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Mast. Equestos/Gigas

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Status Replies posted by Mast. Equestos/Gigas

  1. "Evening"

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      *read T.J.'s status* Um what is a paw paw tree? Don't mind me asking.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. "Evening"

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      How is it going with everyone? Any plans? Starting to do a role play with this O.C. right here on my avatar.


      Name: Masked Commander (Yes he doesn't know his name from not recalling his past.)

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. I got into a big yelling and screaming from my dad just now o-o; we were yelling and screaming so much,that he is threaten to cut the internet from me forever ._.

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      I had that before when I was playing Black Ops 1 when it was good. That was in my teen hood. Still I agree with Grimoire right there. Stress is what will destroy people and I've seen the effects it did on people.


      Its not pretty and besides I get yelled at a lot from people in Call of Duty cause simply I beat them. Lol. XD

      Yet I brush it off and think of something else to keep my mind at ease. Just a suggestion.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. *wakes up from nap* -_-

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      *sees a crystal blue pegasus wondering around* "Who is that?"


      "Hm, maybe a civilian. I'll let him be." *heads too HQ*

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. *wakes up from nap* -_-

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      *sees its night time*


      "Man, better get back too HQ."

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. *yawns*

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      *secures key in compartment and locks safely* "There." *finds tree to lay down and rest* v_v

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  7. Is the duck pony online yet? xD

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      "Oh yes hold on." *opens cage* "It was necessary. Next time, I would have to take her prisoner." *flies away*

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  8. Is the duck pony online yet? xD

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      "He is at the pond there." *lands* "Still I wonder Princess Moony, why try to open that door when you know that being used to live there?" *looks at her*

    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  9. Is the duck pony online yet? xD

  10. Is the duck pony online yet? xD

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      *puts key away securely* *sees Vampira* "Oh hey there. I just caught her trying to escape."


    2. (See 51 other replies to this status update)

  11. *presses button for computer voice* "I'm the masked commander and I will lead my men into unknown territories and onto victory. With a iron fist."

  12. *presses button for computer voice* "I'm the masked commander and I will lead my men into unknown territories and onto victory. With a iron fist."

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      "For now I will have to determine the location of this being and defeat it at will. *looks at Solar Empire* Hmm..I'm pretty sure their leader there knows a thing or two about this cave and the being that used to live there." "For now I have to wait." *sits down to enjoy night sky view*


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. *presses button for computer voice* "I'm the masked commander and I will lead my men into unknown territories and onto victory. With a iron fist."

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      "I like my position. Still I wonder what was with Princess Moony there. She tried to open that door in that cave. Luckily I managed to stop her and take the key away from her."


      "Who knows what could of come out of that cave in that room. *looks at view* Unovas so it is. That retched person, who ever it is. Shouldn't have saved him. That being is dangerous and must be put down."


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. *presses button for computer voice* "I'm the masked commander and I will lead my men into unknown territories and onto victory. With a iron fist."

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      "Good at ease my men. For now we wait until dawn. That we shall shine in Equestria and make ourselves known."


      "Everyone back too our HQ on the double. We have things to do in Equestria." *Army marches in HQ*

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  15. *presses button for computer voice* "I'm the masked commander and I will lead my men into unknown territories and onto victory. With a iron fist."

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      "Do I hear an agreement. Soldiers?"


      Army: Sir! Yes Sir!



    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. hmmm is it possible i could have my oc break the 4th wall and some similarities of discords magic? or make a non pony oc? ex: silver quill,dr.wolf and etc ?

  17. Yaaayyyy, the calming-meds finally stopped working. Jesus, I should'a listened to the doctors when they said it was "Strong stuff".

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Well people have their strengths and weaknesses. Is just that the weakness is not what should let anyone bother and focus more on strength. For mine and I did overcame my fear of bees. Why cause I don't like getting stung. lol. Go figure. Still pain is a part of life and is endured both ways. Just have to go with it and not let it get you down. Do that and you will become stronger in life. ;)

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  18. Yaaayyyy, the calming-meds finally stopped working. Jesus, I should'a listened to the doctors when they said it was "Strong stuff".

    1. Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Mast. Equestos/Gigas

      Yep, so in due time you will no longer have fear of needles. Just picture something else in your head instead of needles. Then you'll be fine. Other words meaning ignore it.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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