of tomorrow! Then its onto season 3!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TheWhiteBowser


      I made a post in the Steven Universe Fan Club Thread on this forum site saying what song I will be using for the Steven Universe music video. Go check it out!

    3. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      do you have a link or should I just look for it?

    4. TheWhiteBowser


      Rhythm of Love by Plain White T's

  12. I'm almost through the first season of Steven Universe with the progress of this music video! This is going great!

  13. Some people wonder how I stay sane knowing a racist is running my country. Well to tell the truth... Ignorance goes a long way.

  14. Rewatching #StevenUniverse for this new music video I'm making. And I'm being reminded how much of an asshole Lars is. I bet he would make a great president.

  15. I'm not going to be very active for the next 3 weeks. I just got inspiration for another music video! And I gotta start working on it right away. Stay awesome people!

  16. It's been 2 days and Equestria Daily still hasn't posted my PMV I submitted to them. They are instead posting other people's petty PMV's *screaming internally*

  17. Hey guys I'll be streaming all day over at http://equestria.tv/r/PMVdiscoveries and in the end culminating in the premiere of the Season 6 PMV. If you want to see the music video before anyone else. Come join the party!

  18. GUYS IT'S DONE!!! All that's let now is a few touch-ups here and there and the final render. AND BANG! Memoir of Season 6 PMV will be published!

  19. Ugh... FINALLY! The hardest part is over. I have the timing right with the typography. Now it's time for some special effects and scene selection! I'ts coming together nicely! #MemoirofSeason6PMV

  20. Gearing up and preparing the scene for the biggest finish to a music video I have ever created! I'm gonna blow all you guys away! #MemoirofSeason6PMV

  21. Alright I've done it. I've reached the FINAL portion of the PMV. And my God I'm creating one BEAST of a music video. I can't wait for you guys to see it. Unfortunately for you guys though this final section of the music video will take the longest to create. Stay tuned!

  22. Well guys we've done it. We've reached the CLIMAX! #MemoirofSeason6PMV

  23. You'll all be happy to know that I completed and planned out a large section of the PMV today. I did like 6 hours of work on the thing. Tomorrow I will scene splice the finale as well as work on a few more touch-ups and complete more of the PMV. Stay tuned!

    1. Trottermare Galamane

      Trottermare Galamane

      can't wait pal I bet it'll be awesome ¦ )

  24. And now we wait... This new test render is going to take at least an hour. And after that I scene splice the season 6 finale. Then do some touch ups here and there and render another test render. But for now let's take a break.

  25. 4 straight hours of work later. And I'm still not done. I got like another 2 hours of work to go. Keep pushing Earl! Challenge yourself to get that far in completing the PMV before you stop for the day!

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