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Everything posted by NavelColt

  1. Applejack stood and looked over the two arguing fillies with a seemingly blank expression. However, after a moment, she cocked an eyebrow and a small smile came over her rather whimsically. While the fillies rolled around on the ground arguing, seemingly having forgot about her and were now focused on fighting each other, the earth pony walked up to both of them, and crouched low to the ground, a vile smirk coming on her face. "Huh, what's this we got here?" She asked dangerously. "A case of the Blame Game, hmm? Well, alright then, guess there's no helpin' it." Rainbow Dash had just barely gotten herself up to once again make sense of all the pointless noise going on that kept her from her pegasus sleep, when she witnessed Applejack pounce through the air and tackle both Applebloom and Scootaloo. The orange pony pinned the two small fillies with her lower hooves, and then winked playfully as she dug her front hooves into the two of them, one hoof per tummy, and tickled them relentlessly. Pinned next to each other on the carpet, the two of them broke out into a series of high-pitch giggles, squirming from the sudden attack. "Heh, I don' care who started it, who thought of it, or who wanted to do it," Applejack said, smiling genuinely, watching her sister and her friend practically beg for mercy. "Cuz ahm' finishin' it. That sound good to you two?" Applebloom and Scootaloo nodded rapidly as AJ's hooves rubbed against them, causing them to squeak and squirm cutely. After another second, Applejack subsided her attack, and made her way back over to the main mat, where Rainbow was suppressing a happy smile from the warm moment. "Now, for the last time, everypony in this here room needs their sleep, and pronto," Applejack concluded, allowing the fillies to approach her and Dash by themselves this time. As they did, AJ winked to Dash, and she grinned goofily back. "Yeah, come on pipsqueak, if you don't get to bed now, you can kiss flying training good-bye tomorrow morning~" Dash smirked, looking nowhere in-particular, but knowing that behind her, Scootaloo was giving a wide-eyed gasp in response. Within seconds, the orange pony dove onto the rug, curled up, and closed her eyes. Applejack nodded at the pair of pegasi, then patted the rug to catch her own sister's attention, as she trotted over. While Applebloom situated herself between her big sister's front hooves and upper body, the orange pony wrapped her tail about the both of them, and laid her head down. She muttered, "I know it was Scoot, by the way. Heh. Goodnight, Applebloom." before closing her eyes, and drifting into sleep within minutes. (Aaaaaaa attention all passengers, this is your captain speaking. Aaaaaah we're now in full flight, you may proceed to HNNNNG about the cabin.)
  2. Paint.Net & Photobucket's Editing Tools, which are now a lot more extensive than they used to be.
  3. Welcome to the board of chaos. Submit and you may survive :3 Also, watch out for Feld0 the Omnipony. Have fun <3
  4. Oh look! A troll! And he's on the moon now <3 How lovely. We should all make some postcards with banana-scented words on them
  5. Welcome to the board, please enjoy yourself~
  6. New avatar. Where are your precious elements now, ponies? <3

  7. Welcome to the board =3
  8. Yesss, my two choices <3 Will be there. There goes all chances for working more on my story, or exam preparations for today. </3 Will do tommorow. Yeah. That's it. Tomorrow.
  9. When I suggested this, I more so meant a game in posting, 'My Little _____: _____ is _____" not a 'lets lol about our god' topic. Oh well. This is fine too.
  10. Hide yo spam, hide yo misplaced topics, he'sa comin'. Anyway, back to the focus, or what I thought the focus of this was going to be: My Little Change: Obama is Politics
  11. Welcome to the board <3 Have fun.
  12. Stupid writer's block. Want to continue mai story, have no idea where to go with it next.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. NavelColt


      2,400 words on 6 pages. Reaching the half-way point, I'm guessing.


      Also, get the buck on Skype XD It says you're online but you're not. Zombiein'.

    3. Nas


      Oh, crap, I need to update that more often...I'm sorry ;-;


      BTW, are you gonna post it to FiMF when your done? :3

    4. NavelColt


      Eh, I dunno. If I like it enough, maybe.

  13. Allow us to be your remedy to the internet's reputation to be a cruel, unforgiving place :3 Welcome to the board and enjoy yourself <3
  14. As we are all likewise happy to meet newbies :3 Welcome to the site, and hope you stay active and enjoy yourself~ Also, my turn for welcome song 8P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x63x5rrdmGU
  15. Ello new pony, welcome to the board and please enjoy yourself <3
  16. An Easter Egg type of thing to troll viewers, probably. As far as legit explanations go, girls borrow each others stuff all the time. Not sure why Fluttershy would want to dress up in a candy dress or star dress, though.
  17. Nice of you to join us :3 Welcome to the board, and hope you enjoy yourself <3
  18. NavelColt


    Oho, you should find plenty of fun on this forum :3 Best pony forum I have yet to see. Welcome, and hope you enjoy yourself Scotch.
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