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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. 8 minutes ago, Rhapsody said:

    Hmmm... I'm not so sure how I feel about a pony kissing a human cheerleader... that seems awkward... :blink:


    It's ok, she's a ghost!



    9 minutes ago, Stickman, The Legend said:

    Excuse me? Everyone loves my avatar.


    Nuu! It's so scary with that creepy facial expression! Q.Q

  2. 1 minute ago, Zipphy said:

    Damn, those cringey things were funny though.

    Alicorn twilight makes me want to vomit, soooooo

    And plus I feel like they wrapped too many things up (like twilight's progression, like she becomes an alicorn? Wasn't the whole point of the show simply her trying to discover all the elements and study them and all that jazz? Now she seems completed and IMO the interest for me ahs tanked. Also, the movie...eugh. Is that guy she found in the human universe still around? Forget his name...

    All I can say is: eugh


    Oh boy, well... I can certainly tell you that they have not "wrapped too many things up" xD The lore has gotten crazy interesting; I hesitate to reveal anything as experiencing it first hand is an unparalleled... well, experience >.> I honestly wish I could erase my memory of the past 3 seasons just so I could watch it all over again and have the same awesome "holy crap" moments as the first time around Q.Q

    Let's see, I believe you are referring to Flash Sentry? The "guy she found in the human universe". I am assuming that is who you are talking about lol. Well, yes, Flash has made multiple appearances since the first Equestria Girls movie. The sequels Rainbow Rocks and Friendship Games actually managed to be quite enjoyable despite the first film really disappointing on all fronts. I highly suggest giving those a watch after you finish season 4. However, Legend of the Everfree... the 4th EQG movie... oh God is it bad >.<

    Man, I have so much temptation to post something for you from the seasons you missed out on; it's so damn hard to resist!

    Oh btw, we are getting a legit CANON MLP:FiM movie this October. And its NOT about humans for once! AND its full feature film length too! \(^o^)/

    • Brohoof 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Zipphy said:

    If you're like me, you remember a lovely community surrounding an even more enchanting show. I left the community shortly after the horrendous season 4 opening (Twilight becoming an alicorn and the resulting squawks of Deviant Art OC maniacs rejoicing over it turned me off). I stropped watching the show and cut ties. Shortly after that I began to see less and less bronies online (youtube comment section, on steam, etc). I sort of forgot the community had existed and a fit of curiosity has overtaken me. Is this community still alive and active? Obviously not AS active as it was in 2010-2014, but is it still alive? I noticed a lot of Ponystep (back in my day we called them that) artists have stopped producing MLP content--which is fine--it just seems that no one has taken their place. Maybe the decline of Dubstep popularity also contributed, I don't know. I just see less and less fan content. So how is this community?


    LOL, the season 4 two parter was amazing imo xD Second only to the immaculate Return of Harmony...

    The community hasn't gotten much more cringe-worthy since the end of season 2 so there is that to "look forward(?)" to I suppose. Of course things are less active as bronies jumped ship in at the end of season 3 what with the advent of beautiful fluffy winged purplesmart and High School Musical: the Animated Series.

    And yes, awesome musical artists like Alex S. up and ditched the entire brony community after getting picked up by the agents in the professional music scene.


    So, what's left of MLP:FiM? Well.... 

    #1 The show has gotten WAY better than it used to be (in terms of writing, character development, and more mature thematic elements incorporated into the plotlines)

    #2  The bronies have gotten far less obnoxiously loud and annoying on the internet (so, not many recent facepalm inducing ventures like in the "good old days" of bronies walking through fast food chains singing Winter Wrap Up without a care in the world *smh*)

    #3 Bronies are still 100% as easy to offend as before, so enjoy the veritable goldmine of trolling opportunity =^-^=

    #4 OMFG the Cutie Mark Crusaders finally got their CUTIE MARKS! HOLY SHIT WTF HAX!? *spoilers  ( -.-)/)

    #5 We got a new Mane cast member and she is OP as fuck >.> Srsly, dude, power through season 4 just so you can watch season 5 in all its glory *o*


    Hmm. Oh I knew I was forgetting something. Welcome to MLP Forums. /)^3^(\

    • Brohoof 4
  4. Still one of the only ships I can actually support =^-^=

    I really, really do hope they go somewhere with it eventually. Artistic expression should not be suppressed by fans of the show. It was clear in the first EQG that they wanted to build up a proper romantic relationship, perhaps spanning several seasons. I understand many people found Flash Sentry offputting in EQG1 as he was kinda a cardboard cutout type of character. BUT he has gotten so much better, especially with Legend of Everfree (his characterizations being one of the ONLY things I actually liked about that movie, might I add -.-).


  5. I don't know if I'd say I feel "embarrassed" exactly. But it certainly makes me feel uncomfortable :/ Like, I cannot enjoy myself fully while playing videogames in public, so I usually save the more "fun" parts of the games I play for when I'm alone all snuggled up cozy in my room =^-^=

    Public gaming sessions are perfect for getting "work" done; i.e. grinding/ farming lol

  6. Just now, Whompy Whomperson said:

    I mean, I love Cordelia, Tharja, Lucina and Cherche so I can't complain too much, but I was still kinda hoping for some of my PoR faves to show up too like Haar or the Black Knight

    I'm betting on a direct sequel to this game within a few years. It seems like a very "Nintendo" thing to do :o 

    They'll prolly string fans along like "Oh if this game sells well, we might just make a sequel and include the characters from fan favorite Fire Emblem games". Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they made a new poll like the old Smash Ballot >.>

  7. 5 minutes ago, Whompy Whomperson said:

    I'm not a fan of this game sticking mostly to FE1, Awakening, and Fates(and this comes from someone who considers Awakening their favorite)

    Like, the series has a massive cast of characters, so for them to only stick to those three seems incredibly dumb. I mean, will at least the other Smash Lords like Ike and Roy make an appearance?


    Honestly, the only reason I'm happy about it is due to the likelihood of my all time favorite characters: like Nowi and Gaius being playable.

    I certainly wouldn't mind some characters from The Sacred Stones being in here, Lute, Marisa, Joshua, Colm, among many others:



    ^What a wonderful roster just that game alone would provide *-*


    But still, even with only Awakening and Fates, we have such a wonderful level of diversity :o Remember, child characters from those games will likely come into play too, thereby expanding the roster even further! As long as we get great weapon/ character diversity (no more Sm4sh lost potential with every damn character being a blue haired swordsman outside of Corrin).


  8. Wow, you're done with Equestria Girls just from the newest iteration? :o  I express disbelief at this considering the fact that you have an EQG avatar.

    I mean, I thought Legend of Everfree was atrocious, but it's not making me quit EQG as a whole >.>

  9. Just now, Kyoshi said:

    Car exhaust is damaging, that's obvious, not sure why you brought it up. That goes outside, in the open air, which is at least better than someone smoking in a house when there are people that don't smoke. It is bullshit. And the 'few' people? Many, many people smoke. Most do it without a care in the world too. Speaking of the car exhaust thing, one thing we can say is that at least cars have a point. They are useful, the smoke from them is a sad side effect. Smoking accomplishes absolutely nothing. It wastes money, hurts the smoker and more importantly, those around them. Cigarettes are an abomination and the fact that nobody cares makes it all worse.


    Well, car exhaust can very easily waft its way indoors too, ya know :o And, unless you avoid the outdoors like the plague (which admittedly I do on occasion) it is still quite a big issue whilst walking around, building to building, or what have you.

    I agree that cigarettes pretty much have no purpose other than mollifying the cravings of the smoker. And I certainly have little to no respect for those smokers who subject others unwillingly to their second hand smoke. Within a family, it would be at its very worst since you have no say in what your father does, and he will likely whoop your ass if you complain. It's kinda like a mild type of child abuse come to think of it.

    Regardless, smoking cigarettes can be very destructive, and people of today have no problem shoving it down your throat how bad cigarettes are. But, I see the exact opposite attitude toward smoking marijuana. I understand cannabis brings with it various health benefits for the person smoking, but it still wreaks havoc on the lungs of both the person smoking and people receiving second hand smoke from it just like cigarettes. Now, obviously people smoking cigarettes are more likely to do so in front of other people who do not smoke, as opposed to smokers of marijuana. But I still feel like it is worth mentioning, as the double standard is what bothers me the most.

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