Thank you all for the answers.
It’s very interesting that even English-speaking people (which are mainly Americans, British, Canadians, and residents of other developed Western countries) don’t know about how blind and low-vision people use their modern gadgets. I can use my computer and smartphone withe the programs called «screen-readers». In my case, I use Apple’s VoiceOver on my Mac and iPhone. In Android it calls TalkBack, in Windows - JAWS and NVDA.
As I said, I have had my disease since childhood (since one year, to be exact). It was a medical error. Recently gotten glaucoma is a deferred consequence of the general autoimmune disease. Typing on both physical and virtual keyboards is not problem to me, but my typing speed is pretty slow.
Well, enough about sad. Let’s talk about ponies. As I have also said, my favorite is Dashie. Maybe because of her coolness, awesomeness, and radicalness. And because she is very cute, loyal, and kind in the same time. Sometimes I dream about meeting a girl like Rainbow. And also I love Twily for things like kindness, diligence, desire to help others, and also I love her because I have a great respect for so smart, science people. And one of my favorite episodes is «Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3». Interacting of two my favorite characters looks very good for me. Also I love CMC and musical episodes.
Oh, there are too many «also» words in my text. What synonyms does that word have?
I do not know how to use the PM feature on this forum. My screen-reader cannot read that part of the web page, but other parts are red perfectly. Except of post-a-reply field which is quite inconvenient for using with VoiceOver.