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Everything posted by Alexshy

  1. *Poof!* Thou comest, me boopeth! *boops @strongwilled_pegasus @Snow @Lucky Bolt @The Cerberus @Fluttershy Friend @KirbyFluttershy @Wolfgrel @Totally Lyra @Mirage77 @Luna @GrimGrimoire @Libra* *a few Feathers of Boop reach Tia's nose, she sneezes*
  2. Aching head after sleep speaketh 'bout viral nature of thy sickness, if 't be true thou askest. Dost not forget to mention thy headaches to the medic, at which hour thou art taken to one. *slightly boops @Holiday Agnaktor* *boops @Mesme Rize* I'm not Twilight, not afraid of sneks... moreover ponesneks for that matter
  3. ^ Hast thou waken with a headache by a mishap? *boops ever so lightly*
  4. Hmmm... If 't be true I'm allowed in her cottage, I'd say, screw the Gala, I shall rather stay at her place with her obviously. The Gala is okay likewise, of course.
  5. *hiccup* Apologies! After the spanking by Tia 1K years ere, thou shalt expect no other reaction to a tiny fifty Mton boop bomb *boops back magically*
  6. *reboops @Holiday Agnaktor, offers hankerchief* *boops @Steiner not to alienate*
  7. ^ I stick to mine point, thou shalt consult a medic. An adequate one, preferably, not one shooing patients away, telling them, they are fine
  8. I would without a second thought. But the poroblem is - she hath only one ticket, doth she not?
  9. *gently boops @Holiday Agnaktor, checks temperature* Stay strong, mine friend, even the best of the best feel sick oft. *rests after all the writing and booping* Suggestive Whose boop hath befallen on mine snoot?! *feathery boop coming thy way @Fluttershy Friend and a hug for amazing picture* Ha-ha, morning reboop... in addition to coffee! *sends Feathers of Boop to @GrimGrimoire @Sparklefan1234 @Prospekt @Rikifive @CypherHoof (I extend mine hope, our coffee last night hath messed with thy sleep not) @Wolfgrel (TeeHee!) @Lucky Bolt * Therefore I can!
  10. @Mirage77 /) We are many, we are one, the name is Legion! *boops* *boops @Wolfgrel gently, not to wake completely* Finally, thou art hither, mine friend! Dost fight 't not - the kingdom of dreams awaits!
  11. "The Guardian" update will be up most likely at the full moon! Tis sayeth - Sep, 9th... or night after.

  12. Really? So this is why the train hath moved that fast last time I used 't to get to Crystal Empire. Tia was right, advising me to enjoy the sights instead of plain teleporting, 't was fast enough, compared to travels ere.
  13. And a remote. Tis new technology is fascinating, back on Moon I hath had nothing like this! @CypherHoof More sugar?
  14. We keep the secrets of the Moon Crown *giggles like a school filly* Seriously, simply some older than me (surprise!) photoshop teleporting magic and ye all set!
  15. *ponders, if a few minutes is enough to grind some coffee beans* Nah, I have no patience... Tia scolds me for that oft *sighs* So, wish granted *poof!* *teleports @CypherHoof to her study with ground coffee... and the grinder* Oh, mine apologies... It's not a problem to return thee with thy stuff later though. *in a few minutes in Canterlot Castle* *waves hoof to @Holiday Agnaktor* May the Night bless thy travel through mine land of Dreams. And get well, valorous sir!!!
  16. No problems. I shall clean non-royal paper mess and put the "Don't disturb" sign for Tia *boops @Meson Bolt casually*
  17. Ouch! *rubs nose, booped by @Fluttershy Friend and then @Totally Lyra* @CypherHoof What about thee taking thy wondrous coffee brands and me teleporting thee here? Methinks mine study can serve a fancy place for a late coffee break *boops @Fluttershy Friend and @Totally Lyra, while waiting for an answer*
  18. *boops @maris99 and hugs* I shall cuddle thee so hard! *huffs at @Holiday Agnaktor's "doctors" in the best signature Ms.Harshwhinny's style* Hmpf! *boops @WiiGuy2014 and @Vulon Bii for the company* The writing keepeth me tied to place, in the earnest... <.< >.> and the search for suitable image
  19. ^ Thou shalt see a medic forsooth, especially if 't be true thou hast high temperature accompanying the rest of thy misery.
  20. *boops @Holiday Agnaktor ever so gently, remembering about the sickness* How beest thee, mine friend? *offers warm milk with honey*
  21. *Poof!* Huzzah! A booping break from mine writing! *frantically boops @Lunar Echo@Mirage77@Luna @Baby Dashie@Rikifive @Princess Aurora Wolf @Sparklefan1234 @Totally Lyra @Hierok @CypherHoof @Stormfury and @Wolfgrel* Now to make some coffee and back writing! I said back writing, equestrian astronaut by mishap!!! *Poof!*
  22. *Poof!* *boops @Snow @Deae Rising Shine~* *pretends to never appear here* *poof!* Back to writing!
  23. ^ Simply dost not forget to ventilate the room oft, at which hour thou art not thither. No fresh air is equally bad as getting blown by the strong draught. *returns the boop softly, not to disturb or hurt the sniffing snoot*
  24. @Holiday Agnaktor Thou shalt avoid draughts, yet ventilate thy room oft, just get somewhere else during the process. Get some antiseptic and soothing rinsing for thy throat, avoid cold and extremely hot food and drinks. And consult a local medic to exclude bronchitis or pneumonia. Besides, considering thy symptoms, the sickness could be of viral, not bacterial nature (if 't be true thou dost have running nose and/or much expectoration not, tis speaketh for the viral variant), thus demanding for different treatment.
  25. *boops @Holiday Agnaktor* And what are thy symptoms exactly, mine friend? *boops @Rikifive* Mine best wishes upon thee and thy MLP game project! *boops @Sparklefan1234 @Fluttershy Friend @Prospekt @Totally Lyra @Mesme Rize @Buffy and @Wolfgrel* *scolds self* Now back to writing, thou lazy waxblot butt!!!
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