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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Alexshy

  1. *Poof!* *lights the candles in her study, nests at her place* Did ye all miss me? Apologies, was a tiny bit busy with cases, Tia doth not find courage to mess with... *Giggles* So what do we have hither?.. Tsk-tsk... *boops @RDFan89 @Baby Dashie (baby boop) @Princess Aurora Wolf@Rikifive @ChB @Deae Rising Shine~ (boopity-boop) @Fluttershy Friend (soft feathery boop) @Totally Lyra (Greetings!) @Mirage77 (Hail the Full Moon, broth'r!) @The Cerberus @CypherHoof (more coffee?) @Wolfgrel (hope for another gaming session ) @Holiday Agnaktor (We are immensly happy, thou art feeling better!) @Sparklefan1234 @Hierok (teehee!) @Count Werdowp (specifically ticklish boop)* *writes a reminder to visit Fluttershy, for a nice talk and Zecora's herbal tea* *Fires the Boopernova in case of missing anypony, besides, Tia should get her own personal boop no matter what!*
  2. ^ Good night @Holiday Agnaktor, sleep well and get well! May mine Moon bless thy path through the Land of Dreams!
  3. *Poof!* Ye all, fine pony folks, behold the power of my booping!!! *Sends Feathers of Boop to @GrimGrimoire @The Cerberus @Dark Qiviut @WiiGuy2014 @Deae Rising Shine~ @strongwilled_pegasus @Lunar Echo @Summer Breeze @ThunderCrush @ChB @Totally Lyra @Denim&Venom @RDFan89 @meme @Sparklefan1234 @SolarFlare13 @CypherHoof @Fluttershy Friend @Hierok @Mirage77 @Libra @Wolfgrel @GrimGrimoire*
  4. *Poof!* *here for a short break from gaming* Hmmm... 't is too quiet to mine taste. Time to boop poneh!!! *tenderly boops @Holiday Agnaktor* Nice to know, thou art not feeling worse at the very least. *boops @ThunderCrush @BronyNumber42 @Sparklefan1234 @Mirage77 (May the Moon lighten thy path!) @Totally Lyra @Fluttershy Friend (boopity-boop boop-boop) @Wolfgrel (Shall be back shortly) @CypherHoof (How's the Hacienda La Esmeralda coffee brand to thy taste?) @Deae Rising Shine~ @Count Werdowp (boops and tickles nose)* Back to the battle we wend!!! *grabs controller, teleports*
  5. Alexshy

    Luna Fan Club

    ^ She needeth to have much more screen time, in the earnest
  6. ^ *scoffs* Tia! Thou art spoilsport *pouts jokingly* *boops @Holiday Agnaktor gently with the end of her wing* How beest thee? Dost thou feel any better, mine lief?
  7. *lands amidst ponies* May the booping continue!!! *boops @Sparklefan1234 @Celli @Ani @WiiGuy2014 @Wolfgrel @The Cerberus @CypherHoof (it's nev'r too many)* *soars, giggling*
  8. *sends magic boops to @Mesme Rize and @Rikifive casually amidst coffee making routine* Howdy!
  9. I know, I hath been teasing thee *accurately boops sleepy @ZethaPonderer while he is roaming around* *boops @Wolfgrel to wake and @Fluttershy Friend just because* *boops @Holiday Agnaktor reassuringly*
  10. Is 't a compliment? Thou must hath booped... errmmm... the wrong end *giggles*
  11. Tiberius, I delegate thee the honour to stand for thy princess and boop that snoring hamster @ZethaPonderer aplenty! *checks hamster's dreams while available* Hmmm... Peas, pumpkins, wheat grains... Hmmm... The run in spring forest?! How come, 't is hither? Interesting! Hmmm... Muffins, apple jam... Oh, hibernation! Fascinating, it seemeth to be a recursion... or embedded cycle... I don't remember, it was too long ere Hmmm... At least tis one totally normal, doth need mine advice or help not. Tis a relief! *smiles* Tiberius, be so kind to boop him twice more... Yes, perfect! Mine gratitude!
  12. *facehoofs* I extend mine expectations, thou shalt get better still! *hugs and boops @Holiday Agnaktor* @The Cerberus Boopinator is after thee. Muahahaha!!! *soars*
  13. ^ Shalt 't be '"everypony" or "everyhamster" not?
  14. *squints* *squints again* Okaaay! RELEASE THE BOOPINATOR for @The Cerberus *laughs maniacally* Tis unfair, thou wantst me to break mine monitor! *boops @ZethaPonderer @ChB @Fluttershy Friend @Concerned Bystander and lightly @Holiday Agnaktor (How beest thee, mine friend? *with concern*)*
  15. Alexshy

    Luna Fan Club

    *in response to the video posted* Thy Guardian shalt always be thither for thee, Princess! Thou art loved, in the earnest!
  16. *Poof!* *back from gaming* Teehee! *soars and triggers the Boopernova for @Lucky Bolt (Lucky boop) @CypherHoof *waves hoof, teleports a couple pounds of Hacienda La Esmeralda* @Flutterstep @ScruffyTheStallion @Lightwing @Fluttershy Friend @Totally Lyra (Apologies for mine mistake) @Baby Dashie @Princess Aurora Wolf@ChB @Kyoshi@Leere@Mirage77 (Well, hello!) @Rikifive @Count Werdowp (None of the crows shall flee unbooped!) @Mesme Rize @The Cerberus @Photon Jet * *Poof!*
  17. *blinks royally* Apologies! We seem to miss something, being absent mayhaps... Not on the Moon, mindeth that
  18. Thou art saying, tis why... TIAAAAAAAHHH!!!
  19. *Poof!* *in Royal Canterlot voice* Whose hoof hath booped mine nose?! *boops @Fluttershy Friend (determined yellow nose booper is determined) @Holiday Agnaktor (a boop and a hug) @Deae Rising Shine~ (giggles) @Wolfgrel (gaming session awaits ) @The Cerberus (just because) @Totally Lyra (our hostess! *bows slightly*) @CypherHoof (Next time remind me please to ask Tia make her famous pancakes for our coffee break)* *plans gaming night* Oh, yes... An alicorn nose kiss to one, who holp me make a name for a Ponyville bar (tis for the book). Old bar, the owner is simultaneously the bartender, one block down from Sugarcube corner, a couple of blocks west from Carousel boutique (south edge of the town). Offers snacks, sider... and something stronger, biliard and live music. Quiet and cosy place... when Rainbow and my OC don't throw out a trick (won't tell more because of spoilers). Via PM, not to spam thither... even more
  20. ^ Thou knowest, what I think 'bout all that. It 't be true thou hast temperature, appetite loss, cough and especially crepitation in lungs (must be diagnosed by a professional medic) and headaches, then 't is serious enough I believe. Woe is me, I can only provide an advise and a hug...
  21. *watches how @ZethaPonderer boops his own pillow through his sleep, thinking it's her snoot* *lets out a benevolent smile*
  22. ^ Greetings! Thou hath left thy coffee grinder by mishap at mine study last night... *teleports the grinder back to @CypherHoof* Mine endless gratitude for the coffee, truly wondrous 't was!!!
  23. *boops @Deae Rising Shine~ once more laughing maniacally* Tis cause I can!
  24. *tickles hamster hind paws with a feather* Giggle-snort! *prepares to boop @ZethaPonderer upon waking*
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