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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. 5 minutes ago, Envy said:

    A bit harsh. Sure, Metroid fans would have loved a Metroid Prime 4 trailer. However, the series was hanging in the balance all by itself, so just announcing that Metroid Prime 4 is coming out is a big deal.

    Well, I'm sure for many fans it IS a big deal. I'm not going to deny that. But the lack of anything concrete and then a shabby looking portable game on a dying platform is not something to inspire confidence, in all honesty lol

  2. 22 minutes ago, Celli said:

    Just because it was painful to you doesn't mean Nintendo is a terrible company for doing so. And it's the way you present your opinions. Adding xD to every negative thing you say makes you sound condescending.

    How does an emoticon like "xD" translate to condescending? Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to me. "xD" is the type of thing I'd see giddy anime fans spamming in Youtube comments sections back in like 2007... how exactly is that condescending? >.>

    Well, my opinion would be they are indeed a terrible company (nowadays, anyway). If it is your opinion that they aren't then you are perfectly entitled to that opinion too; don't go telling me my opinion is "wrong" though. If Nintendo put the same creative passion and effort you see in games like Breath of the Wild or Super Mario Odyssey into ALL of their mainline franchises, I would agree that Nintendo is still great (even despite the graphics being lackluster). Gameplay is paramount; but Nintendo has proven to me time and time again that they prioritize simplifying gameplay for more "casual" experiences over making deep, rewarding, and immersive ones. The latest Zelda and Mario seem to be mere flukes at this point (I would LOVE to have Nintendo prove me wrong though).

  3. 1 minute ago, The Undefeated of the East said:

    2 legit Metroid games fans have been begging for is a slap in the face to fans?

    ^One with horrendous graphics on the 3DS (Which, by the way, WASNT shown at their Spotlight event so it does not count) and one that we got absolutely NO gamplay of ? Yeah, sounds like a pretty big slap in the face to me -.-)

    Nintendo's Spotlight was obscenely insulting, not just the normal levels of insult exhibited in, say, Sony's conference. At least with Sony, you could legit tell they put in a hella effort and money into everything they showed off. With Nintendo it's like they just don't care.

  4. 8 minutes ago, Celli said:

    @K.Rool Addict You can go about expressing your opinions in a better way, bub. How about starting by dropping the snarky attitude?

    "And lastly... perhaps the biggest most deplorable moment in the entire presentation "

    ^extremely unnecessary.

    ^That moment was extremely emotionally painful to me. It was in every manner of speaking necessary.

    I do not consider my attitude to be "snarky" in the least. I try to conduct myself in an intelligent and articulate manner whilst participating in topics like this and I do not intend this to be taken as snarky or condescending or whatever the extremely thin-skinned youths of today want to call it.


    3 minutes ago, Envy said:

    The Mario & Luigi Superstar remake(?) is real, you all. They're going to talk about in Treehouse next!

    ^Holy shit are you serious? Why the bloody hell didn't they put THAT in the damn spotlight? -.- Welp, g2g and watch this real quick. Smell ya'll later :P 

  5. 2 hours ago, VG_Addict said:

    The creator of the Mother series said there won't be a 4th game. 

    ^Can you provide a source for that please? I genuinely want to know if that claim is legit; it would certainly help mollify my potential disappointments of the future if i knew it plain and simply will never come to fruition.

    2 hours ago, VG_Addict said:

    "Yoshi's Story legacy". What legacy? Yoshi's Island is objectively better in every way. 

    I agree. Yoshi's Island IS objectively better in every way. However, Yoshi's Story is a definite close second, when it comes to games within the Yoshi series. It was also the best 2.5 D platformer I think Nintendo has ever released :o . Of course that is all subjective (as is everything we discuss here lol), I just revelled in the amount of creativity and passion put into the gameplay, graphics, and incredibly funky/ creepy music xD 

    This new Yoshi's Story sequel is a straight up insult to the N64 game though. They took a game with so much creativity and passion and turned into into and toddler pandering soulless cash grab -.- At least that was my impression of it. If Yoshi's Wooly World on Wii U or Yoshi's New Island on 3DS are anything to go by, this game will be a massive disappointment.

    2 hours ago, VG_Addict said:

    I'm starting to think you're just trying to get a rise out of people at this point. You can't possibly be this hard to please.

    ^I can assure you this is not the case. I merely call out bullshit when I see it. No company is above criticism as they all make mistakes, yet fanboys will stick by their favorite company no matter how lackluster their offerings are. This E3? Sony and Nintendo were the guilty parties. Maybe in future E3's Microsoft will be the one at fault (it certainly wouldn't be a first for their company). As you can see here: https://mlpforums.com/topic/167116-microsoft-e3-press-conference-2017/  I am far from impossible to please. Microsoft may have had a mediocre conference, but at least it was not a complete insult like the rest (including EA and Bethesda, btw).

    Inb4 people accuse me of being an Xbox One fanboy despite the fact that I recently sold my freaking Xbone and have never liked ANY of their "exclusives" besides the ONE that they had the fucking GALL to cancel (Scalebound), and the one that was made by an ex Sony 2nd party developer (Sunset Overdrive). Forza Horizon 3 was really good too but I consider that more of a PC game tbh. All the shooters like Halo, Gears of War I couldn't give a damn about. Forza Motorsport sucks. Crackdown has always been trash. Sea of Thieves looks like crap. etc, etc, etc. I don't understand what you people want from me, tbh. It's like I need to just pretend "everything is A-OK" ALLL the time with every company... And if I ever express dissatisfaction with a single company's shortcomings while acknowledging another's triumphs, it makes me a "fanboy" of the latter corporation -.- 

    2 hours ago, The Undefeated of the East said:

    This just makes you sound really unpleasable

    ^Read above paragraph

    2 hours ago, WiiGuy2014 said:

    @K.Rool AddictThat is being very disrespectful to those of us who have been waiting for a real Metroid game in years. 

    ^I do not mean to be disrespectful to anyone who treasures the Metroid franchise as a whole. This is why I said the following in my OP:

    2 hours ago, K.Rool Addict said:

    Metroid may be a fan favorite among many other Nintendo fans, but I have always detested the franchise as a whole. It is simply not to my taste at all. ESPECIALLY the Prime spinoff...

    ^I am not telling fans that they are objectively wrong for having a fondness for the Metroid games, I am merely expressing my own opinion on the series. If you consider people voicing opinions that differ from your own to be "disrespectful" then I think you need to do some serious soul searching. No offense intended.

    2 hours ago, WiiGuy2014 said:

    Besides the music in the reveal was so obviously Metriod Prime Music, not Mother. Mother 3 hasn't even been released in the west, so why would they even be announcing a Mother 4 to America?

    I beg to differ on the music. It sounded like something straight out of Mother 2. Had that "weird" vibe to it. I do not claim to be intimately familiar with Metroid music, but I have heard quite a few songs over the years playing Smash Bros on the N64, Gamecube, Wii, and Wii U and I have never once heard anything that had that "quirky weirdness" sound to it. :o 

    Mother 3 has been out in Japan for over 10 years iirc. It's about time they make a new one (Nintendo usually caters more to their Japanese fanbase anyway, so why would it matter? Mother fans in the west would be ecstatic regardless). Unless, of course, what Vg Addict said was in fact true and the creator doesn't want to do it anymore.


  6. Welp, looks like Microsoft definitely "won" E3 this year. Not that this is saying much since even their conference was "decent" at best. At least it wasn't a slap in the face to longtime fans like the other two conferences. I already sold my fat Xbox One and I have no intention of getting a new one (saving up for a gtx 1070 or 1080 gaming laptop =^-^=)

    Looking forward to playing the following on my Ps4 Pro tho:

    -Shadow of The Colossus Remake

    -Monster Hunter World

    -Kingdom Hearts 3

    -Code Vein

    -DBZ Fighters

    -Ni No Kuni 2


    And looking forward to playing Super Mario Odyssey when the new Switch hardware revision finally comes out (shame there was no word on it at this E3, but that's admittedly asking for a lot since Nintendo just released the system mere months ago)

    It's a shame the non-Japanese devs didn't really bring the heat to this year's E3 at all :o I couldn't find a single western made game that interested me enough to actually wanna buy the game besides Anthem (which is unfortunately a co-op only online experience from what I took away from Microsoft's conference... can anyone potentially correct me if I'm wrong here?)

    Also... where the hell was Red Dead Redemption 2?  o,o  Just realized there was no word on it in any of those conferences...

  7. The purpose of this thread is to discuss Nintendo's 25 minute E3 Spotlight event. Please try to keep conversation civil and posts mature (even though Nintendo is really testing it's long time fans' collective patience with this shit lmao)


    ^Ok, ok, ok. Where do I begin?

    Well lets just say this, if it wasn't for ending the showing with Super Mario Odyssey gameplay, this would have been a 1/10 E3 presentation for me (keep in mind just how utterly disgusted I was at Sony's "5/10 conference", for reference.) -.-

    I really do have to admit, that Super Mario Odyssey is looking more COMPLEX, AMBITIOUS, and just plain FUN than any 1st party Nintendo game released in at least 12 freaking years. So they have my approval of that ONE game.


    Now, literally everything else in this presentation was complete and utter TRASH. They are now disgracing the Yoshi's Story legacy, just as they did with Yoshi's Island on the 3DS. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 looks like a MASSIVE step down from the immaculate Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Wii U; the gameplay of the former being extremely over simplified and streamlined (as usual with Nintendo's bullshit new age philosophy). Graphics also looked considerably worse than X which came out over 3 years ago in Japan. The Kirby game looked like complete rehash shovelware from the original Wii/ 3DS, disgusting that they would do such a thing to my childhood hero's series. Pokemon Switch not coming for a hella long time; no new info or even a trailer. All I can say is it BETTER be a new generation with graphics that take FULL advantage of the Switch's hardware. Fire Emblem Warriors looks like utter garbage. The graphics also look like garbage. UGH, boring character reveals as well (honestly Hyrule Warriors on Wii U looked better than this and that game wasn't even good enough to make me even consider purchasing it). Legend of Zelda DLC was complete garbage as expected. Very little disambiguation on the second DLC pack which is only adding insult to injury considering the first pack's lackluster nature. 

    And lastly... perhaps the biggest most deplorable moment in the entire presentation: https://youtu.be/nFbDmTjS_MI?t=5s



    ^The 4... The illustrious FOUR with strange, creepy, offputting, whilst still being somewhat "quirky" music playing in the background....

    I was like, HOLY SHIT, is it POSSIBLY true? Could it actually be what i think it is!? MOTHER 4 !?!?!? And then... nothing but disappointment. Metroid may be a fan favorite among many other Nintendo fans, but I have always detested the franchise as a whole. It is simply not to my taste at all. ESPECIALLY the Prime spinoff...


    So... what are your thoughts? I honestly feel so disgustingly violated by Nintendo atm, that I am unsure of what i should even do right now


  8. 7 hours ago, Jeric said:

    Not everyone that appreciates depth in game narratives is a new age fan. My first game system was a VCS. I also don't recall many people complaining about the gameplay in Naughty Dog developed games. Last I checked Last of Us and the Uncharted series was well received. I could be wrong. I'm old and senility sets in and all. ;)

    Yeah, "well received" by people more concerned with "cinematic experiences" than actual deep satisfying gameplay -.- It's sad how gaming as a medium is progressing. We got Nintendo making nearly all of their games super shallow with a focus on simplification to draw in non/ casual gamers while simultaneously recycling their triumphs of old ad nauseum. Oh and lets not forget staying behind the technological curve, like 10 freaking years! Then we got Playstation trying to turn all their games into damn movies >.< And Microsoft canceling the few actually decent looking "exclusives" they had -.- There's absolutely no reason to buy an Xbox console unless you're poor af btw, just saying. 

    ^With all of this you'd assume I was a pc gamer.... yet the only computers I have used for the past 4 years have been extremely underpowered Macbook's (12'' and 2010 Air, respectively). I have been a console gamer all my life, and it's sad seeing how regressive things are getting. Sony was the last bastion of competency in the console space, but with this latest E3 they had me so utterly disappointed I actually felt depressed af after watching.

  9. I'm kind of weird lol. I either like to be 100% alone with no other human or animal life even in earshot of me OR I like to be in insanely crowded areas with TONS of other people (like literally hundreds if not thousands) with the spotlight constantly being on me. In other words, I'm a total diva (and self admitted attention whore :P ).

    I absolutely hate going 1-on-1 with another person. The fewer people, the worse; and this goes doubly for making speeches. I would say about 15-20 people is when I begin to feel somewhat comfortable =^-^= When I interact in a social environment, even on the internet, I much, MUCH prefer being able to bounce off several people at once. I love going in game on MMOs and talking about outlandish things in Trade chat since I know the entire population of the game could in fact be reading it at once, and I'll oftentimes get like 10+ people reacting to my shenanigans /)^3^(\ In IRL situations, the awkward silences that pervade 1-on-1 dialogue makes me super uneasy as I feel the need to say something to fill the space xD 

    • Brohoof 1
  10. On June 11, 2017 at 1:16 PM, Kyoshi said:

    I absolutely love bowling, but because of my limited transportation, I can't experience it much. That is why I wish a developer would make a great bowling game for Xbox One. At this point it is like gaming community has no interest in such a thing.

    ^LMAO. Only you could turn a thread asking who likes bowling into an opportunity to talk about Xbox One xDD

    No offense ofc <3

  11. 3 minutes ago, Duality said:

    I have no idea who your fav pony is. :lie:

    Aha! You concede defeat, then! The answer should be obvious considering my avatar:



    Specifically S1 Pinkie is my favorite pony. S2-6 Pinkie are, like, my least fav pony tho Q.Q But I would still accept just "Pinkie" as the correct answer as that would be asking far too much of the person below me :P 


  12. Fair (I'd say around a 5.5/10 to be precise :o I don't really care for the melody or vocal performace. Lyrics and atmosphere are cool tho ^^)

    Crap you sniped me Filly >.<

    Hand for Hoof by zaqho &dnotive


    Whoever goes below me, do both Fillypino and my song lol. I can't listen to his pick atm as my headphones are not available and everyone is sleeping around me lol

  13. Can somebody explain to me why Sony keeps trying to make all their AAA games play/ look like The Last of Us? I mean, I'm sure many "new age" Sony fans are happy about this, considering how they generally tend to prioritize story, characters, cutscenes, emotional moments, and graphics to you know GAMEPLAY, but I cannot help but feeling extremely bitter about the progressively shallow offerings Sony has been churning out. Here's hoping it doesn't get as bad as Nintendo in the future o,o

  14. 14 minutes ago, Celli said:

    But it's being made by Insomniac!

    ^The few parts of that Spiderman that looked decent reminded me of world traversal in Sunset Overdrive. The way you run off the side of buildings and grab the wall with webbing after turning a corner. Also got a slight Hulk Ultimate Destruction(PS2) vibe from it. The overall graphical presentation and animation work looked good too; wish I could say the same for the rest of the game >.< And why for the love of God was there such a focus on quick time events (my dreaded lifelong enemy! Q.Q)


    16 minutes ago, Envy said:

    It is officially going to be 25 minutes, as said by Reggie himself. Source. I guess there will be some announcements at TreeHouse as well. But who wants to watch that? =/

    Pfft, Jesus. Just disappointment after disappointment e.e

    Welp, at least we'll be able to see more of Super Mario Odyssey (here's hoping they confirm there will be more than 4 worlds).

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