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Status Updates posted by MissDiamond

  1. Today I've been 1 hour earlier at my university. I don't know what I was thinking..... 


    I seriously don't know what I was thinking. :/ 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MissDiamond


      I already am a nice student, but the university I go is only 10 mins from my house so I really didn't need to be there at 1:00 pm instead of 2:00 pm xD I guess I misread the clock xD

    3. Lightwing


      Kek, mine is like 30-35 minutes away (you lucky), so I have to walk and be early either way. But still, gotta keep the image of nice student, because... I don't know :U

    4. MissDiamond


      You're right! I never in my life have intended to run away from the school. I loved being in there even though I had assholes and idiots in the classroom. And those assholes I say... Made my time exactly what I wanted to be. Thanks to them and the time spent in there(middle school), I was really enjoying the time in it. 

  2. Oh look, I finished the Flutterpiece :P It's shitty. I don't like the BG, as promised. I told you that already. Drawing any kind of BG is my worst nightmare. So I don't want to bother with BG. I m rolling with it. 


    1. Zachary


      It look so Awesome!

      Great Work!

    2. MissDiamond


      Thanks, man! I promised I'd post it even though it kinda looks lazy :P

  3. Hey, I like your new avatar x3 

  4. I seriously hope to find a better resolution picture of snow in the next couple of days since I am a huge fan of coldness, snow and ice and I really wish the pictures are not in .JPEG format -.- Every single one I found was in the mentioned format. -.- 

  5. Love it when you're bored so  you decide to torture yourself with random crap from non-secure sites to download malwares so stubborn that you cannot remove it for 2 months. 

    Also, my damned antivirus said that every single malware tool is a virus and instantly remove it. It removes them even if I turn it off LOL. 

    1. Crypty Scribbles

      Crypty Scribbles

      It takes care about you. So sweet =3

    2. MissDiamond


      Maybe that's true, but I didn't want antivirus to delete the tool I intended to use! xD 

  6. I have some unfinished MLP drawing to do and hopefully I will finish it on time :< If I don't, I m sure I will stop with the project :< 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MissDiamond


      Thanks, man! I m currently working on a FlutterPie piece(I am not good with the background, I think I will leave it blank, because I suck drawing it :P )

    3. Zachary


      I'm Looking forward to seeing it your arts, It will be Awesome!

    4. MissDiamond


      thank you!

  7. Pony OC - Frost Bitepony_oc___frost_bite_by_lifedragon17-db3

    1. Zachary


      It looks so Cool!

    2. MissDiamond
    3. Zachary


      No Problem! :D

  8. Hello!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MissDiamond


      So, you're a Rarity fan too, huh? :) She's quite underappreciated pony. May I know the reasons why you like her? I can tell you mine :)


    3. Zachary


      Yep, I a Huge fan of Rarity from Day 1 and She is Really Beautiful, I really Love her Episodes (expect for Simple Ways, Pony Point of View and The Cart Before Ponies), and She is Fabulous, The Best Pony Ever, Her Accent is Fabulous and her Singing Voice is so Fabulous!

    4. MissDiamond


      I know! Usually the episodes with Rarity are quite amusing... My reason(s) why I love Rarity is because she's quite talented and she's dedicated to her job and she usually knows how to deal with people(getting everything she wants + she's so beautiful, qute a manipulation there, which is a big + for her in my point of view). She is a smart pony, she's very generous but she can act really childlish sometimes(Simple ways, for example), but no matter how bad it is, she'll...

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