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K.Rool Addict

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Posts posted by K.Rool Addict

  1. 5 minutes ago, Steve Piranha said:

    That's how I like my Marios made: on drugs :squee:. Seriously, I thought Miyamoto's days of creativity where over. Recycled ideas everywhere :dry: 

    ^From what I've heard, Miyamoto let a lot of the younger memebers of the team have much more creative freedom with what they could do in Odyssey.

    Check out this interview, btw. Miyamoto details how with the advent of the WIi, the mainline Mario series became more "casual" as the control setup of the Wiimote and nunchuck didn't allow for the complex controls necessary for a proper 3D Mario game:

    ^This was from last year's E3, btw :o I'm just so glad to see Nintendo hasn't forgotten their roots.

  2. Only thing of merit in the entire "conference":


    ^Looks like we'll finally have a return to form for the 3D Super Mario series. Nintendo has been floundering around in mediocrity for far too long: 

    Galaxy - disappointment

    Galaxy 2 -^ ditto

    Super Mario 3D Land - was "ok" for a handheld Mario game, but only just barely

    Super Mario 3D World - was really fun for the first few hours (albeit insanely easy), but in the second half of the game, they just started recycling levels like a mofo. The thematic elements of the levels became super generic too. It's like all that creativity went right down the drain in the second half. Thankfully, they raised the difficulty to a level I'd consider "just right", but even then, better challenge does not compensate for lack of interesting level design :/


    With Odyssey, it seems as though we are finally going back to Nintendo's roots in 3D game design. Super Mario 64 --> Sunshine --> Odyssey. Only time will tell if it can indeed hold up to the lofty heights of game design exhibited by those illustrious titles... from what they are showing us, it looks promising as all hell =^-^=

    Also, with Eiji Aounuma confirming more Zelda games in the future will take direct inspiration from BotW's design philosophy, it seems within the realm of possibility if Super Mario Odyssey receives similar levels of praise / financial success, Nintendo may just make more non-linear mainline Mario games in the future! (\(^o^)/)

    • Brohoof 1
  3. 1 hour ago, BloodDrops said:

    Well lets see

    you got the dad, mum and daughter so that's 33% male audience

    that poll is wrong

    ^You realize "boys" pretty much means anyone under 18, right? I know it's stupid, but that is how these polls tend to classify things. Granted, I was 18 when I started watching MLP in 2011, buuut, so, so many other bronies at the time were around 16-17. Remember how ponies were the "new edgy" thing to be into back then? "Boys" would be on Jewtube looking up BLOPS vids and pmvs pretty much one after the other (I know I was xD). Nazi Zombies and Ponies go together like PB & Jelly :P 



  4. On June 14, 2017 at 10:28 PM, Ponyvilion said:

    In Season 3, Twilight becomes an alicorn, then later after the defeat of Tirek,
    a castle replaces her old library. But even though her friends
    helped in both cases, they don't seem to earn anything themselves. It makes them feel like
    filler characters in my opinion, the only ones that appear important to the story are Starlight Glimmer and Twilight. I think it would have felt better if some of her friends
    lived in Twilights castle too, or if a couple of them were important to saving
    equestria on their own, like what Glimmer went through. I don't think making all of them an alicorn is a good solution though. What do you think?


    ^Here's what I think, OP. 

    All of the Mane6 ponies need to gain the ability to transform into their Rainbow Power ascended forms at will. 


    ^Maybe tone down the designs a tad to make them a little less... well, stupid lol >.> 

    While in these super forms, the ponies obviously gain access to incredible powers unbeknownst to the rest of ponykind! Bring a little more "action" back into the show ala Lauren Faust's original vision. Let the Mane6 traverse the lands outside of Equestria and vanquish evil in their wake. Starlight can maintain the homefront back in Ponyville. Let that basket case relax for once. Spike can accompany her back at the castle and help her calm down using his incredible wit and charisma. We can have all kinds of shenanigans like Spike x Starlight x Big Macintosh DnD sessions, Trixie moseying on through the castle and disorganizing Twilight's book collection, Celestia sending requests for Starlight to take care of in Twilight's absence (and Glim Glim's inevitable panic attacks thereafter)... etc!

    That is my proposition, at least ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • Brohoof 3
  5. Of course, not even Rainbow Dash can compete with this psychopath:



    If Rainbow Dash is on par with kid Goku at the 21st Tenakichi, Maud is like motherfucking Tao Pai Pai

    Of course, this would mean Pinkie Pie should also be of considerable merit

    ^Judging by that, Pinkie should at least have the potential to become on par with Maud's incredible super strength. Couple that factor with her Rainbow Ascended form, and we might just have our most OP Physical attacker on the show :o 

    Power scaling FTW! ( -.-)/)




  6. On June 14, 2017 at 10:14 PM, VG_Addict said:

    Anyone else not as into the show as they were when they started? I've been slowly losing interest in the show since S6.

    Only times I lose interest is when I watch ponies TOO MUCH. Like, sometimes I'll try to marathon all the seasons before starting the latest (not a good idea xD). It tends to burn me out on ponies. Season 6 set up such an interesting new direction; I am quite frankly very excited for season 7. Of course, I have yet to watch any eps of S7 yet, so I cannot judge the quality of the episodes thus far. I would assume watching disappointing episodes in a slow trickle every week would be quite the enthusiasm inhibitor o,o

    I remember I sorta lost interest a little after season 3, since the wait was super duper long and I was busy with lots of University work. But after marathoning the entirety of Season 4 all at once, my interest came back like a monsoon \(^o^)/

    • Brohoof 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Frostgage said:

    What are you going to do tomorrow?


    3 minutes ago, .Wolfe. said:

    What did you like about E3 2017? (If you've seen it)

    5 words:







    Also, Super Mario Odyssey, Monster Hunter World, Code Vein, DBZ Fighters, and Anthem =^-^=



    Why does Sethisto want to touch female dragons in a place or in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable? o,o



    • Brohoof 2
  8. 3 hours ago, Nightmare Muffin said:

    for the longest time, I've been wanting (and trying to) make past gen pony content, like music, and PMV's (I've fond PMV's to be easiest). I enjoy what I do- which is why I do it, but it always feel like the people of g4 do not. Aside from generation mash-ups, can anyone offer some ideas on the type of content that I can do to have others warm up to the idea of past gen pony content a bit more?

    You make pmv's of past generations? o,o

    Why not post some of them in this thread? I wouldn't mind watching. Would be easier to give constructive criticism if we had your prior offerings in this thread =^-^=

    • Brohoof 1
  9. Microsoft. 'nuff said. They were the only ones who brought a proper conference. All the public speakers were spot on, they had proper buildup to each trailer, and kept the bullshit to a minimum (aside from the Forza 7 segment).

    Playstation showed two good games and a bunch of quick time events. Their whole "conference" was a trailer reel and nothing more. I wish I had just watched the Shadow of the Colossus and Monster Hunter trailer by themselves instead of all that other bullshit.

    Nintendo showed one good game, Super Mario Odyssey. Really quite an amazing trailer... but literally everything else shown was trash. 25 minutes ain't a conference, btw

    I won't even mention the other companies as their offerings were far too insignificant to even address.


    So yeah, Microsoft won, but I certainly won't be buying any Xbox games in the future. Already sold my original fat Xbone awhile ago. Not getting the X since it's almost as disappointing as the Pro. I'll be keeping my Pro to play multiplats til I can afford a gaming laptop. I'll wait a few years to get a hardware revised Switch and play all their best offerings including SMO and BotW.

    Microsoft: 7/10

    Sony: 5/10

    Nintendo: 2/10

  10. 1 hour ago, CuriUndersXeno said:

    I Wish an F-Zero would come out, it'd be superb. Gotta go fast!

    Nintendo already has exclusivity to the Fast Racing Neo games... why not outsource development of a new F-Zero game to Shin'en and give them full creative range over the license? :o  I mean, wasn't Sega responsible for development of F-Zero GX? It's not like F-Zero MUST be developed in-house by Nintendo.

    Fast Racing Neo was fun and all, but it didn't really have enough depth to keep me satisfied. Was something I played for like 10 hours and never went back to. The difficulty was perfect, but the racing and progression systems just bored me to death. I like actual incentive to continue playing. Unlock new vehicles and characters, unlock new parts to customize your own vehicle, a freaking story mode! With Fast Racing Neo, it was really just the thrill of the speed (which admittedly looked phenomenal) and the extreme challenge. I guess I shouldn't expect much more from a $15 game lol.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Jeric said:


    ^ I take extreme offense to that

    14 minutes ago, Jeric said:

    K.Rool, that comment you made can be interpreted as if it the OP was expected to be taken as a static op-ed, and not a conversational platform following a solicitation opinions. I'm certain everyone read it correctly, they simply attribute appropriate weight to certain points you made since everything from open to close to title indicated your weighted opinion -- which can lead to the inference that you believe graphics are more important than variable x or y. 

    Take the comments as a challenge to the weighted arguments presented, or craft the OP in a way that such an inference is unlikely. 

    My intention was to share my opinions and invite others to do the same. Not to allow others to attack me with passive aggressive hostility. I think it may be best if I leave these forums, if this is the way I will continue to be treated. 

    People constantly gang up on me trying to either throw personal insults my way, or become hostile merely as a response to me sharing my own viewpoints.

    16 minutes ago, Stormfury said:

    Oh, I'm sorry...forgive my opinion I stated. I don't wanna say the opposite and lie. :P

    ^A perfect example of such. And your "heh" was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.

    I find the way I am mistreated for sharing my own opinions that go against the "norm" to be quite disgusting considering when I disagree with other users, they band together in an effort to hurt me in any way possible. This has happened multiple times within individual users status updates, especially recently.

    I do not appreciate it, and I find it quite deplorable, to be perfectly honest. 

  12. 13 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

    Great gameplay can make up for bad graphics. Great graphics cannot make up for bad gameplay.

    3 minutes ago, Mesme Rize said:

    With that said, i know that good graphics are a really nice touch to certain games, but like  @Kyoshi already said good gameplay can makeup for bad graphics and not the other way around.

    A good example for that, is F-Zero X for the N64...

    ...This is a prime example of graphics don't always make a game.

    I am not trying to say that graphics don't matter, but especially these days graphics can't impress me anymore.

    3 minutes ago, Stormfury said:

    Sounds about right to me! Bad gameplay will bore the crap outta ya! :catface:


    ^All three of you act as if I failed to address this in my OP:


    19 minutes ago, K.Rool Addict said:

    Graphics.... are not as important as gameplay. I fully comprehend that factor. BUT, if a GOOD game has incredible graphics to go along with all the other essentials that indeed make it so good, the graphical aspect does SOOOO much to enhance the experience of playing through it! The immersion is unparalleled :o 

    The reason I'm making this thread, is because time and time again, whenever I get into a discussion or debate about videogames ANYWHERE on the internet, there is always like a group of 3-4 people who make the assertion "Graphics do not matter". They repeat this over and over no matter what argument you give them -.- Idk... if graphics didn't matter, then why the hell don't all games still look like N64 titles? All they need in order to improve the gameplay is higher resolution, higher fps, and higher draw distances. That would be the purest way to "play a game" no doubt. But games are experiences. They are supposed to take you to another world. Not merely be tasks you are supposed to complete. If I'm gonna play a game, I want to enjoy myself. I don't complete games to get paid. I don't complete games to feel a sense of accomplishment. I play them for enjoyment. And graphics, particularly ones of the impressive variety, tend to make great games into amazing experiences.


    • Brohoof 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

    Great gameplay can make up for bad graphics. Great graphics cannot make up for bad gameplay.

    I agree /)^3^(\

    Just look at Rise Son of Rome or The Order 1886... both games with amazing graphics... but unfortunately the gameplay in these titles left much to be desired.

    I wish both amazing graphics and truly immersive / ambitious game design could join together in harmony more often. It is rare that we get a truly groundbreaking game with equally groundbreaking graphics. Super Mario Sunshine is one of the last I can think of. Horizon Zero Dawn was just short in the gameplay department. NieR:Automata and Xenoblade Chronicles X came up short in the graphical aspect. It's like, we as gamers simply are not allowed to have our cake AND eat it too Q.Q

  14. See this video right here:

    ^This video should speak for itself.

    ...but just in case it doesn't, I present to you the following:

    Shadow of the Colossus is my #2 favorite game of all time. I consider it a 9.8/10 "near perfection". This trailer got me more hyped than any other trailer I have seen in the past 10 years of E3 press conferences.

    Now, why am I so hyped? I have played this game countless times in the past. I bought the original release on the PS2 over a decade ago and have played it many times since then. When the PS3 remaster was announced a few years back, I was ecstatic. "How awesome would it be to have one of my favorite games of all time on a PS3!", I thought. "I can't wait to see all the graphical improvements they have made after all these years!". But the game came... and I was disappointed, quite frankly. All it really was, was a higher native resolution, better framerate, and slightly improved texture work. It looked like trash compared to other PS3 games at the time. <- Which stands in stark contrast to how amazingly groundbreaking the original release was back in 2005. There was hardly any other games on the PS2 that could even come close to competing with Shadow of the Colossus in terms of graphics.

    Seeing this new PS4 remake with legit "PS4 quality" graphics completely blew my mind. It communicated to me "Look, we know you old-school Playstation fans are out there, and this is for you". The amount of effort put into those visuals... it makes the whole ordeal EXCITING. It's not just like "Oh here's a game you used to love now with some shitty slapped on bloom filter and better res. Give us $60 please" (looking at you Wind Waker HD >.>). 

    Graphics.... are not as important as gameplay. I fully comprehend that factor. BUT, if a GOOD game has incredible graphics to go along with all the other essentials that indeed make it so good, the graphical aspect does SOOOO much to enhance the experience of playing through it! The immersion is unparalleled :o 

    The reason I'm making this thread, is because time and time again, whenever I get into a discussion or debate about videogames ANYWHERE on the internet, there is always like a group of 3-4 people who make the assertion "Graphics do not matter". They repeat this over and over no matter what argument you give them -.- Idk... if graphics didn't matter, then why the hell don't all games still look like N64 titles? All they need in order to improve the gameplay is higher resolution, higher fps, and higher draw distances. That would be the purest way to "play a game" no doubt. But games are experiences. They are supposed to take you to another world. Not merely be tasks you are supposed to complete. If I'm gonna play a game, I want to enjoy myself. I don't complete games to get paid. I don't complete games to feel a sense of accomplishment. I play them for enjoyment. And graphics, particularly ones of the impressive variety, tend to make great games into amazing experiences.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. =^-^= And please feel free to share your own thoughts. 

    • Brohoof 1
  15. I'm definitely not. Microsoft gives me little reason to get one considering that a high end p.c. (or laptop which I am going to be getting) would basically do everything the Xbox One X does, but far better.

    Now I say this, whilst flat out admitting that Microsoft's E3 conference was bar none, the best conference this year. It wasn't amazing, but it was solid (something I can most assuredly NOT say about Sony, Nintendo, EA, or Bethesda's respective conferences). So, take that however you will, but it just needs to be said lol.

    I still have my Ps4 Pro and I fully intend to buy all of my multiplats there until I can afford my laptop. I will also be looking forward to the only 2 good games shown at Sony's conference; ergo the Shadow of the Colossus remake (hyped af), and Monster Hunter World. And, I will likely get a Nintendo Switch once Nintendo revises their hardware and puts out a "Switch Mini" or "Switch XL" or what have you. Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild are more than enough reason for me to get a Switch, but I'll wait for the revision since I have learned from experience that Nintendo puts out much better constructed hardware in their later revisions of consoles/ handhelds, and by that time, there should be a far bigger library of worthwhile games available on the Switch.

    So yeah, that is my opinion, I hope it does not offend you, Kyoshi -kun <3 I will admit the Xbox One X is very good for the gaming industry as its focus on beefing up hardware will force Sony to bring out the big guns with their PS5. The better hardware we get on the mainline consoles, the more developers can do with that hardware. Progress is always a good thing when it comes to technology, and since most developers prioritize getting their games to run on consoles over high end gaming PCs, this will facilitate more robust and ambitious strides within the console and p.c. gaming spaces when it comes to graphics at least. <- Of course, Nintendo will ignore all of this "graphical nonsense" while continuing to give their fans games that look as though they were released over a decade ago Q.Q

  16. I'm not watching it now! I am far too good for the show! lmao

    Nah, I'm just waiting for all the episodes to come out so I can marathon em all at once.That's what I did with Season 4 and 5 and those were some of the most enjoyable pony watching experiences I have ever had!

    \(^o^)/  < わふ!~


    Also, I have already watched nearly every episode like 5+ times, soooo I don't wanna burn out on poni Q.Q I must persevere and abstain from my pony watching habits in order to maximize my potential enjoyment of season 7 in its entirety!


    • Brohoof 1
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