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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. 7 minutes ago, Envy said:

    Mario and Luigi Superstar remake

    Oh God i really hope so....

    That was such a fucking good RPG. I didn't like Partners in Time, Bowsers Inside Story, or any of the crappy 3ds attempts very much, but man, oh man did that first one captivate me *-* Superstar Saga was better than Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, in my honest opinion. :o 



  2. 2 minutes ago, Celli said:

    Um, have you played Doom before? It's not your typical CoD. In fact were it not for Doom, you wouldn't have your bioshock.

    I actually don't like Bioshock (just Bioshock 2 lol). Since the Levine left the project that pretty much confirms the lead devs would be the same ones behind Bioshock 2 if we were going to get a new Bioshock game.

    Now, I must admit, no I have never played any of the Doom games. When I was a kid in the 90s, I liked playing stuff like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Sonic, Spyro, etc. Shooters were mostly dark and depressing, something I couldn't stand at that point. And honestly, I still kinda feel that way. Although I am perfectly capable of playing a darker toned game if it interests me enough. With Doom, I see linear boring gameplay. I'm sure there is visceral, highly responsive shooting and enjoyable pacing etc, but with this genre I can only enjoy myself so much.

    I can count the FPS games I have truly enjoyed on one hand: Fallout 3, Bioshock 2, Call of Duty Black Ops Zombie mode (yes only the Zombie mode the rest bored me to death D:), aaaand that is it I think ._.  Halo 5's campaign was fun for some quick "shooty shooty bang bang" but it left me feeling overall very underwhelmed (and yes I played it on Legendary) 

  3. 1 minute ago, Vulon Bii said:

    Bethesda usually has something awesome to show off when they show up. I remember when they showed Doom back in 2015, and them last year, Quake Champions. I personally am hoping for a new Elder Scrolls. Not an expansion to the online game, a brand new one. Hopefully on a new engine...

    Bleh. FPS's don't really interest me anymore. Unless we get a legit Bioshock 4 from 2k Marin (Bioshock 2 was always my fav <3  F*ck the overrated pieces of crap that are Bioshock 1 and Infinite -.-).

    Bethesda won me over with Oblivion and Fallout 3, but Skyrim and Fallout 4 have lowered my expectations for their future RPGs so damn much that I simply cannot get excited for a potential Elder Scrolls 6. Maybe they can surprise me, only time will tell. Although, I gotta admit, the trailer for Fallout 4 made me think it was actually going to be good ;_;

  4. 1 minute ago, cmarston1 said:

    Fluttershy was definitely at her all time best during Flutter Brutter which is why I really do like the episode.

    And I guess I would have to go with Putting Your Hoof Down for the worst portrayal of Fluttershy, even if I don't really dislike the episode.


    Wow, I actually think Putting Your Hoof Down was one of her better characterizations while Flutter Brutter was her all time worst :o 

    Both episodes were kinda mediocre overall tho

  5. 5 minutes ago, VG_Addict said:

    "Prior" excellence in game design? Breath of the Wild got glowing reviews from just about every gaming site out there. 

    They haven't lost their ambition in game design. Again, I point to Splatoon and ARMs. 


    "Nintendo fans of old were forced to master games with crazy difficulty". I don't know if you know this, but games in the NES days were hard because they were short. And a lot of those games had cheap difficulty. 


    As I mentioned in that massive wall of text above, Breath of the Wild IS one of the only recent offerings from Nintendo that were truly ambitious in game design. It's like something straight out of the Gamecube era. Unfortunately, the very Gamecube-like graphics are a bit off-putting considering the game is from 2017 not 2004 lol. But yes, the gameplay aspect does supersede the graphical shortcomings. I just wish the whole package could be free of compromises as I do believe beautiful graphics can vastly enhance immersion in games, especialy in a sandbox game like BotW.


    You point to Splatoon and ARMs?? Are you freaking serious? >.> Both of those games absolutely PALE in comparison to their last new IP from the Gamecube era, Pikmin. Splatoon is a shallow "CoD for kidz!" game pandering to parents who don't want little Jimmy playing overly violent fare like CoD or Battlefield. It had an interesting concept, what with the whole terrain painting mechanic and overall focus on such, but as a cohesive game, the mechanic did little to truely immerse the player in a DEEP experience. It was fun for just killing time; play a few matches of Splatoon for like maybe 2 hours max, then go about your day. With ARMs you've gotta be completely kidding me. The thing looks like a glorified Wii shovelware title. I may not have the game but I have watched countless Gamexplain coverage and it simply looks shallow as all hell; even MORE shallow than Splatoon. >.< I'll admit, the presentation of the game is impressive, but presentation hardly makes a good game (just look at the king of presentation, Kid Icarus Uprising, for comparison). Also, just a quick clarification, "presentation" does not equate to graphical quality. It's more or less the way the game... well "presents" itself to the player. Basically all the stuff surrounding the game seems polished, but even a well polished turd still stinks pretty bad Dx


    Nintendo games of old were hard. All of them were at least harder than Nintendo's recent offerings. Completing a legit hard game on the NES made for such a rewarding experience. It doesn't matter what the reason was for the games being hard, the fact is that the extra difficulty added and extra layer to the gameplay, thereby creating a far more immersive overall experience. Do I think hard automatically equals "good"? Hell no. But many more challenging titles on the NES were actually legitimately well designed games. Tight controls, fun varied level design, interesting gameplay mechanics, 2D platformers with some actual exploration... great stuff. Now, I certainly don't consider NES to be Nintendo's best console; not by a long shot. I would say GCN > SNES >> N64 > NES >>>> Wii U >>>>> Wii. <-Of course that is only my opinion =^-^= Many others will tell you the SNES is by far the #1 console Nintendo has ever made.

  6. Just now, VG_Addict said:

    The point was that people don't play Pokemon for its graphics. 


    People don't play GAMES in general merely for graphics. That can be used as an all encompassing statement. Increase in graphical quality is EXPECTED. Otherwise the developers appear lazy.

    People play games for the gameplay. And Pokemon's mainline series' performance has been absolutely abhorrent in that category for quite awhile now. Remember the awesome breeding system introduced in Gen 2? Remember the crazy in depth post game content ala the Battle Frontier in Emerald? These were TRUE innovations. The only thing Pokemon has improved upon since then have been minor things like adding a Physical/ Special ATK split for attacks of all types and making EV training slightly more tolerable (albeit wonky as all hell).

    If a series stays stagnant over the course of so many years, how can you blame the fans for no longer enjoying it? We long time Nintendo gamers have been playing these games since the 90s. Whats even funnier is back then each new installment brought huge changes to both gameplay systems and graphics. If you wanna look at it in a negative light I suppose you could say we Old School Nintendo fans were "spoiled" by Nintendo's prior excellence in game design. Being the "spoiled" gamers we are, we expect more from the company that "spoiled" us to begin with :o 

    For further clarification and disambiguation, may I refer you to a little chat I had with a fellow member of these fine forums:





  7. On June 6, 2017 at 0:54 PM, VG_Addict said:

    I guarantee that if Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon were announced for Switch, you people would bitch about having to buy a Switch just for upgraded versions of Sun and Moon. 

    If the games featured a significant graphical overhaul I highly doubt anyone would "bitch" about it. There would be so much hype, it would be inconceivable.




    ^The problem is that good graphics cost both time and money; and Nintendo/ Game Freak has proven they are not willing to put those resources into making quality games (with the exception of very rare occasions).

    The last Nintendo game I have played which I thought was NOT compromised from either a gameplay or graphical standpoint was Xenoblade Chronicles X and that wasn't even made by Nintendo or The Pokemon Company. If we count games made directly by 1st party Nintendo, I think the last title was maybe Pikmin 3, and before that a HUGE jump all the way back to the Gamecube era.  For Pokemon it would be either Pokemon Colosseum or Pokemon Emerald. Pokepark looked pretty nice for the lackluster hardware of the original Wii I'll admit, but the gameplay left much to be desired.

    I want Nintendo games to both look great and play awesome. We need much more powerful hardware, passionate artists, and AMBITIOUS developers to get Nintendo back up to their throne of gaming divinity. Complex gameplay mechanics, more complex and nuanced controllers. No more of this oversimplification of their mainline offerings. Deep, rewarding gameplay systems are what is needed most egregiously. Nintendo used to set standards with innovations like the analogue stick and analogue triggers; now they grasp at straws for relevancy among the casual/ non gaming markets, while stabbing all their long time supporters in the back. 

    I dream of the day Nintendo rises back to the top through INTEGRITY and AMBITION instead of forever wallowing in gimmicks and shitty business practices 

    ( -.-)/)

  8. My hype levels are practically nonexistent.

    The only way this could possibly get me hyped is by confirming the inevitable Switch Pokemon RPG will NOT be a spin off of the (rather lackluster) Generation 7 games. I'm hoping for something like Pokemon Colosseum, but an actual FULL Pokemon experience this time. Maybe a little less drab graphics too lol.

    The Pokemon models on Pokken Tournament look great. I am expecting every Pokemon to have a model like that in the Switch game.


    • Brohoof 2
  9. 4 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

    I know many people feel so excitement for E3 these days and I don't blame them. However, I always find myself getting excited regardless. The feeling of new games being announced and that the whole show is like a celebration of gaming, which I love, even with the corporate tomfoolery. The only show I majorly care about is Xbox, but I am curious if Nintendo does anything at all this year, let alone anything worthwhile.

    I am looking forward to the show. *grabs pizza and drinks in anticipation* 


    Microsoft is gonna need to pull a rabbit out of a hat in order to regain my interest :o All of their IPs are insanely stagnant imo. I used to love Gears of War and Halo back when I was an edgy teenager, but nowadays generic alien shooters just bore the crap outta me. I'll say this; if Microsoft busts out a Forza Horizon 4 or Sunset Overdrive 2 running at native 4k 60 fps on Scorpio I will lose my shit o,o

    Sony is what has me most interested. They have had blockbuster hit after blockbuster hit with The Last Guardian -> Horizon Zero Dawn -> NieR:Automata (only progressively getting better, might I add). Surely they wont have anything on par with those games but I can dream! *-* The Last of Us is crap; don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. I see no reason to be excited for TLoU 2. Same goes for that new God of War... just eww. As long as Sony brings the hard hitting Japanese "AAA"s, I'll likely be satisfied, but I'm honestly hoping for something to get me excited (Oh God a Spyro compilation HD remake ala Crash Bandicoot would be AMAZING! Q.Q Yes, I know I'm setting myself up for disappointment)

    Nintendo will focus on Super Mario Odyssey, which makes me happy. I really hope there are way more than 4 worlds as Gamexplain's Andre theorized. I'm just so glad Nintendo finally went back to the old 64/ Sunshine format (I personally could never really enjoy the more linear 3D Mario games as they felt very boring and tedious to me). Hoping Xenoblade 2 ends up a worthy successor to the immaculate Xenoblade Chronicles X, but I'm expecting something inferior to even the original Xenoblade. Pikmin 4 would be great. I'd love to see more of the roster from Fire Emblem Warriors (hopefully some Nowi gameplay <33). Oh a new F-Zero would be insane. And a new 3D Kirby game. And soo much other damn stuffs that I wish Nintendo would release! >.< They have all the IPs I am interested in, all I can do is wait until they actually DO something with them! T^T


    Bethesda, Ubisoft, etc... I just don't care lmao

  10. 7 minutes ago, driz said:

    Also at the end of The Thousand Years Door, on the last boss' second phase, when you're left at the brink of death and suddenly everyone you've ever met in the game starts cheering you on through the crystal stars... That was one hell of an emotional moment for me back when I first beat the game, and it still kinda hits me to this day.

    Hmm, just reminded me of something else...


    • Brohoof 2
  11. Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen. The true ending. Took me like 300+ hours to get there (since I was busy doing SOOOO many other things in the game I didn't want to just rush through it =^-^=).

    You essentially become God, not just in a cutscene, but actual gameplay-wise too. And then you have to kill yourself. It was crazy af. Very existential and philosophical climax. Really made you reflect on the journey of getting to that point :o  Very surprising considering how mundane the rest of Dragon's Dogma's storyline was (go fetch this here, go kill that there, slay the dragon, blah, blah, blah)

  12. 1 hour ago, VG_Addict said:

    Also, why the fuck wouldn't Nintendo charge for the games? They're not running a charity. 


    ^EXACTLY. Nintendo is running a BUSINESS. They are SELLING their products. Fans cannot use the accusation of "entitlement" to discourage consumers from expressing discontent with their current offerings. As I stated above:


    2 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:

    It really sickens me to see people constantly defending a company's shortcomings. If Nintendo was a non-profit organization and they released all their games for free, it would be a different story, but they are charging people to play these games, and the stupid corporate slaves oftentimes settle for mediocrity and (somehow) hype it up. Then if you express dissatisfaction with the company in question, the fanboys will defend the company like they are a freaking family member.

    New flash, Nintendo apologists: Entitlement does not EXIST within the realm of consumable goods. It is the consumers' collective obligation to demand excellence in the products they consume. No consumer should make excuses for a company's shortcomings and attempt to suppress negative feedback -.- I say this whilst being a huge Nintendo fan myself, as close to 90% of all the treasured videogame memories from my childhood are a direct result of playing Nintendo games. :o 


  13. 36 minutes ago, VG_Addict said:

    Since when have Pokemon games been known for their graphics?

    Extremely detailed animated sprites on Crystal:


    ^Pixel placement used to be expertly planned out too.  As opposed to the more lazy sprite design of the later games


    Ruby, Sapphire, and Emeralds BEAUTIFUL overworld sprite artwork that still looks good today:





    ^Wonderfully animated flourishes that brought the game to life. Clouds drifting across the reflections of bodies of water and puddles, REMEMBER all this was on the GBA! The amount of work they did with the little they had in terms of graphical capability was astonishing!


    Then you had the extremely detailed full sized Berry sprite art in Ruby and Sapphire



    ^In subsequent games the berry sprite work was vastly neutered as the resolution was greatly reduced despite the overall res for the games being increased -.-


    It just goes to show wonders can be accomplished even on lackluster hardware. Gamefreak simply isn't even trying anymore. They know their sheeplike fans will eat it up regardless of how little effort they put in. And that mentality carries over to modern day Nintendo as a whole.

    • Brohoof 1
  14. Wow, talk about disappointing -.- 

    As soon as I saw that the main announcement was about Pokken I was like "Oh please let Meloetta be playable this time, oh PLEASE!" <-- As that would have been pretty much the only thing that could possibly get me even slightly excited for Pokken Tournament. Of course, that didn't happen lol.

    Then came Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon... REALLY?? This was just plain facepalm-worthy. Those new legendaries look atrocious, once again the graphics are complete shit, and no Switch upgraded version in sight. Ugh!

    Pokemon Gold and Silver are nice to have (it was something I wished for like a year ago) but now I just find it too little, too late. Also, wtf, no Crystal?? Crystal was always my fav >.< I don't see why they'd skip Crystal when they offered Yellow alongside Red and Blue/Green last time >:T

    Anyway here, take a gander for yourselves:


    ^I was anticipating a bunch of Nintendrones damage controlling while simultaneously trying to "hype up" these reveals, so I went into the comment section of the English video and saw something that quite surprised me:



    ^ I am so glad to see the sheep are finally waking up.

    It really sickens me to see people constantly defending a company's shortcomings. If Nintendo was a non-profit organization and they released all their games for free, it would be a different story, but they are charging people to play these games, and the stupid corporate slaves oftentimes settle for mediocrity and (somehow) hype it up. Then if you express dissatisfaction with the company in question, the fanboys will defend the company like they are a freaking family member.

    New flash, Nintendo apologists: Entitlement does not EXIST within the realm of consumable goods. It is the consumers' collective obligation to demand excellence in the products they consume. No consumer should make excuses for a company's shortcomings and attempt to suppress negative feedback -.- I say this whilst being a huge Nintendo fan myself, as close to 90% of all the treasured videogame memories from my childhood are a direct result of playing Nintendo games. :o 

    In case you need more proof, here are my top ten games of all time (which I compiled a few months ago after many rigorous hours of elimination):

    1. Super Mario Sunshine                         10/10
    2. Shadow of the Colossus                      9.9/10
    3. Xenoblade Chronicles X                      9.85/10
    4. Super Mario World                               9.6/10
    5. Pikmin (1)                                             9.55/10
    6. Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker              9.5/10
    7. NieR: Automata                                    9.5/10
    8. Super Smash Bros. Melee                   9.3/10
    9. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island    9.25/10
    10. The Dark Spire                                     9.2/10

                      ^Only 2 of which are not Nintendo exclusive games. 


    Anyway, what do you guys think of all this? The Direct, Nintendo's recent laziness, fanboys damage controlling; the whole works.

    • Brohoof 2
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